Sit In on a New Church Service

How does it help?

Going to a church service for a religion outside your own can help you expand your mind and become more compassionate. Compassion helps you better understand others, boosts your own self-esteem, and even lowers blood pressure. If stepping outside your typical routine makes you nervous, CBD can help you create a caring, open, and calm mindset to make you feel more comfortable.

How to:

  1. Select the service you wish to attend. Is there a religion that interests you? Learn what all the fuss is about by sitting in on a service. Do you have a friend who is of a different religion from you? Learn about their culture. Ask to go together, or make it a solo adventure.
  2. Research what to expect, what attire is appropriate, how long the service will last, and other pertinent details.
  3. An hour to 2 hours before the service, have some CBD. It will help you relax, allowing you to observe with a calm heart and open mind.
  4. Church services are often uplifting experiences. This time you get to experience inspiration from a new source, which can set a positive tone for your whole week.