Give Out Care Kits for the Homeless

How does it help?

Helping others promotes a sense of purpose, lowers blood pressure, may help with chronic pain, and just feels good, so practice self-care by making an easy care kit to give to homeless people as you walk by. It’s okay to feel sad about the injustice after interacting with people, so make sure to care for yourself by keeping CBD on hand.

How to:

  1. Collect basic necessities such as tampons, socks, snacks, gloves, and lip balm. Pack them into small bags that you can carry with you.
  2. When walking around, if you pass a homeless person, hand them a care kit. Make eye contact. Chat for a minute. One of the most degrading parts about being homeless is feeling invisible.
  3. Seeing people suffer can be tough, and you may feel guilty for having what you do when others don’t have much. Self-soothe with CBD so you have the energy to open your heart and keep on giving.