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50 State Strategy, 214, 219, 227, 234–5, 238, 242, 244

527 organizations, 128, 199–200

Abraham, Daniel, 199

Abramoff, Jack, 84–5

ACORN, 4, 218

Adamsen, Arnie, 142–50, 152–3

Aflac, 67

AFL-CIO, 206

Alhadeff, Ken, 165

Americans for Jobs, Health Care & Progressive Values, 199–200

Amos, Dan, 73

Anderson, Patrick, 185–6

Angelos, Peter, 57

Arbour, Al, 4

Archer Daniels Midland, 66–7

Arnold, Sloan, 118

Asner, Ed, 2, 40

Barnes, Ben, 21

Baron, Fred, 217–18, 229–31

Becker, Jo, 175–6

Behr, Roy, 113

Belcher, Cornell, 240

Bender, David, 34–5, 51, 118

Bennett, Tony, 102

Bernhard, Sandra, 195–6

Bible, Geoff, 91

Biddle, Larry, 189

Biden, Joe, 105, 107

billionaire donors, 3, 9, 14, 229, 243, 249–51

California, 164

Clinton and, 30, 92–3

Dean and, 183–4, 187, 206–7, 216

Democracy Alliance, 62, 217–19, 221, 223, 225–6, 229, 244

McCain-Feingold and, 128, 187

super-PACs, 128, 200, 207, 217–18

bin Laden, Osama, 199

Bingham, Jay, 141, 143–4

Binion, Teddy, 130–3, 136

Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (McCain-Feingold), 9, 30, 128, 183–4, 187, 198, 216, 229

Blitzstein, Herbie, 131

Boehner, John, 24

Boggs, Tommy, 39–40

Boland, John, 38

Bonior, David, 11–12, 20

Boxer, Barbara, 105

Briggs, Harry, 4

Broderick, Beth, 205

Brown v. Board of Education, 4

Brown, Kathleen, 163, 165

Brown, Neil, 158, 160, 166

Brown, Willie, 81

Buckley v. Valeo, 9

Buell, Mark, 217

bundled donations, 11, 38, 75, 119, 183–7, 189, 193, 216, 223–5, 228, 230, 249

Burdick, Quentin, 158

Burger, Anna, 206

Bush, George W., 183, 186

Cafaro, J. J., 67, 102

Cafaro family, 101–2

call time, 51, 55–7, 77, 107, 122–3

campaign finance reform, 8, 247–51. See also Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (McCain-Feingold)

Canelli, Barbara, 103–4

Carter, Jimmy, 22

Checchi, Al, 106–7

Cheney, Dick, 189, 191

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 9, 217

Clayburgh, Ben, 158

Clinton, Bill, 107, 192, 197, 215, 220

billionaires and, 30, 92–3

Clinton/Gore fundraising, 25, 33, 35, 92, 128–9

DC donors and, 94–5

DCCC and, 76, 79

DNC and, 29–32, 35, 46–7, 71–3, 76

Inaugural Committee, 26–7, 33

Lewinsky scandal, 94, 108–9, 128, 162

midterm election, 45–6

presidential campaigns, 2–3, 22, 25, 46–7, 71–2, 76, 92, 109

Clinton, Hillary, 2, 26, 30, 129, 151, 222

Cloonan, Ned, 191

Clooney, George, 168

Conrad, Kent, 156–66, 178–9

consultants. See fundraising consultants

Corzine, Jon, 107

Craig, Greg, 162

Cranston, Alan, 9, 30

Cross, David, 196, 6

Crystal, Billy, 2, 26–7

Cummis, Ann, 64

Cummis, Clive, 64

Dalrymple, Jack, 158

Daschle, Tom, 22, 45

Davis, Gray, 105–7, 173

Dean, Howard

50 State Strategy, 214, 219, 227, 234–5, 238, 242, 244

billionaire donors and, 183–4, 187, 206–7, 216

campaign for DNC chair, 214–21

Dean for America, 184–6, 188, 205, 214

Democracy for America (DFA), 203–8, 213, 215, 227

as DNC chair, 3, 221–45

Kerry campaign and, 203–13

presidential campaign, 180–2, 184–203, 206

debt swap, 176–7

DeCaprio, Leonardo, 168

DeConcini, Dennis, 9

Delaney, Dana, 31

DeLay, Tom, 66, 85, 210

Democracy Alliance, 62, 217–19, 221, 223, 225–6, 229, 244

Democracy Bonds, 230–7, 240–2

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), 22, 47–9, 56, 61, 75, 80–1, 87–8

