Chapter 2
A ddi woke up to her tummy growling. Disoriented, it took her a moment to remember where she was. The Castle! Sitting straight up, she looked around and saw Daddy asleep in the chair he’d been reading to her from. She smirked; apparently she wasn’t the only one who’d needed a nap.
Climbing out of bed, she crawled into his lap and began to stroke his cheek. “Oh Daddy… it’s time to wake up. I’m starving. Daddy. Daddy. Daddy. Daddy. Daddy.”
She tickled under his chin as she repeated his name.
He stirred and squinted at her.
“Daddy bear! Baby bear is hungry, and there’s no porridge in here! Come on!”
She began to move her tickles to his armpits.
He pinned her arms and nuzzled her neck with his day-old facial hair.
“Oh little one, you know you’ll never win the tickling game. I am far superior to you in that regard.”
She started laughing hysterically. Her most sensitive spot was right where her neck met her torso—and he knew it!
“Daddy, stop! I can’t breathe! I’m gonna pee!”
He laughed and dumped her gently on the floor.
“Well, then go use the facilities. Diapers are on both of our hard limits lists, and I’m not into golden showers.”
She laughed and scrambled to the bathroom. After she had washed her hands, she came back. He was standing up now, and all merriment was gone as he grimaced at his cell phone.
“I still can’t get through to Mommy, but her Instagram says that she and some coworkers were at a local carnival as of an hour ago.”
Addi felt anger in her belly, but she tried to shove it down. This was Daddy’s problem to deal with, not hers. She wasn’t sure what a Little’s place was in all of this. Mommy and Daddy were her Bigs full time, but they were also her lovers, and she felt what Natalie was doing was really unfair to them all.
“Okay, well then she’s just gonna miss some of the fun.” Addi gave a cheeky grin and stuck out her tongue.
Daddy chuckled. “Yes, she is. Let’s get our clothes for the week and then we can go exploring, yes?”
She nodded excitedly.
As they came down the long hallway, Addi followed Daddy into Wardrobe, a place that could only be described as the biggest dress up closet in the history of the world. With fewer people crowding on all sides of her, she was able to see far more than she had the first time she was here.
“Holy guacamole…” She just spun around, looking at everything.
A lady laughed and walked up to her. “Hi! I’m Star, what’s your name?”
“Ad-uh…” She wracked her brain, trying to remember what name she had chosen for this weekend. “Penny. Uh, ma’am.”
Star laughed. “I’m not a ma’am. Just call me Star, it’s okay. Now, am I correct to assume she is your Little girl, sir? How would you like her adorned today?”
“We are enrolling her in the school program, and I’ve been told they have uniforms?”
“Yes sir, and will she be boarding, or do you need clothing for her outside of class time?”
“Overalls!” Addi shouted before Daddy could answer. She figured with the amount of trouble she was likely to encounter this weekend, the extra coverage would be helpful.
Daddy squinted at her, no doubt aware of her game plan.
Star gave a knowing nod and turned to Daddy. “I think I have just the thing, if I may?”
“Of course.”
Disappearing for barely a minute, she returned with a set of dark denim overalls, very traditional, with the typical metal clasps and bib pocket in the front.
Addi clapped and danced. “They are perfect!”
Star turned them over, revealing a large square of fabric held up by buttons right over the rear end of the overalls. She unbuttoned it and the fabric dropped down, leaving a gaping hole.
Daddy nodded approvingly. “Yes, they are, Penny. Absolutely perfect.”
Addi twisted her fingers, cheeks blushing. She was all of a sudden not so sure she liked them one bit.
“So, we will take the overalls, a colorful shirt, and hair bows, if we may? I’d like to dress her after classes. And, if you could get her ready for school?”
“Absolutely. Come with me.” Star ushered Addi away and before she knew it, Addi was attired in a white button-up short sleeved shirt with a Peter Pan collar and puffed sleeves, a navy tartan skirt that came to several inches above her knees, pure white knee socks, and the same black Mary Janes. The finishing touch was two French braids, tied off with hair bows.
“Gosh, I look adorable, Daddy!” She squealed and spun around looking at herself from all sides in the mirror.
He smiled. “You do. Mommy’s going to be very sad she missed this.” His smile faltered, but just for a moment. “Now, Ms. Star, do you have anything debonair for an old gentleman like me?”
“Of course, sir! Are you thinking tuxedo, country club, Western…”
“Something 1950’s man of leisure, if you have it. My wife and I planned to be the quintessential ‘perfect American family’ this weekend.”
