Brandon kept looking up at his rearview mirror. Malik’s goon’s were following him. They had been tailing him since they left from the meet up. They didn't seem to be the smartest bunch when it came to it either, because Brandon spotted them right away. They were three cars back, but he could make out the guy who had handed him the phone earlier clear as day. He thought about losing them, but he didn't need them raising any awareness to Malik about anything. As soon as he returned to his car he called Brock and told him to get the crew together. He needed them as backup.
“I need ya'll to grab all the hardware you can find. We’re going to need it if this thing goes left.”
“What happened at the meeting?”
Brandon sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “He had videos of us casing his spots. Everyone’s face was visible. He even has footage of O’Malley when he...” His voice trailed off. “He threatened to release the footage to the press and the captain if I didn't meet him at his place.”
“Dammit! That’s the same shit he did to us.”
“Look, I'm sending you the location and I'll hit you again once I make it there. We need to destroy that evidence.”
“No shit. I'll round everyone up.”
Brandon continued driving as he tried to come up with a plan. He knew that he couldn’t just drive around, because they would know that something was up. So, he decided that he would return to the cabin. When he got there he saw that Terry was in the farthest corner of the room, curled into the fetal position. There was a pool of red fluid around her.
“Shit!” Brandon said as he rushed across the room to her. “Hey, wake up!”
Terry didn't move. He nudged her with his foot, but she still didn't flinch. Fear rose in his chest as he looked down at her lifeless body. He had no clue of what to do. The blood around her was a dark red color and he knew that couldn't be a good sign. He had only been gone for a few hours and before then, she seemed to be fine except for the few bruises on her face, arms and legs.
Brandon rolled Terry over on her back and placed two fingers against her neck to check for a pulse. He then tried her wrists and sighed with relief when he was able to find one. It was faint, but it was there. The dark red blood that was pooled around her reminded him that he had another problem on his hands, the baby. There was no way for him to get her to a hospital without Malik's men seeing him and reporting this back to him.
Brandon left the room and returned seconds later with an old blanket and a bowl of water. He cleaned Terry and put the same clothes he made her take off earlier, back on. He retrieved more water and made her drink some of it. He needed her up and able to walk out of the door so Malik's men could see that she was ok. After a few trips back and forth from the room to the kitchen, Brandon had gotten her hydrated enough to where she was able to open her eyes and be coherent.
“I need you to get up and walk. Can you do that?” he asked. Not waiting for a response, Brandon pulled Terry up from the floor and allowed her to place her weight on him as he slowly walked her to the door. She grunted in pain with each step and tried to stop a few times, but Brandon forced her to keep moving.
“Something's wrong with the baby.”
“We don't have time for that right now. I need to get you in the car.”
“I need to get to a hospital,” she said panting heavily.
“You either make yourself find the strength to walk out of this door or you can find yourself buried alive out back. You choose.”
Terry grunted and breathed in and out slowly as if she was trying to control the sharp pains in her stomach. She inhaled deeply and exhaled a few more times, then she stood straight up and nodded. Brandon opened the door and pulled his gun from the small of his back.
“Don't try anything stupid. I will not hesitate to blow the back of your head off.”
Too consumed by the pain, Terry ignored his threat and limped pass him and out of the door. She held onto her belly with one hand and used the other to hold onto the rickety wooden rail as she took one slow step after another down the uneven stairs. When she finally made it to the SUV, she opened the door of the passenger side and looked back at Brandon.
“I'm going to need help getting in here.”
Brandon hissed and place his gun in his waistband and helped her up into the SUV. Once she was inside, he closed the door and walked around to the driver's side and got in.
O'Malley, Brock, Zane, Vladimir and Devon all stood together at the top level of a deserted parking garage. They were looking over a handwritten map that Brock had sketched out and was using to give the men a visual of where they needed to be located for Brandon.
“Are we sure we want to do this?” asked Devon. “They know where we all live and threatened to kill our families if we helped him.”
“If it were you, wouldn’t you want us to help you?” Brock asked looking up at him. “We are a team. We started this shit together and we’re going to end it together. All of our asses are on the line, including yours Devon. They have video footage of us remember?”
He then looked over at O’Malley. “They have you carving that kid up like a Thanksgiving turkey on video too. With that kind of evidence floating around, we’re all likely to lose the lives that we know. This moment right now would be the least of our worries if those videos are released.”