Clinton and, 76, 79


Emanuel and, 235

Frost and, 47–9, 71, 77, 219

Gephardt and, 54, 67, 168

member contributions, 48–9, 71

member fundraising, 49, 70–1

phone room, 47–8

purpose of, 20

Van Hollen and, 173, 177, 179

Democracy for America (DFA), 203–5, 207–8, 213, 215, 227

Democratic National Committee (DNC)

Clinton and, 29–32, 35, 46–7, 71–3, 76

Dean and, 3, 214–45

Democracy Bonds, 230–7, 240–2

Jacobson and, 28–31, 36

Lewis and, 28–36, 221–45, 247

McAuliffe and, 71, 92, 187, 92, 189, 215, 220–2, 227, 229

McMahon and, 204

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC), 58, 71, 159, 213, 235

direct mail, 226–7

Dole, Bob, 92

donor fakes, 34

donor-raisers, 62–4, 73

Dougherty, Leah, 222

Douglass, Jim, 5

Dozoretz, Beth, 26, 28

Dukakis, Mike, 25, 107

Edwards, John, 187–8, 201

Effective Government Committee (EGC), 14–16, 20, 22–3, 56, 61, 74–5, 169, 179, 199

Elmendorf, Steve, 14, 23–4, 50, 59–60, 63, 74, 89, 91, 96, 113, 136, 180, 214

Emanuel, Rahm, 25, 235

Ensign, John, 108, 111, 135

Equale, Paul, 55

Eshoo, Anna, 81

Fahy, Tom, 173

Fazio, Vic, 30

Federal Election Commission (FEC), 8, 18, 37–8, 40, 128, 164, 247

FedEx, 55, 67, 75

Feingold, Russ, 9, 183. See also Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (McCain-Feingold)

Fine, Mark, 141–4, 148–9, 153

Finney, Karen, 222

Flournoy, Tina, 215

Flowers, Gennifer, 151

Foley, Tom, 20, 27, 30

Fowler, Donnie, 219

Fraioli, Mike, 12

Fraioli-Jost, 12–13, 20, 43, 160, 163, 173

Frost, Martin, 47–9, 51, 71, 77–80, 82, 91, 191, 215, 219–20

fundraising consultants, 42–3, 95, 137

costs, 72, 87, 101, 227, 245

Fraioli-Jost, 12–13, 20, 43, 160, 163, 173

growth of, 12–14, 100–1

retainers, 87, 100

fundraising industry

bundled donations, 11, 38, 75, 119, 183–7, 189, 193, 216, 223–5, 228, 230, 249

call time, 51, 55–7, 77, 107, 122–3

and Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 9, 217

costs, 13–14, 53, 63, 72–5, 91–2, 178–9, 191–3, 226–8, 247

direct mail, 226–7

donor fakes, 34

donor-raisers, 62–4, 73

evolution of, 1–3, 10–14, 100–14,

grassroots movement, 173–4, 182–3, 189–97, 201–3, 206, 211–15, 223, 240–4, 247–51

hard money, 9, 127–8

matching funds, 201

and McCain-Feingold, 9, 30, 128, 183–4, 187, 198, 216, 229

mega-donors, 3, 45, 97, 175, 190, 216–17, 221, 224, 230

reform, 247–51

self-funding candidates, 106–7, 121, 142–3, 148–9

soft money, 9, 28, 30–3, 71, 127–8, 183

See also billionaire donors; political action committees (PACs)

Garofalo, Janeane, 196

Geary, Dan, 118–20

Geffen, David, 168

Gelman, Joe, 152

Gephardt, Jane, 57, 63–5, 67–70, 73, 95

Gephardt, Richard A., 2, 11–12, 100–1, 130

DC fundraising events (1994), 51–5, 72–3, 93–5

DCCC and, 54, 67, 168

Effective Government Committee (EGC), 14–23, 56, 61, 74–5, 169, 179, 199

and entertainment industry, 167–9

fundraising strategies, 20–3, 28, 56–7, 96–7

Jones as consultant to, 167, 169

Jones as staff member for, 16–19, 22, 24–5, 28, 36–7, 40–5, 63–5, 73–6, 87, 89–91, 95, 106

Lewis as consultant for, 101, 136–8

Lewis as greeter for, 8, 14–16

Lewis hired as fundraising assistant for, 36

as middle-class champion, 8, 11, 61, 96–7, 157, 179–80, 182

presidential campaigns, 20, 97, 129, 180, 189, 199, 214

Senate Majority Leader, 8, 40

Geto, Ethan, 186–8, 192–3

Gibbs, Robert, 200

Gill, Tim, 217

Gingrich, Newt, 6, 45–7, 66

Glenn, John, 9, 30

Goldman, Mattis, 192

Goodman, Oscar, 142–4, 148–9, 151–5

Gore, Al, 28, 71, 107

Bush-Gore race, 93, 182, 220

Clinton/Gore fundraising, 25, 33, 35, 92, 129

Clinton/Gore plates, 35, 51

endorsement of Dean, 197–8, 200

Jan Jones fundraising event, 129–30

on McAuliffe, 18

grassroots fundraising, 173–4, 182–3, 189–97, 201–3, 206, 211–15, 223, 240–4, 247–51

