Calm Your Stomach

How does it help?

Whether you’re suffering from gas, cramps, constipation, or something else, stomach issues can be embarrassing and can distract you from everything else you have going on. Thankfully, CBD treats the disruptive effects of an upset stomach, leaving you free to go about and enjoy your day from a place of comfort and confidence.

How to:

  1. First identify the cause of your upset stomach. Is it something you ate? Stress and anxiety? Do you have a stomach bug? Go see a doctor if needed.
  2. To settle your stomach, place CBD tincture under your tongue, or add 1 milliliter to seltzer or another sparkling beverage.
  3. Let CBD help you relax. Snuggle up somewhere you can be alone, and give yourself a break. Engage in a relaxing activity like watching TV or reading a book.
  4. Once you’re feeling better, treat yourself to a healthy snack or a cup of tea.
  5. Going forward, keep track of what upsets your stomach, and how CBD can help.