Brock fished around in his jacket pocket and pulled out a black pack of D’jarum cigarettes. He patted the bottom of the pack several times before opening it and placing one on the tip of his lips. Vladimir offered him a light and Brock nodded his thanks as he took a long pull before exhaling.
“No one is safe. This is why we have to take them out and destroy any evidence they have on us. The Sergeant ain’t the only one in trouble right now. We all are. And if we don’t do this, we can kiss our happy little lives goodbye.”
All of the men stood there silently thinking about what Brock had just said. They all were aware of the consequences if they stepped in to help Brandon. Nasir and his men had given each of them a chance to back away from this family feud. He’d told them that they were to speak to him and only him, if Brandon were to reach out with plans of taking Malik out. If they crossed Malik, Nasir had threatened to torture and kill each man’s family while they watched.
No one spoke for a while, then O'Malley broke the silence.
“Well, since we’re fucked either way, what’s the plan?”
“We don't have much time to go over the specifics, so this is where you guys have to use your tactical instincts. Brandon is on his way to this location,” Brock pointed at the address on the map and then pointed to a worn down warehouse building a few buildings away.
“We’re less than five minutes from there. He’s going to text me when he arrives to let us know what the perimeter looks like. Apparently, this place is the headquarters of this drug kingpin so be expecting lots of barriers. Once we get there we’ll take out the men outside and make our way inside.”
“Vladimir, I’m going to need you to find out where this guy’s office is. You might run into a few of his men, but I know you can handle yourself. Zane, I need you to do that thing you do with explosives. O’Malley, just be the savage you are and Devon you will be our eyes just in case more of them show up.”
“What if none of this stuff comes together as planned?” Devon asked while staring down at the map. “What if we’re walking ourselves right into a big ass trap? One of those guys could be pretending to be the Sergeant just to see if we’ll stick to the rules they gave us.”
“I never thought about it like that.” Vladimir scratched his head thinking.
“I guess we won’t know until we get there, won’t we?” Brock frowned. “Until then, just stand by for the Sergeant’s orders.”
Brock walked away, but he was also thinking about what Devon had said too. What if this was all a setup? There was no time to think about backing out now. They were all going to find out soon enough.
Brandon kept his eyes on the rearview mirror as he waited for the light to turn green. He could still see Malik’s men tailing him. Terry was sitting in the passenger seat moaning and groaning from the sharp pains in her stomach. She kept telling Brandon that she needed to go to the hospital, but he ignored her. They were minutes away from their destination and he’d already given Brock the heads up. Brock replied back, letting him know that the team was very close and that gave Brandon a little relief.
The light turned green and Brandon proceeded down the street until he came up on an alleyway so narrow he had no choice but to drive slowly. He looked up and checked his rearview mirror again. No one was behind him. The further he crept down the alleyway, the more he started to feel uneasy.
The alley opened to a wide area that was enclosed by a crumbling brick wall. Up ahead was an old warehouse. Brandon counted about two snipers on the roof and approximately eight to ten gunmen patrolling the outside. He snapped a quick picture with his phone and sent it to Brock. As he drove up closer to the building, he heard one of the men yell for him to stop. Then three of them started walking towards him with their guns drawn.
“Get out of the car, slowly!”
Brandon looked over at Terry. He held her gaze as he slowly began to reach for the handle of the door and push it open. He whispered one last warning to her before exiting the car. The second his feet touched the ground, one of the men came forward and gut punched him with the butt of the rifle he was holding. Brandon heaved over and coughed. He tried to catch his breath and stand upright, but he was forced down by another hard blow to his stomach and a kick to his back.
Everyone stopped and turned to the sound of the voice. Brandon regained his composure as Nasir parted through the men and came up to him.
“Not quite the welcome you were hoping for huh?” He waved at one of the guys to help Terry out of the car. He watched as she limped around the SUV and stopped in front of the car to lean against the hood. “You ok?”
Terry avoided looking at Brandon. “Yes, I’m ok. Where’s Malik?”
“He’s inside waiting for you.” Nasir frowned at Brandon. “And you.”
Brandon kept his game face on and said, “Well, let’s get this shit over with then.”
Nasir led the way to the entrance of the warehouse. Brandon, Terry and the other men followed along. Brandon appeared to be calm on the outside, but he was really hoping that his boys showed up soon.