Go to Bed Early

How does it help?

Going to bed early can help you get enough rest and function at your full capacity the next morning. Turning in rather than staying up can be tough, especially if you’re breaking a routine, but prioritizing your well-being is an important aspect of self-care. Fortunately, the sedative and calming properties of CBD can ease the transition.

How to:

  1. Set a bedtime for yourself. Pick an earlier time that is not too different from your current bedtime.
  2. Brew yourself a cup of caffeine-free tea. Then add 1 milliliter CBD tincture to the brewed tea. You can also add the tincture to hot water with lemon or just take it by itself.
  3. Find something low-key and calming to do as the tincture kicks in. Sit somewhere cozy, read a book, or listen to some calming music.
  4. Take a moment to stretch before bedtime. Apply CBD topical to any sore aches or pains.
  5. Tuck yourself in bed at your new bedtime and let CBD carry you off to a lovely slumber.