Limit Your Caffeine
How does it help?
Too much caffeine can lead to anxiety, agitation, and difficulty sleeping, none of which help with self-care! Focus on being the calmest, most healthy you that you can be by using CBD to help limit your caffeine intake. CBD eases caffeine withdrawal symptoms, helps you sleep better, improves focus, and can even act as a non-habit-forming caffeine substitute. Add a CBD tincture to beverages such as green tea, which contains 12–20 milligrams of caffeine as opposed to coffee’s 40–120 milligrams.
How to:
- Set self-care goals. How much caffeine do you currently drink, and what is your goal? It’s better to cut back slowly than go cold turkey. For instance, for 1 week, switch out your morning coffee for some CBD green tea.
- When you need a caffeine pick-me-up, brew a cup of green tea, then add 1 milliliter of CBD tincture and enjoy! Think about how great you feel as you sip your self-care.
- Make note of how you feel after 1 week. Further reduce your caffeine intake, aided by CBD, if you like the results.