Gray, Giovanna, 185–6

Grayson, Alan, 250

Greenpeace, 4

Grimes, Bubba, 118, 140–1, 144, 154

Gross, Laura, 203

Grossman, Steven, 21, 237–8

Guinn, Kenny, 111–14, 120–1, 126–7, 129–30, 157

hard money, 9, 127–8

Harkin, Tom, 15, 107, 143

Harman, Jane, 106

Harman, Sidney, 106

Hart, Gary, 28, 107

Henry, Paul, 115–17, 134, 154

Hess, Leon, 67–8

Hiatt, Arnold, 21, 45

Hitchcock, Donald, 239

hockey, 4–6, 15, 85, 124, 164

Holden, Tim, 64

Hoyer, Steny, 219

Huang, 73–6

Huang, John, 2, 73–6, 92, 94

Hughes, Tom, 203

Hurricane Andrew, 19

Hurricane Katrina, 19, 243

Hussein, Saddam, 198

Ickes, Harold, 219

Independent Insurance Agents, 55

independent lobbyist firms, 39

issue advocacy, 127

Jacobs, Rick, 205

Jacobson, Nancy, 28–31, 34–6, 47, 73

Jagger, Bianca, 2, 64

Jefferson, Bill, 2, 64

Jefferson, Charles, 91

Jones, David

and Americans for Jobs, Health Care & Progressive Values, 200

fundraising consultant, 95, 102–3, 167, 169

Gephardt staff member, 16–19, 22, 24–5, 28, 36–7, 40–5, 63–5, 73–6, 87, 89–91, 95, 106

Jones, Jan, 105, 109–37, 141, 143, 145

Jost, Steve, 12, 173–4, 214. See also Fraioli-Jost

Kaniewski, Don, 55, 166

Keating, Charles, 9–10

Keating Five scandal, 9–10, 15, 27–8

Keiloch, Bruce, 42, 51, 184

Kennedy, Joe, 12, 25, 28, 41

Kennedy, Patrick, 2, 51, 73, 75, 86–7, 101

Kennedy, Ted, 2, 41, 101, 103–5, 173

Kerry, John, 187–8, 200–1, 207, 209–10, 212–17, 220–1, 229

Kildee, Dale, 85

Koch brothers, 218

Kushner, Tony, 238

labor movement, 11–12, 55, 60, 63–4, 206

Laborers’ International Union of North America, 55, 206

Lansing, Sherry, 224–5

Las Vegas Review Journal, 119, 143, 149–52

Leahy, Pat, 229–30

Lear, Norman, 2, 162–5

Lee, Susie, 117

Lewinsky, Monica, 94, 108–9, 128, 162

Lewis, Ann, 210

Lewis, Peter, 216–17, 239, 244

LGBT community, 59, 185–6, 193, 195–6, 217, 228, 238–9

Lierman, Terry, 172

lobbying industry, 2–3, 13, 38–40, 43–4, 71, 85, 94, 100–1, 160–2, 170–1, 191, 209, 247–9

Lockhart, Joe, 210

Ludwig, Walter, 205, 245

Mamet, Noah, 95–7, 136, 169, 180

Manilow, Barry, 31, 33

Mannerud, Vivian, 82

Marcella, Tony, 73, 87, 102

Markey, Ed, 2, 80, 191

Maroney, Peter, 16–19, 22, 24–5, 28, 36, 41–2, 51

matching funds, 201

McAuliffe, Dorothy, 73

McAuliffe, Terry, 2, 26, 28–9, 44, 59, 71, 73

ambassadorship of, 25

as DNC chair, 92, 187, 189, 215, 220–2, 227, 229

fundraising skills of, 18–19, 92

McCain, John, 9–10, 183–4. See also Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (McCain-Feingold)

McCue, Susan, 113, 132, 134, 136–8

McCutcheon v. FEC, 164, 247

McHale, Judith, 205

McMahon, Tom, 203–4, 209, 213–14, 222

Medley, Richard, 90

mega-donors, 3, 45, 97, 175, 190, 216–17, 221, 224, 230. See also billionaire donors

