Malik walked in the house from school, smiling because he’d beaten his little brother Brandon home. As he walked in, he tossed his book bag down on the floor before calling out to see if his mother was at home.

“Yo, Ma! You home?” he shouted out. When there was no response, he knew he was alone. Hurrying, he grabbed his book bag, rushed to his bedroom, and closed the door behind him.

Malik opened his bag and pulled out several zip lock bags of weed and pills. He counted up what he had left and calculated what his profit was going to be. Getting up from his bed, he walked over to his closed closet door and opened it. The closet was beyond junkie. He had clothes, shoes, hats and other articles strewn around in a total mess. His closet was the only portion of his bedroom that was not clean. Malik usually was surprisingly very neat and tidy for a young man. However, the closet was purposely kept that way to keep his secret life in the streets hidden from his mother.

Dragging some things from the top of the pile and digging towards the back, Malik pulled out an empty Timberland boot shoe box. On the inside was several rolls of money tightly bound by rubber bands and a few bags of weed. He pulled the rolled money out and started counting it up. When he got to the last band he heard the front door opening. Quickly placing the money and drugs back in the box, Malik replaced it on the floor and covered it up. He was placing his clothes and other items back on top of his stash when Brandon walked to his bedroom door.

“What are you doing?” he questioned, trying to peer over Malik’s shoulder.

Not expecting his brother to sneak up behind him, Malik hurried up and got up from the floor closing his closet door behind him. He turned and looked down at Brandon.

“Nothing. Why you in my room anyway without knocking? How many times I have to say that shit to you?”

“My bad. You didn't answer when I asked was anybody home. So I decided to see if you were in here. You don’t have to get mad,” he said in a deflated tone.

Seeing that his little brother was taking his words to heart, Malik wanted to dead the situation. He placed his arm around his brother’s neck and pulled him in close for a side bear hug. Malik loved his brother and would do what he had to do to protect him and their mother. It would kill his spirit if Brandon found out anytime soon about what he was doing for money. He had been living a double life for weeks for his mother and brother, and he knew sooner or later, his secret life was going to be exposed.

The two of them walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. They laughed and joked around as Malik listened to Brandon tell him about his day at school and another award that he’d received for his grades. This was their ritual every day after school, with or without their mother being home.

After washing his hands, Malik started seasoning the thawed chicken that his mother had left in the sink for tonight’s dinner. As he listened to what Brandon was saying, he was also thinking about the lie of living two lives that he was trying to keep hidden. How the hell am I going to explain this to her.


Gloria was done with her shift for the evening and was glad to be headed home. She was even happier that she now had enough to pay the money she owed for the back rent and the current rent that was due. It had taken her damn near a month of double shifts and working seven days a week to get up the money, but she had gotten it. Gloria had spoken with the rental management company two weeks beforehand, and told them that she would have the payment in full today.

She’d gotten off from work with enough time to get from her last client’s house to the rental office before it closed. This was the first time in a while that Gloria actually felt as if she had accomplished something. For the first year after Matthew’s passing, she had been in a functional state of depression. Although she was still being a good mother and going to work, she was in a mental hell without her better half to lean on.

It wasn’t until one night when she was in her bedroom crying her eyes out that she felt as if Matthew’s spirit was surrounding her. His presence was so real to her that she knew she heard his voice whisper in her ear. ‘Gloria, pull yourself together. Malik and Brandon need you.’ After that night she was no longer depressed, because she knew he was still by her side.

Turning the corner of Monterey Street, Gloria was less than five hundred feet from the rental office premises. Pulling her old car into the parking lot and grabbing her purse, she was there with ten minutes to spare before they were closed for the day. She stepped inside, smiling because paying her back rent would lift a huge burden from her shoulders. She looked inside her purse confirming that the five thousand dollars in money orders were still in the envelope.

Immediately, when the door chimed and Gloria entered, Debbie looked at her with a perplexed look on her face. She stood up to greet her with a smile of her own.

“Hello Ms. Baker. What brings you here this evening?”

With Debbie’s greeting, Gloria sent the woman a look of confusion. She was absolutely positive that she’d called and advised her that she would be in the office with the money for the past due rent. She reached into her purse and pulled out the envelope.

“I’m here to pay my rent and the two months past due amount, plus the fees. I’m sure that we spoke last week about this.” She was hoping that Debbie had just forgotten about their conversation.

After hearing the reason why Gloria was in her office, Debbie was now even more confused. Their back rent and their current due rent had been paid in full over a week ago. Her son Malik had come in with money orders totaling the five thousand and squared up what they owed.

He came in a few days after Gloria had called the office. Debbie was thinking that Malik was bringing the money they’d spoken about because Gloria wasn’t able to bring it in the office herself. She reached down and picked up the clipboard that was lying on her desk.

“I’m sorry, but there must be some misunderstanding. According to my spreadsheet, you’re paid in full until next month. Your son Malik came in with the money orders and paid last week.”

Gloria wasn’t sure if she’d heard correctly. How did her son even know about them being on the verge of getting evicted? Better yet, where did he get five thousand dollars to pay the rent?

“Debbie do you have a copy of the money order?” She needed to see it.

Debbie opened a folder that was also on her desk. She shuffled through a few papers until she found what she was looking for. She handed Gloria a copy of the five money orders.

Gloria looked at the money orders and examined the handwriting on it. She instantly recognized Malik’s neat writing style. She handed the copies of the money orders back to Debbie. Where did he get five thousand dollars?

Debbie was standing behind her desk watching Gloria. When she smiled wanly at her, she watched as she shoved the envelope back into her purse.

“Thank you for your time Debbie,” said Gloria and turned towards the door. She left in a hurry, rushing to get home so she could question Malik.

