Practice Aftercare

How does it help?

Aftercare is the simple act of taking care of your romantic partner’s emotional needs after intimacy. It helps you and your partner bond. In this self-care ritual, CBD lowers your inhibitions and allows you to facilitate open communication and gentleness.

How to:

  1. After an intimate night with your romantic partner, indulge in some CBD. Let the cannabinoid relax you and open your heart to freely share emotions.
  2. Check in with your partner. Did they enjoy the evening? Is there anything new they want to try next time?
  3. As the CBD lowers your inhibitions and helps shed hang-ups, share your own wants, needs, and desires. The afterglow of intimacy is also a safe space to express your love. Be vulnerable. Tell your partner how much you love them. Notice that when you give love, the act is often reciprocated.
  4. Enjoy a deep night’s sleep snuggled in your partner’s arms. (Remember that CBD is a sleep aid.) Wake up ready to take on the world.