Learn from Your Mistakes

How does it help?

Everyone makes mistakes, but doing so may make you feel awful about yourself. Use CBD to self-soothe, then try this journaling self-care exercise to learn from your mistakes rather than sit and stew and dwell on them.

How to:

  1. Place a dose of CBD tincture under your tongue. Let the soothing tincture calm your nerves and any negative thoughts so you can learn from your mistakes.
  2. Write down what you did in your journal, such as “I snapped at my coworker again.”
  3. Now write down why it happened, such as “I haven’t been getting enough sleep.”
  4. Now write down how you’re going to learn from your mistake. For example, “I am going to prioritize self-care to be my best self. I am going to focus on my work, which requires me to be friendly and amicable toward my coworkers.”
  5. Take action and let it go. You are mature enough not to melt down after making a mistake, but to collect yourself, learn, and move forward.