
Chapter 41: A Sparrow’s First Wings


Shoving me back, she toppled over the edge along with me. The fear surged to my chest, and I didn’t have time to even try and stop it before I erupted. I felt her presence leave my side as I reformed. My vision was hazy as my eyes tried to adjust.

“Fin,” laughed Iri.

I swung my arm at her voice and felt fire explode from my fingers. That devil woman wasn’t getting anywhere near me again. A giggle sounded behind me. I sent another wave of fire at her, hoping this one would burn her alive.

Her voice swirled around me, and I reacted every time I heard it. I had to kill her, I need to kill her before she attacked me again.

“Fin,” she sang.

I threw everything I could into the blast and gasped when I felt black vines twist around my body. I fought for a moment until I felt that comforting warmth. Zoran pulled me to his chest and pressed my head to his shoulder.

“Breathe, Fin,” he whispered. “Don’t let that vixen play with you.”

My mind settled, and I looked around. Iri was tucked under Masou’s arm. She smiled at me and peered up at her god. He whispered something to her, and she seemed rather content with her actions of sending me into a near panic attack.

“I hate her,” I whispered. “I hate that woman.”

“Just breathe.”

I did so and leaned into his warmth. “I’m sorry. I lost control. Iri—she’s a horrid woman. I’m sorry.”

“We’re supposed to show them our power, Fin,” he whispered in my ear as he rubbed circle on my back. “It’s to remind the mortals that we are gods. Something to be feared.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Enough,” he said firmly. “It’s done. No one was harmed, and you simply showed the people the capabilities of a young bird.”

I breathed deeply and felt my nerves settle. Glancing at my arm, I saw the black marks had turned blue and were glowing. “What’s happening?”

“They’re feeding off my energy.” He nodded toward his brothers.

The girls’ markings on their bodies had also turned shades of red and orange.

“You’re different from your brothers.”

Zoran brushed back my hair and appeared to be examining my face. “I’m the fire of the mortal realm. I didn’t create the depths of hell, nor cause the cosmos to explode. Or even the sun to warm and scar the earth. I bring value to the people. My fire is simply a tool to be used or misused.”

His hand slid down to my cheek, and I felt the warmth from his touch increase.

“Would you like to see something, Fin?”

“What?” I replied.

“What your wings will look like when you learn to control your powers.”

I nodded. “Okay.”

I glanced around. The people were far enough away they should be safe.

“Close your eyes.”

I did so and felt his lips press against mine. Fire traveled from his body to mine. I tried to pull away, but what little control I had started to weaken. Zoran didn’t release his hold, but only tightened it. It broke down my barrier. I threw back my head and felt an immense heat being released into my back.

Zoran pulled me to him. I felt drained, and my legs were shaking.

“Look, Fin.”

I glanced over my shoulder to see the black wings that slowly turned blue the farther the flames reached out.

“They’re stunning,” he whispered in my ears. “You should work hard to learn how to create them yourself.”

I nodded and fell against his chest, breathing deeply. I glanced around at our audience. They just stared, and I felt embarrassed about having to cling to Zoran to remain on my feet. Amber was also watching. Her lips were pursed, but when she noticed me looking her way, her expression softened and she quickly turned toward the crowd.

“I don’t feel good.” I rubbed my face. “This is really hard,” I tried to laugh off.

“Now you understand. It not because you’re failing at being a firebird, Fin.” He glanced at his brothers and their girls. “It because it truly is a difficult task, and it took them all decades to master. Amber is still discovering new things about her powers.”

“I’ll work harder at it.”

“That’s all I’m asking.” He pulled away from me.

The fire around me diminished, and I dropped to my knees. Zoran faced the crowd. “My sparrow’s first wings,” he announced.

The people clapped and cheered for me.

“Give him time, and he will fly with the others.”

They continued to applaud.

My body was shutting down. I fell forward and braced my arms against the ground. I was shaking as sweat dripped from my face. The whole process was draining. I was nowhere near being able to complete the feat by myself.

“Seems I’ve overdone it.” Zoran knelt down and helped me stand. “Close your eyes, Fin. I’ll take care of things from here.”

I just nodded and did as he said. They had been right, though. The day had been one that I wouldn’t be soon to forget.