Curl Up in a Blanket

How does it help?

It can be hard to let go of your day and simply relax. But taking the time to curl up in a nice blanket helps you feel warm and protected. You can enhance these feelings by enjoying a dose of de-stressing CBD before you snuggle up.

How to:

  1. Invest in a quality blanket. Do you want a big, fluffy white comforter, like what you’d find at a hotel? Or maybe a weighted blanket, which can be a great choice for relaxation? Weighted blankets ease anxiety, insomnia, and stress.
  2. Once you have your blanket, grab your CBD and a good book if you like. Consume some CBD to help yourself de-stress from the day and enter relaxation mode.
  3. Snuggle up. Wrap yourself up in your blanket. Allow yourself to soak in the comfort. Your job is simple but important—enjoy some rest and relaxation. Read, meditate, or simply drift off to sleep.