Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.
Numbers in italics show pages with illustrations.
26th July Movement (M-26-7), 357, 366–7, 368, 387
Abernathy, Ralph, 6, 17, 19, 22, 380
Aczél, Tamás, 183–4, 190, 191
AFL-CIO, 174
Africa, British colonies, 113–14
African National Congress (ANC): anthem, 226; banned, 397; Castro’s influence, 386; ‘defiance campaign’, 230; foundation, 230; Freedom Charter, 230–1; leadership, 373, 374, 386; membership, 230; solidarity with freedom struggles elsewhere, 398; women’s anti-pass movement, 225–6, 232–3; Women’s League, 227
Akka (ship scuttled in Suez Canal), 322
Alabama, University of: desegregation attempt, 74–9, 82–3; desegregation protests, 67, 77–9, 80, 82, 249
Alabama Journal, 23
Albion, HMS, 322
Algeria: ANC perspective, 398; armed struggle against French rule, xi, 27–8, 40–6; Battle of Algiers, 389–90; civil rights issues, 34–5, 72; French rule, 33–5; independence, 390; Mollet’s visit, 29–31, 45–6; Muslim population, 34–5, 43–4, 134; Palestro massacre, 131–3, 136– 7; pieds noirs, 27–8, 30, 43, 45, 134, 136, 389; settlers, 34, 43–5, 134, 390; warfare, 134–5, 389–90
Algiers: bombings, 137–8; Casbah raid, 136
Államvédelmi Osztálya (ÁVO, later ÁVH), 103
Altman, Phyllis, 225
America, see United States of America
American Committee on Africa, 397
Amis, Kingsley, 205
Anderson, Lindsay, 205
Andropov, Yuri, 101, 293, 300, 302, 344
‘Angry Young Men’, 205
Applebaum, Anne, 185
Arab League, 142, 213
Arbeiderbladet, 125
Arden-Clarke, Sir Charles, 115
Arendt, Hannah, 309
Arrow Cross Party, 312
Arvalov, R. G., 63
Association of Hungarian University and College Students (MEFESz), 295
Astor, David, 331
Athos (minesweeper), 265–6
Atlanta Journal Constitution, 73
Atlantic Charter, xiii, 27
Attlee, Earl, 124
Australia: responses to Hungarian uprising, 350, 351; Suez conferences, 258–9; Suez policy, 325, 330
Auténtico Party, 362
ÁVH, see Hungary
Azbell, Joe, 18–19, 21, 22
el-Azhari, Ismail, xi
Baard, Frances, 226
Baghdad Pact, 213
Baker, Ella, 15
Baltimore Afro-American, 386
Bandung Conference (1955), 42, 149
Bar-On, Mordechai, 258, 268
Barnes, Spencer, 339
Bartók, Béla, 190
Batista, Fulgencio: background and career, 362; coup, 362–3, 364, 365; flight, 368; opposition to, 359, 363, 364, 387; regime, 357, 362–3, 364, 366–7, 369
Bauman, Zygmunt, 284
BBC, 167, 171, 203, 205, 260
Beard, Howard A., 238
Beckett, Joan, 195
Béke és Szabadság, 183
Bem, József, 296
Ben Bella, Ahmed, 139–41
Ben-Gurion, David, 257–8, 268–9, 333
Bennett, L. Roy, 17
Berber nationalists, 36
Beria, Lavrentiy, 55, 57–8
Bernstein, Rusty, 396
Bevan, Aneurin, 332
Bierut, Bolesław, 95–6, 166
Birmingham World, 75
Black, Bill, 199
Blake, Fred, 16
Bouhired, Djamila, 137–8
Bourdet, Claude, 133
Bourgès-Manoury, Maurice, 257
Bourgin, Simon, 189
Bourguiba, Habib, 37–40, 139
Boyle, Sir Dermot, 218
Braceland, Francis J., 198
Brady, Thomas, 140
Brezhnev, Leonid, 385
