Dress Up for Date Night

How does it help?

Dressing up for date night helps you feel confident and can keep the romance alive in your relationship. When you show respect for the event—the romantic night out—your partner will respond appropriately, with admiration and respect. If you feel silly dressing up, CBD can help you get rid of those nerves and help you feel more confident, like the rock star you are.

How to:

  1. Take CBD, then make sure all the details of your date night are in order.
  2. Be brave while getting ready. Wear an outfit that brings out your confidence. Don’t worry about looking vain or silly. Squeeze your date night for all that it’s worth.
  3. If you have any clothing or jewelry that reminds you of your partner, wear that to increase the bond between the two of you.
  4. When you’re ready, and it’s time to go on the date, practice mindfulness and active listening. Listen to how your partner is doing, share your life updates with them, and open up emotionally. Use CBD to stay fully present and make the most out of each moment.