Willie is a Taurus with an Aquarius rising and a Cancer moon. Taurus rules the throat.
He has Venus the ruler right next to his Sun, so that even enhances the throat, the voice, and it’s in the third house which is the house of communication. He is a born communicator. Taurus is the artist sign. It is a very grounded Earth sign. It has to do with primal instincts. Taurus people like to be safe. They like to be close to Earth and so their heart and soul really have a kind of magnetic quality. The Taurus has to do with Texas and cowboys and all that sort of thing. Parts of Texas are ruled by Taurus so it is apropos that he lives here. I always call Taurus people the princess and the pea because they are too sensitive to their environment, and Taurus men have a problem with that because they don’t want to deal with it. So they will be in a family situation and they will have a lot of anxiety because they are picking up psychically on what is going on around them and they almost have to close their mind to it. They actually need a lot of space and when they learn how to accept that part of their nature as a positive then it becomes a very nurturing quality. But they have to learn how to take care of themselves.
Willie’s chart starts separating a little bit because he has an Aquarian energy, which is a totally different kind. Aquarius is the eleventh house, Taurus is the second house. Willie is a Taurus in the Gemini house, which is the primitive need to communicate through the mouth. Then we go all the way around to the eleventh house for his rising sun. The ascendant has a lot to do with how he projects himself to the world. Taurus is instinctive. Aquarius is abstract thinking, extremely creative and mental.
There are several things in Willie’s chart that say that he is very intelligent, learns quickly, has almost a photographic memory. He is a quick study. Aquarius is a sign that is hard to know. They like distance, they like their space, and I would say that Aquarius people sometimes can’t say what they mean. So he had to learn ways to get around that. At this period of his life he would be more comfortable with these two signs and they would be blended more comfortably for him, but in his early life there would have been a conflict. Aquarius is eccentric, nonconforming. Taurus is conformed. Taurus is very family minded, say let’s be like my family, but Aquarius says I can’t be like my family. There is the inner conflict. Aquarius is an energy that has to do with electronics, so there we go with the singing and the guitar and all that.
He has the planet Saturn in his first house. Saturn has to do with responsibility, it makes him more conservative and more private. Actually, psychologically, it could be somewhat repressed and Saturn in his chart squares his Sun and Venus so this says that no one ever helped him, he felt isolated, and that he had to take care of himself always, even as a boy. That pressure made him creative so in his chart there is a real longing to be integrated with friends and people and a real hunger for that. It has been one of his biggest lessons. Also, he doesn’t want anyone to tell him what to do.
His moon is in Cancer. The moon rules Cancer. It is very strong in that sign, very intuitive. Cancer is the sign of the mother and when a man has strong Cancerian traits, it says he is extremely psychic and sensitive. So you have got the Cancer, sensitive moon, the Taurus on a primitive, emotional, creative person, and the Aquarius ascendant. That is the conflict of the chart. There would be a strong, emotional tie to the mother, and sometimes that is almost too much, to have your moon in Cancer. Also, he has a real love of women. A moon in Cancer loves women, and looks for a strong woman, who has nurturing, motherly qualities, but it could be a woman who is an authority, and he would have conflict with it. Willie has had a lot to work out with the women in his life. He would have to be married more than once. There is a kind of desire for fuel, something has to be happening all the time. Looking at his chart, we see compulsive energy. Like if you get tired, you can’t stop. Now that moon aspect squares his money out so it says that he has conflicts with his money house.
He would be a person who would attract money. Taurus people do. The planet Jupiter, good luck, has moved into his money house this year. He has got a big enterprise and it takes a lot to keep it going. It is something that he likes, and yet it can run him, and he sometimes doesn’t know how to get out of that. He loves his home and he wants his home, but it is like he wants to have his cake and eat it too. A lot of Taurus people are like that. It is almost an adolescent attitude.
Willie was born old, he is a very old soul, but his child in his personality is the creative part. It can still run him and get him into trouble. This is something he is learning. How to be adult without being negative, how to combine the adult with the child. He is getting to the age that he is more likely to do that, and actually he will be younger as he gets older.