Britain: African colonies, 113–14; anti-Suez demonstrations, 331–2; authority of British establishment, 393–4; Cyprus campaign for liberation, 122–3, 125–7, 390–1; Cyprus demand for enosis, 120–1; deportation of Makarios, 120, 124–5; Eden’s Suez strategy, 217–21, 257–62, 267–9; Egypt Committee, 219, 261, 262–3; Egypt High Dam funding issue, 209–10; Egypt presence, 210–11; Egypt withdrawal, 212–13; empire, 111–13, 119, 155, 388–9; Geneva Summit (1955), 52; Ghana independence, 111, 118–19; Gold Coast policies, 114–19; Hungarian refugees, 350; press reactions to Suez, 217, 261, 331; public opinion on Suez, 331–2; RAF, 120, 318, 319, 322–3; responses to Soviet invasion of Hungary, 351–2; Royal Navy, 120, 318, 319–20; Suez aftermath, 391–4; Suez campaign, 142, 317–21, 328–9; UN relations, 329–30, 332–3, 344; US relations, 326–8, 329–30, 334–5, 393; writing, 204–5; youth culture, 197–9, 202
Brittain, David J., 241, 243
Budapest: ‘Bloody Thursday’, 307; Central Workers’ Council, 349–50; Corvin Cinema, 304–5, 346, 347; demonstrations, 296–301; Kerepesi Cemetery, 291–3; Kilián Barracks, 304–5, 337, 347; Soviet invasion, 337, 345–6; Technical University meeting, 295–7; unrest, 294
Bulganin, Nikolai, xi–xii, 125, 333, 348
Bulgaria, 100–1
Bulwark, HMS, 322
Burns, Sir Alan, 114, 115
Byrd, Harry F., 70
Cain, Bobby, 235, 244, 247
Caldwell, Rosemary, 195
Camus, Albert, xi
Canada: Hungarian refugees, 350; Suez policy, 325–6, 332
Carmichael, O. C., 78
Carter, Asa ‘Ace’, 201, 244
Carter, Robert L., 15
Castro, Fidel: appearance, 364; background, 363–4; Granma expedition, 357–9, 367; influence, 385–6, 387; Moncada Barracks assault, 364–5; release from prison, 367; revolutionary government, 385–7; Sierra Maestra guerrilla warfare, 356, 360, 367–9; trial and imprisonment, 366–7, 368
Castro, Raúl, 357, 359, 367
Catroux, Georges, 28, 30
Central Workers’ Council of Greater Budapest (KMT), 349–50
Ceylon, Suez policy, 326
Challe, Maurice, 264, 267
Chandler, Albert, 247
Chandler, James, 246
Chervenkov, Vulko, 100–1
Chevallier, Jacques, 29
China, People’s Republic: Hundred Flowers campaign, 107, 382–3; Nasser’s recognition of, 214; Olympic Games boycott, 352; response to Hungarian uprising, 382–3; response to Khrushchev’s speech on Stalin, 107; response to Suez, 325; Soviet relations, 57, 107
Chinese Communist Party, 107
Christy, June, 201
Churchill, Winston, xiii, 331
Civil Rights Act (1957), 250
civil rights movement: activists, 75, 157; campaign against, 71, 74; campaigns, 395; King’s role, x, 148; nonviolent resistance, 156–7
Clement, Frank G., 245
Clinton Courier-News, 241–2
Clinton High School, Tennessee, 235, 241–7
Cold War: ‘nonaligned’ states, 149; nuclear arms race, 213; racial equality issues, 79–81, 150, 395; Soviet attitudes, xii; US role, 9, 21
Cole, Nat King, 201
Collins, Canon John, 396–7
Coloured People’s Congress, 230
Colvin, Claudette, 13–14
Communism: China, 107, 381; Cold War, 9, 21; Czechoslovakia, 103–7; Eastern Europe, xiii, 94, 100–1, 398; Egypt, 214, 217; French views, 32, 398; Hungary, 95, 107, 181, 185–8, 292–3, 296–7, 300, 312, 348, 354, 384–5, 398; international appeal, 354; Middle East, 121; Poland, 96–8, 166–9, 173–5, 177, 273–4, 277–8; racial equality issues, 73, 80, 150, 238; Romania, 342; South Africa, 230, 374, 378; Stalin’s status, 50, 56, 59–60, 63, 94–6, 381; Suez crisis, 325; US attitudes, 21, 57, 80, 112, 394; Vietnam, 383–4; youth culture, 202–3
Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KS), 105–7
Communist Party of the Soviet Union: Central Committee, 58, 65; Twentieth Congress (1956), 47, 49–52, 59, 63, 101, 107, 173, 182, 188, 381–2, 387
Congress of Democrats, 230
Congress of the People, Kliptown, 230–1
Convention of Constantinople (1888), 219
Convention People’s Party (CPP), 114, 115–18
Crete, 125
Crusade for Citizenship, 395
Csepel, strike, 192
Cuba: Batista regime, 362–3, 364; Castro’s imprisonment, 366–7; economy, 361; Granma expedition, 357–60, 367; history, 360–2; missile crisis, 386; Moncada Barracks assault, 364–6; Sierra Maestra guerrillas, 368–9; US relations, 361, 362, 387
Cuban Communist Party (PCC), 363, 369
Cypriot Orthodox Church, 120, 121
Cyprus: British rule, 120; Communist view of liberation struggle, 398; demand for enosis, 120–1; deportation of Makarios, 120, 124–5; EOKA, 122, 124–7; independence, 391; international responses to deportation of Makarios, 124–5; revolt, 122–7; state of emergency, 127, 390–1
Cyrankiewicz, Józef, 97, 163, 175–6, 280
Czechoslovak Union of Youth (CSM), 102–4
Czechoslovakia: arms for Egypt, 213, 265; Majáles parades, 102–4; Polish newspapers banned, 97; Prague Spring, 385; response to Hungarian uprising, 342; Stalin’s status, 95, 106; student rebellion, 102–6; youth culture, 202
Dadoo, Yusuf, 374
Daily Express, 195, 298, 331
Daily Herald, 331
Daily Mail, 202, 331
Daily Mirror, 217, 331
Daily Telegraph, 217, 331
Daily Worker, 309, 347
Danquah, Dr J. B., 114, 115
Davis, Jefferson, 10
Dayan, Moshe, 257–8, 265, 269
de Gaulle, Charles, 139, 390
de Lesseps, Ferdinand, 211, 319
Dean, Patrick, 268, 269
Delmer, Sefton, 298
Déry, Tibor, 181, 188, 189, 190, 191, 203
Diem, Ngo Dinh, 384
Dien Bien Phu, French defeat, 33
DISz (the League of Working Youth), 184, 295
Dixon, Sir Pierson, 329
Dobi, István, 292
Domino, ‘Fats’, 195–6
Drif, Zohra, 137–8
Drum, 232
Du Bois, W. E. B., 149
Dulles, Allen, 56, 94, 176, 220, 339
Dulles, John Foster: Egypt policies, 209– 10, 213, 220–1; Poland policies, 286; response to Hungarian uprising, 339, 344, 353–4; response to Pozna uprising, 176; Suez ceasefire resolution, 329–30; Suez policies, 221, 259, 327, 329–30
Durr, Clifford, 15, 16
Durr, Virginia, 15, 16, 148
Eagle, HMS, 322
Earle, Ralph D. Jr, 196
East Germany (GDR), 58, 94, 100, 342, 381, 385
Eastland, James, 84
Eberhart, Richard, 204
Echevarría, José Antonio, 369
Economist, 331
Eden, Sir Anthony: BBC addresses on Suez, 260–1, 330–1; Commons attitudes to Suez, 321–2, 330–1; Cyprus policies, 123–4; Egypt policy, 214–15; health, 214, 392; Middle East policy, 119, 214; New Year plans, x; resignation, 392; resignation called for, 331, 332; response to Suez canal nationalisation, 217–19; Suez aftermath, 392, 393; Suez campaign, 318, 321–2, 328, 332–3, 392; Suez crisis discussions, 255, 257, 261, 264; Suez strategy, 261, 267–8, 325–6; UN relations, 332–3; US relations, x, 220–1, 328, 333
Egypt: air force, 322; Arab support, 324–5; arms supplies, 213–14, 265; British presence, 211; British withdrawal, 212–13; High Dam project, 209–10, 215; independence, 210; response to London conferences, 258; Suez aftermath, 392; Suez campaign, 321–2; Suez Canal, 211, 215–16
