Stimulate Your Appetite
How does it help?
Sometimes when you’re stressed, not feeling great, or really busy, it can be easy to forget to eat. But when you’re not fueling your body, you’re not going to feel your best, and your focus, energy levels, and metabolism will all be negatively affected. Practice physical and mental self-care by using CBD to stimulate your appetite, sharpen your focus, and function at your maximum capacity.
How to:
- Place a few drops of CBD tincture under your tongue. This should encourage your appetite while also curating calm. Once the tincture has kicked in (about 15–45 minutes), choose what you want to eat.
- If you’re coming off a period of time when you weren’t eating, beverages such as smoothies or protein shakes are great ways to get your nutrition in. Add a CBD tincture to elevate your beverage.
- As you get your appetite back, continue to practice self-care, including getting enough calories. Remember to make yourself a priority in your own life.