The chart shows that he would have a large family. He is two people. He is a down-home family man. And then he has got another side of him that comes like an alter ego, it has made his life exciting, but sometimes with a lot of conflict. He is under an aspect today that says he is going through an emotional change, and it is on his fifty-fourth birthday. The planet Pluto takes 250 years to go around the chart. Consequently it only moves about a third of a person’s chart, so this aspect has never been here before. Pluto is opposing his sign in Venus and when you get Pluto in contact with your personal planet it causes an emotional deepening. In some ways, it could be like a purge because it forces you to deal with your own feelings and because he is such a deep, emotional person with a Taurus energy, this might not be easy. But he is going to have a major emotional change in the next year and a half. This is very positive. It is changing his attitude about himself and certain areas of his life. It is like an opening up spiritually, and psychologically. He is going to go through a very productive, creative period in his music. He writes all the time, so this is a very profound aspect. He is understanding his place in the universe and not trying to control everything, going with the flow. He attracts some very positive work situations again.
His values change. This is spiritual. He is more willing to be with himself and easier to communicate and explain himself to others on a personal basis. But it comes through as something creative in his work. He is almost religious, a very spiritual person. He probably had a very conservative, religious upbringing. This would have meaning for him now not in the same way he was taught, but in other ways. This has just started this year, and he will be feeling it.
Out of ten planets, he has five in Earth. Earth people are practical. They want to look at things realistically. Actually, it is too much Earth, it is a little negative. When he was younger, he was so secretive and he tried to be so adult and grown, he didn’t learn ways to process his information sometimes and he would be too heavy and maybe too profound. A lot of Earth people have to watch out for depression. He doesn’t have the aspects that say it would be a chronic, terrible depression, but there is a tendency to be heavy or worry about things. When you have that much Earth and you have out of ten planets, seven of them in feminine signs, you are what is called a magnetic person. Generally, men are dynamic, or they are supposed to be. Dynamic energy being going out into the world and linear thinking, and objective pioneering and all this sort of thing. His best energy is magnetism. He is the type that all he really has to do is know what he wants and set it in motion and it comes to him.
He is a born psychic. He has been psychic since he was a boy. He would know what it is, he understands it. It is more of an instinctive, Earth-type psychic, but he also has the ability to be clairvoyant and see pictures. It really has to do with being able to tap into the universal consciousness, the spiritual aspect, the unconditional love. That psychic, creative aspect is being set off right now. Neptune is in his marriage house so he would not know who he was marrying. He would think he did, but he didn’t. He would see them the way he wanted to. With his first wife he married someone he loved, but he didn’t know her totally and it wouldn’t work.
But he has three planets in his marriage house and he has Jupiter in there, and Jupiter says he will marry until he gets it right. The second marriage would be maybe worse than the first, and there would be no real understanding and no real depth.
The eleventh house, which is the present marriage, is the house of friends. Taurus really likes passionate love affairs, but Aquarius likes relationships that are like buddies. So, whoever was pulled in on this pattern has a more easygoing nature than the person he had married before. She doesn’t have to be in control. The other two marriages had control signs.
With his Aquarius rising Willie would be the type of man that always had two relationships. He is two people, he is salt-of-the-earth family man and he is also totally free and always has love lessons, always. Whether this is a divorce aspect or not is hard to tell. It is like his wife’s personality changes and moves off into another direction. If he has another woman in his life his wife may have always thought about not saying anything but she might finally say something. It is like he has a lesson with his love life and what he values. He is going to have that pressure this year and next year. There is a decision about his love life. What does he value? Do the two people get together and make a commitment? He might not be able to. He might not be ready for that sort of thing.
All through 1986, Saturn squared his marriage house so there were definitely problems then. If there is a discussion about their marriage, it would come up again this summer. By September it would be either resolved, or there could be a divorce.
There would be another woman in his life and there would be conflict with his wife and he would have a pressure on him now to make a choice on what he is going to do with his life. There are other pressures on him because of his business. He has to make big decisions about what he is going to do, that he could change his way of working. Basically his best aspects right now are professional. His personal relationships for his love, his family, are stretched. When he was younger he would make a commitment and he would believe it and he would fool himself. As he has gotten older it’s like it is harder for him to lie to himself. He is getting more and more honest with what he willl say that really comes from his heart. His earlier upbringing and his behavior start integrating. He always said don’t do what I do, do what I say. But he would now be at a place where he would be going to live in peace with himself, where he wouldn’t have inner conflict. His Aquarius rising says he is so abstract and eccentric and unusual and doesn’t like to be ruled by the rules. He flirts with taboos and wants to be on the edge. The fuel freak side of him runs him a lot. That is the child part of the personality. He has aspects now that he would be able to fit those together.