The ride home for Gloria was unbearable. There were so many thoughts going through her mind. There was so many questions and her fear was that she was not going to be able to handle the truth.

She made it home safely and carefully parked the car in front of their apartment. Turning the car off, she remained seated for a few minutes using the solitude to prepare for the conversation with her son. She took one final moment for herself before exiting the car and walking inside the building.

As she took the elevator to the third floor, the anticipation was causing her to sweat, and beads of moisture began to form on her forehead. Her heart began to beat a tad faster. Placing the key inside the door and turning the knob, Gloria was ready to hear the truth.


As soon as he heard the door open then close, Brandon hopped up to greet his mother. Without giving it a second thought, he ran up to her and started blurting out the high points of his day at school. Gloria, who was so focused on getting to the bottom of how Malik got that money for the back rent, without meaning to, snapped at him. She barely even acknowledged Brandon as she said, “Not now,” and proceeded to walk into the kitchen for some explanations from her oldest son.

Malik heard his mother yell at Brandon and her tone of voice made him look in her direction. Their mother rarely raised her voice, so when he heard her yell, he knew something was wrong. Stepping from the kitchen, he met his mother as she was coming in his direction. The two of them almost bumped heads as they were standing face to face and eye to eye. Not knowing what was wrong, Malik spoke first.

“Ma, what's wrong?”

Gloria studied her son's eyes. She no longer saw a young boy standing before her. For the first time, she saw him as a man. However, her eyes could also see that he was thinking of how to deal with whatever she was about to throw his way. She told herself that whatever lie he was concocting in his mind wasn’t going to be accepted. She was holding the strap of her purse with her left hand, but her right hand was still free. Devoid of facial expression, she swiftly connected her open-handed right palm across Maliks’ face.

The slap that connected to her son’s cheek was powerful. The force alone, stunned him and made Malik stumble backward. Before he even had the opportunity to ask his mother what he had done, and why she was attacking him, she spoke in a tone that was so calm and collected that it came off sounding almost peaceful.

“I’ve been to the rental office. Where did you get the five thousand dollars to pay for the rent? You better think twice about lying to me before you answer,” Gloria warned.

Malik looked at his mother and was thinking of the right way to inform her of his life choices. If he was going to be the man of this family, then he needed to come clean and tell his mother the deal. He already knew that no matter what she said, or how she felt, he wasn’t going to stop. They needed the money and it was up to him to get it. Looking his mother in the eye, he was ready to confess his sins.

“Ma, let me explain. First of all, I’m the man of the house now, and it’s my job to take care of my family the same way it was for Dad. He provided for us and now so will I. I promised him I would,” he said with a hint of anguish in his voice. “I refuse to see my mother working like a slave because the money ain’t enough to get us by. You shouldn’t have to struggle like this, Ma!” He paused to catch his breath.

He saw Gloria was about to say something, but he stopped her before she spoke. “Don’t interrupt me, Ma. Let me finish.”

Gloria was speechless, because her son had turned into a man right before her eyes, and he was exerting his authority. Any other time she would have checked his ass, but for some reason, all she could do was respect it. Gloria remained quiet and allowed him to continue.

“I’ve been hustling, Ma. I know you don’t approve, but I’m not about to stop until I know we straight. Don’t ask about school because that’s a done deal. Nobody is going to help us financially and you said yourself, we’re not going on welfare. All I need for you to do is trust me and everything will be alright.” He stepped back away from her arms reach and waited for the repercussions of what he had just said.

As this reality show played out in the living room, Brandon was standing in the corner dumbfounded. He just heard his brother tell their mother that he was selling drugs. He knew that was wrong and he couldn’t understand why his brother would do such a thing.

Not fully understanding the adult conversation that had just occurred in front of him, Brandon wanted to express his displeasure in knowing that his big brother was doing something wrong. Stepping from the confines of his corner, he emerged as if he was a superhero there to save the day.

“Ma, are you just going…”

Before the rest of his statement could be completed Gloria cut her eyes in his direction and glared at him.

“Boy, you shut your mouth right now! I know what you're about to say, but you best not say anything! You hear me! As a matter of fact…” she paused, then turned to face Brandon eye to eye, so that he understood that she meant what she was about to say. “Don’t you mention this conversation to nobody outside the walls of this house! What goes on in here is nobody’s business! Do you understand me young man?” Gloria demanded.

Brandon was dumbfounded, but he answered his mother. “Yes, Mam.” He nodded his head for added obedience showing he understood what she said. He knew better than to disobey his mother’s wishes. He had a lot of questions and he realized that there were not about to be answered at that point.

Gloria hugged her baby boy. “Ok baby. Why don’t you go in your bedroom and finish up your homework while I cook us dinner. When we sit down to eat, I want to hear all about your day at school. But right now I need to have a private conversation with Malik.”

Brandon and his mother finished hugging, however, he was now upset. He was mad because his mother was putting him on the back burner to deal with Malik’s crap and what he’d done. The entire situation that had taken place had gotten him pissed off and feeling neglected. Why am I the one getting sent to my room? He’s the on selling drugs and dropping out of school. He was so disgusted that he didn’t even open his mouth to say anything further. He just turned away filled with resentment.

As Brandon made the short walk to his bedroom, he looked over his shoulder at his brother. It was like he was moving in slow motion and his expression showed an emotion he’d never had before. Because neither Malik nor Gloria was looking directly at him. They couldn’t see the look of envy and jealously that burned in his eyes at his mother choosing Malik over him.

That confession from Malik started the delusional and unwarranted confrontation in his mind between him and his brother. It was in that moment, that Brandon made it up in his child’s mind, that his mother favored and loved Malik more. Because his thoughts were his own, no one was able to see the hatred that he’d just developed for a brother that wanted nothing more than to provide for him and protect him.