Do a Forward Bend
How does it help?
The spine, neck, and back are prime pain centers. Tension builds up in these areas when you type, text, do chores, feel stressed out, and more. Fortunately, you can relieve this tension by doing forward bends, which stretch the hips, hamstrings, calves, thighs, and knees while keeping your spine strong and flexible. Use a pain-relieving CBD topical to help you relax and access this useful pose at home or even at work.
How to:
- Stand up with your feet together. Bend your knees gently. Slowly begin falling forward vertebra by vertebra. Bend from your hips and not your back. Anytime you feel discomfort, take a break and rub CBD oil onto these spots.
- Stretch your hands toward the floor, then lift your kneecaps and gently spiral your inner thighs to straighten your legs.
- Feel your neck elongate as your crown falls toward the ground.
- When you’re ready, slowly roll back up, vertebra by vertebra. Take a moment to feel the stretch affecting your body, and acknowledge how good it feels to take time for yourself.