Jupiter moved in his money house and will stay there through the spring of 1988. A group of people come to him and give him an opportunity to do a business that would make him a lot of money. This could already be going on right now. If it goes into the workaholic personality, he shouldn’t do it, the money wouldn’t be worth it. Money doesn’t mean anything to him in one way and it does in another. But his conflicts with love and money are the same. He is in a place of power where he has many choices and yet he is in a transition period emotionally. It is really hard for him to make some of these decisions. He would be somewhat pulled apart.
Pluto opposes his Sun and brings out the opportunity for purposeful action. It focuses in a place where he has to make an important decision. It would bring up any negative aspects in his personality that he didn’t like about himself. Psychologically, he would face his own shadow. He wouldn’t have any secrets anyway. Everybody would know them.
By the time it is finished with him, he will have had to let go of old ways of doing things. This is like a subconscious pattern. When Pluto is in aspect to your Sun, you feet it emotionally. It is a purge. This period requires maximum self-evaluation of passions and attachments, goals and personal realities, and your own integrity of direction because if you don’t go through and redefine your values and goals in this period, you won’t go into the happy period that you can go into. If you hold on to the past, fears and negative patterns, and self-undermining habits, whatever they are, you turn left instead of right, you don’t go along with your destiny. This pattern would make him think about his life, about his relationship of himself to himself, his family, to his upbringing. He might have to let go of old family patterns that have limited him. It would be a time when he could leave all that.
He is going to go through a spiritual psychological change of values, of how he lives his life. It is a little bit against his will. He doesn’t want these issues to come up and this is not an easy aspect to have. Always when Pluto comes in it is like the IRS or something you can’t do anything about. It is also a Mafia. Pluto is anything that is subversive, seemingly, that seems to work against you and you can’t do anything about it. There is a chance in the next two years to move into a different stage of his life. It is not going to be easy because he hides in a world of fantasy. You can’t be real half the time and in fantasy half the time. That’s what leads him into getting in with people that might be dishonest, but it looks like it has already happened. Or he faces something and he has to make a decision that he doesn’t want to make.
There will be a lineup of planets in Capricorn. It has to do with being very conservative, whereby people in the arts become more conservative. This is a trend that is going to last about fifteen years. This is going to be very meaningful in Willie’s chart. It is a subtle pressure of choice. But after that is over and he moves into a more centered position with himself, then all the major planets are sitting in a beautiful aspect for him. This is one of the most creative periods he has ever had in his life.
It looks like he will have his love life straightened out about 1989. In 1988, Jupiter goes into his fourth house which is his home. He gets his homes straightened out. This is going to be another aspect of change that is very favorable.
He is going to go through a religious experience. Not the old-fashioned type, but it is pretty close. It is almost like letting go of control, in the areas he can’t do anything about, and that’s a major initiation step. He is ready for it. It seems like it is working on him now. After this is finished and he lets go, he has more than he has ever had and it isn’t the same. It doesn’t pressure him all the time. His health, by the way, is good. He had some health aspects back in the early 1980s that slowed him down a little bit.
To look at him just as a soul, he is connected to the universe as far as creativity. He just channels it. But in early life, Taurus wants what they want and they are very self-gratifying. Being spiritual all his life, he would have said I don’t want to worry with that. He would go looking for love in all the wrong places. He will start really understanding what love is now. Love is really a vibration and we are all connected and so he is beginning to move into the place where he will live by that spiritual truth. He may have to let go of some things. It has to be his choice. He may not know right now because he has got to go through these pressures. His success was a pressure, and he likes it.
He is very mystical. If Pluto stays in his house of mystery, after it gets off the sign of Venus, which is love, he goes through a love change, and he might go into politics.
But it may just be in spiritual energy that his transformation transforms others. This pattern of deep transformation goes on the rest of his life and he is a man that will live to be very old and he will be creative all of his life. His music grows with him but his music will go to another dimension. It will be more symbolic in deeper meanings so that it will almost be religious.