Identify Triggers

How does it help?

Triggers are certain topics or words that make you uncomfortable or remind you of painful memories. Stay one step ahead of the stress that triggers can cause by taking CBD and identifying what triggers a panicked response for you. This way, you can politely excuse yourself from situations that make you feel uncomfortable.

How to:

  1. Sit down with a journal and pen. Consume CBD to self-soothe.
  2. Make a table with 3 columns. Label them “Trigger,” “Emotion,” and “Coping Skill.” In the Trigger column, note what words or fears cause an intense emotional reaction—for instance, the name of your partner’s ex.
  3. In the Emotion column, write down how each trigger makes you feel—for example, “jealous and sad.”
  4. In the Coping Skill column, note a strategy to manage emotions when that trigger arises. For example, write down “reality check” to remind yourself that your partner is with you and that relationship is in the past.
  5. When a trigger arises, practice self-care by utilizing the coping skill you’ve identified for that particular trigger.