Addi piped up, “Make him look like someone who goes by ‘Pop’, with his adorable teenage daughter.”
He gave her a look.
“Late elementary?”
Addi gave an impish grin. “Daddy and I disagree on my Little age. Well, sort of. I think we both think of me as a preteen, but what that entails means different stuff to us. I want Disney Channel , and he wants Fun with Dick and Jane .”
Star laughed hard. “I can see you two fit perfectly into the father and his preteen daughter roles. Now, let’s see what ‘Pop’ can wear.”
Again, in moments, Star had transformed Antonio into the perfect ‘Father knows best’ with a blue and white plaid shirt under a beige button sweater, and grey slacks. He even had a black hat and prop cigar that puffed a white cloud of mist and glowed red when he sucked on it.
Addi clapped enthusiastically. “Daddy! You look just like Hugh Beaumont from Leave It To Beave r!”
“Thank you very much, Miss Star. If you could have more formal and play clothes in similar fashions for Penny sent up to the room, I’d appreciate it. I’ll need some other clothing as well. I trust your fashion sense implicitly. Oh, and my wife will need clothing too.” He gave her Natalie’s measurements and pointed out some options he liked.
“Thanks, Star!” Addi dragged Daddy out of the room. “Daddy, I saw the most delectable candy store, and my stomach is growling like crazy! Can we go there first?”
He shook his head. “No, but we can go to the dining hall and get lunch and dessert.”
She scrunched up her face, but before she could make a sound, Daddy grabbed one of her pigtails, wrapped it around his hand, and pulled it tightly in an upward motion.
“Or we can go back to the room for another reminder about who is in charge? Hmm?”
Addi gasped and butterflies filled her stomach. “No, Sir! I’m good with lunch.”
Antonio let go of her hair and kissed her cheek. “That’s the answer I was hoping for.”
The dining room was gorgeous, and the aroma was so enticing, Addi felt like she was going to float through the room like a cartoon character.
“Daddy, is it okay if I have fried chicken, and mac and cheese, and collard greens, and biscuits, and mashed potatoes and gravy?”
She wanted to check with him before she got her food because sometimes they differed on what was acceptable. Luckily for her, he nodded.
She loaded up her plate and found somewhere to sit. A server walked by and offered Addi her choice of beverages. She wanted a soda, but stuck with chocolate milk just in case.
As soon as she bit into her food, she realized that candy would not have met the needs her body was having. After weeks of feeding themselves, this was amazing. Daddy was a decent cook, but he mostly cooked Peruvian dishes and she could make any kind of casserole you could imagine, but neither of them could fry a chicken or make mashed potatoes from scratch.
“I’m in heaven, Daddy. Simply heaven.”
He winked. “Me too, little one.”
After lunch, Daddy finally took Addi to the candy store. It was amazing!
“Holy guacamole! This place is magical!” She raced from display to display, trying to take it all in.
A kind looking lady walked up and grinned at her. “Hey, my name’s Sinclair. This is my shop. Do you like candy, sweetie?”
Addi nodded excitedly. “I like all candy, and all chocolate, and all gummies, and pretty much anything that has sugar. It would be even better if you had sugar and caffeine!”
Sinclair winked at her. “I just might be able to fulfill your fantasy.” She led Addi to a section that had a sign boasting: Energy . “We have Jolt Gum, Javapop Coffee Lollipops, Ed Hardy Coffee Rocks, and these amazingly luscious Coffee Mallows.”
Addi’s jaw dropped open. “All my dreams are coming true right before my eyes!”
Sinclair laughed, but Daddy did not.
“If you eat even a drop of that it will be your nightmares coming true, little girl. There is no way I’m letting you have caffeinated sweets on this trip. Or likely ever.”
Addi pouted. “But, Daddy…”
“Your butt will pay if you keep it up. No. Caffeinated. Sweets. Understood?”
Addi blushed, embarrassed that Sinclair was hearing her being scolded, but Sinclair didn’t appear fazed at all. “‘K.”
Daddy’s eyebrow shot up.
“Yes, Sir. I mean, yes Sir.”
“Better. Now, Miss Sinclair, what type of sweets do you have that won’t get a little girl’s bottom warmed?”
“Tons! You won’t even miss it, sweetie, I promise.”
Sinclair proceeded to show them candies Addi didn’t even know existed. By the time they left, she had more than enough sweets to satisfy her for the rest of their trip.
They spent the rest of the afternoon exploring nooks and crannies of the Castle, and went to bed tired and happy.