Be Assertive
How does it help?
Being assertive allows you to stand up for what you want without being a bully or passive-aggressive. It’s a powerful communication tactic in both professional and personal settings. Practicing this self-care exercise requires a calm and confident approach, which CBD can help with.
How to:
- Assertiveness is most effective when you’re calm and collected. Before trying out your skills, consume some CBD to bypass anxiety.
- Remember to listen to the other party. Agree to disagree. There is not always one right answer. It’s okay to have different opinions. Be patient (CBD can help with this too).
- Assertiveness uses active problem solving, so be sure to offer concrete solutions to a problem. For instance, tell your boss that you cannot move your doctor’s appointment, but you will complete your project afterward, and it will be awesome. You will feel confidence grow from being honest and assertive as you set clear boundaries and stick to them rather than let someone walk all over your time.