Megan’s Law, 151–3

Merck, Fredrike, 238

Midler, Bette, 120

Miller, Alan Gifford, 201–2

Miller, Bob, 110, 118, 166–7, 179

Mitchell, George, 27

Morella, Connie, 172, 176–7

Morris, Evan, 209–11, 228

Morrison, Jane Ann, 119

Moss, Kate, 44, 226

Moynihan, Pat, 30

Murphy, Sandy, 131

Nader, Ralph, 3

National Basketball Association (NBA), 78–9, 82

Neal, Joe, 108–9

Neel, Roy, 203

Ney, Bob, 85

Nicholson, Jack, 121

Nixon, Richard M., 8. See also Watergate scandal

No Labels, 28

Novak, Robert, 235–6

O’Connor, Kate, 188

O’Hanlon, John, 15–19, 22–4, 28, 36

O’Keeffe, Peter, 31

Obama, Barack, 3, 92, 200, 202, 206, 225, 235, 249

Olson, Adam, 169

Panetta, Leon, 40

party-building activities, 28, 127–8

Paterson, David, 197

Patricof, Alan, 17, 199, 245

Patterson, Jay, 222

Payne, Erica, 31

Pearson, Alex, 184

Pelosi, Nancy, 81, 213, 219

Petrillo, Tom, 228, 239

Philip Morris, 55, 67, 91

Podesta, Tony, 78

Poger, David, 16–18, 24, 26, 28, 34, 36

Polis, Jared, 225

political action committees (PACs), 94, 101–5

Democracy for America (DFA), 203–5, 207–8, 213, 215, 227

Effective Government Committee (EGC), 14–16, 20, 22–3, 56, 61, 74–5, 169, 179, 199

hard and soft money accounts, 9

leadership, 22–3, 87, 179

origin and purpose of, 8, 38–9, 183

restrictions on, 11, 71

super-PACs, 3, 128, 200, 207, 217–18, 248–50

union, 11, 71, 248

Ralston, Jon, 111, 122

Rawles, Denise, 113, 117

Reid, Harry, 108–9, 111–13, 115–16, 121–2, 126–8, 134–6, 213, 219

Reiner, Rob, 193, 245

Riegle, Donald W., 9

Rizzolo, Rick, 2, 123–6, 129, 144–5

Robb, Chuck, 159

Romney, Mitt, 92

Rosen, Jack, 67

Rosenberg, Simon, 219

Rospars, Joe, 231

Rudy, Tony, 85

Runyon, Willie, 58–62, 82–3, 87–8

Russo, Aaron, 120–1

Saban, Haim, 190

Sand, Duane, 166

Schechter, Arthur, 225

Schriock, Stephanie, 180, 185, 198, 202

Schumer, Chuck, 235

Schwartz, Bernard, 199

Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 106

Schweitzer, Brian, 159

Scully, Tim, 55, 166

self-funding candidates, 106–7, 121, 142–3, 148–9

seniority, 48–9

Service Employees International Union (SEIU), 206–7, 217

Shapiro, Ira, 176–7

Shaw, David, 80

Shriver, Mark, 172–5

Simone, Hannah, 31

Smith, John L., 149

soft money, 9, 28, 30–3, 71, 127–8, 183

Soros, George, 2, 45–6, 90, 93, 186–7, 206–7, 216–17, 225–6, 244

Soros, Jonathan, 207–8

Spacey, Kevin, 2, 167–9

Starr, Ken, 162

Stein, Rob, 217

Stephenson, Wayne, 164

Stern, Andy, 206–7

Stern, David, 2, 78–80, 82

Stoner, Floyd, 38

Streisand, Barbra, 26–7

Stroud, Kimball, 31, 44

Sullivan, Richard, 65, 75, 180

super-PACs, 3, 128, 200, 207, 217–18, 248–50. See also political action committees (PACs)

Sussman, Don, 21

Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, 200, 217

Tabish, Rick, 131, 136

Tagen, Julie, 222, 239

Tagg, George, 55

Tea Party, 120–1, 183, 241, 244

Teamsters, 55, 206

Tobias, Andy, 228, 231–3, 238–9

Tompkins, Susie, 217

Torrey, James, 194

Torricelli, Bob, 2, 64

Trippi, Joe, 189, 191–2, 198, 200–1, 203

Tucker, Diane Straus, 194

U.S. PIRG, 4

Vachon, Michael, 225

Van Heuvelen, John, 165–6

Van Hollen, Chris, 172–80, 182, 214

Van Hollen, Katherine, 175

Watergate scandal, 8, 128, 183

Weinstein, Harvey, 187–8

Werner, Larry, 116, 136

West, Alan, 250

Whitehead, Jamie, 51, 86–7, 101–2

Wilhelm, David, 29

Wilson, Charlie, 161–2

Wright, Andrew, 222, 242

Wurgaft, Emily, 185–6

Wynn, Steve, 2, 115, 117, 126–7