Rage Journal
How does it help?
Rage journaling is a way to get all your anger, resentment, jealousy, and pent-up stress out of your mind and onto a piece of paper. Journaling about your anger is beneficial but can be emotionally draining. Consuming CBD before and after your writing exercise can help you slow down, focus, and leave those feelings behind on the page when you’re finished with them.
How to:
- Place a few drops of a CBD tincture under your tongue.
- Grab a pen and journal. Write down everything and everyone that makes you angry. It doesn’t need to make sense. Don’t worry about spelling or grammar. The words don’t even need to be legible. Write until there is nothing angry left to say.
- After you finish, sit for 1 minute. Place another drop or two of your CBD tincture under your tongue. Rage journaling can be exhausting, but the soothing effects of CBD will ground you and fill you back up with serenity.
- Sit in silence for a few minutes as the CBD takes effect. Then put your journal away, or rip up and throw out the entries, if that feels better.