
Chapter 15: Zoran’s Garden


I tightened my hold on Zoran as the dragon rose high into the air. We were going a little too high. My stomach started to turn when we left the jagged cliffs of the ravine. The charred remains of Gail sat on top of the mountains. Half the village had been stained black.

“You did far worse than my dragons ever had,” laughed Zoran into the wind.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. I felt like a monster, but it wasn’t entirely my fault. He didn’t have to give me that box.

“Over there.” Zoran pointed to the north, tugging on the reins.

Uther flew higher, and I could see blue far off in the distance.

“You probably never knew you were so close.” Zoran looked over his shoulder as Uther glided through the sky. “On the other side is where my brothers live, along with the majority of the other gods. That’s the main reason why the people here are so naive. The other gods would never tolerate it.”

Uther gradually flew low until he decided to dive straight into the canyon. My breath caught in my throat, and I slammed into Zoran. The god shook his head and leaned back throughout the sharp descent. Uther leveled out close to the ravine floor. The trail to Gail ran along the side of the cliff. Up head, an enormous cave entrance gaped before us. The smaller dragons sped on ahead and dispersed within the cave.

“We’re going in there?” I breathed.

Glancing back, Zoran gave me a smirk and ushered Uther forward. I closed my eyes as the large beast flew inside. I opened them when the humid cave air hit my face. The smaller dragons were lying about throughout the interior. Tunnels led off in different directions. The area was so large. It seemed like the mountains I had seen all my life had actually been semi-hollow all this time.

“Don’t wander through here alone,” said Zoran. “You’ll be lucky if a nest of tar beetles finds you before something else does.”

“I never knew something like this was here.” I looked up at the containers on the ceiling, holding the familiar black fire. They let off a dark blue glow.

“With the way Edgar governs that village, I’m not surprised.”

A bright line of light formed in front of us. It started to grow as two spiked creatures opened the door. They looked like mutant porcupines that had been crossed with some kind of lizard. They were solid creatures and stood taller than any of the horses in Gail.

“Welcome to my garden.”

I covered my eyes as the sun hit my face. The area opened up into a vast clearing surrounded by the mountains on three sides. The remaining area was a pathway where a lava river flowed. Strange trees and plants covered the ground. Lava drained down the mountainsides like waterfalls. It was incredible. I leaned to the side and saw red fish leaping into the air, catching bugs that looked more like flakes of ash.

“This is so...” My voice faded as a flock of blue-flamed birds took flight.

“Fragile creatures wouldn’t survive in a fire god’s garden,” said Zoran, seeming unimpressed by anything. But, then again, this was his home. He was used to it.

To me, it was incredible. It was a world that thrived on fire.

Uther glided across the garden as I turned from side to side. I wanted to see all of this new world. I wanted to know about everything that lived in this strange land that had been kept hidden away in the mountains.

Molded into the mountainside ahead, I could make out a balcony big enough for Uther to land on. It ran along the side of the cliff and turned the corner. We flew up close beside it. Carved pillars were evenly spaced with thin curtains hanging between them. So this was what a god’s home looked like. It was different.

Uther pulled up and landed. I held onto Zoran as the wind swirled around us. The dragon settled on the ground and I quickly I slipped off his back, nearly falling in the process. Zoran stood and created a staircase of black flames. He walked down them. With a wave of his hand, they were gone, along with Uther’s reins.

Zoran stroked his companion’s scales. “Keep an eye on things in the pass for me. Make sure no one wanders out. We’ve done enough damage to the mortals for today.”

The dragon snorted. Zoran shook his head and dismissed the beast. Uther took flight and nearly knocked me over with a blast of air from his wings.