Eisenhower, Dwight D.: administration, 94, 142, 213, 339, 354; British relations, x, 214, 220–1, 326–8, 333, 334; civil rights policies, 82, 237, 248–51; ‘doctrine’, 394; health, xii; Middle East policy, 334, 394; Poland policy, 286; presidential election campaign, 286, 326, 328; presidential re-election, 394; response to Hungarian uprising, 339, 353–4; response to Khrushchev’s ‘secret speech’, 56; response to Suez crisis, 220–1, 259, 317, 326–8, 333–5; Soviet relations, 333–4, 354; Vietnam policy, 384
Elliott, Carl, 70–1
Emerson, Bill, 242
Englehardt, Sam, 84
EOKA (National Organisation of Cypriot Fighters), 122, 124–7, 390–1
Fanon, Frantz, 389
Farouk, King of Egypt, 211, 215
Farris, Charles, 77
Faubus, Orval, 250
Fawzi, Mahmoud, 264
Federation of South African Women (FEDSAW), 227, 231–3
Feisal, King of Iraq, 217
Fellowship, 154
Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR), 152, 153
Fenton, James, 122
Ferradj, Abdelkader, 136
Fighting Talk, 225, 232, 388
First, Ruth, 374, 388
Fisher, Dr Geoffrey, 124, 330
FLN (Front de Libération Nationale): Algerian independence, 390; armed insurgency, 27–8; Battle of Algiers, 389–90; boycotts, 46; executions of FLN prisoners, 136–7; French agreement with, 390; French strategy against, 133–6; international status, 42; kidnap of FLN leaders, 139–42; manifesto, 41–2; Nasser’s support for, 142, 219–20, 266; strategy, 42–3; violence, 43–6, 129, 131, 134, 137–8; warfare, 134–5
Folsom, ‘Big’ Jim, 82
Foot, Michael, 123
Foreign Legion, 30, 33, 36
Forman, Lionel, 375
Frckowiak, Franciszek, 164–5
Franc Tireur, 175
France: Algeria independence, 390; Algeria insurgency, 40–5; Algeria policies, 27–31, 33–4, 45–6, 136–7, 390; Algeria warfare, 134–5, 389–90; anti-colonial violence, 35–40; Atlantic Charter, xiii; British relations, 392; decolonisation policy, 32–3, 36–7; empire, 31–2; FLN campaign against French rule, 40–6; Fourth Republic, 32; Geneva Summit (1955), 52; German relations, 392; Hungarian refugees, 350; international responses to Suez campaign, 325, 333–4; kidnap of FLN leaders, 139–42; Moroccan independence, 36; National Assembly, 32, 33–4, 45; responses to Suez canal nationalisation, 217, 219–20; Suez aftermath, 392; Suez campaign, 142, 318, 320; Suez strategy, 257–60, 264–9; Tunisian independence, 39–40; UN relations, 329–30, 344
France-soir, 217, 346–7
Franco, General Francisco, x
François, Laurent, 41
Franks, Maurice, 378
Free Officers Movement, 211
Freed, Alan, 197
Freedom Charter, 230–1, 378
Front de Libération Nationale see FLN
Fry, Sir Leslie, 293, 304, 340, 349
Fryer, Peter, 309, 347
Gaitskell, Hugh, 218, 330
El Gamil, 317–18
Gandhi, Mahatma, 115, 151–3, 155–7, 230
Garbagnati, Marcel, 137
Garvey, Marcus, 115, 149
Gati, Charles, 354
Gayle, W. A., 3, 8, 13, 83
Gazier, Albert, 264, 267
Gdask: mass rally, 283–4; workers’ council, 283
Geneva Accords (1954), 384
Geneva Summit (1955), 52–3
George, Walter F., 69–70
Georgia, Soviet Socialist Republic, 63–5
Georgia, US State, 69–70
Gérard, Claude, 133
Ger, Ern
, 190, 292–4, 296–7, 300, 302–7
Ghana: independence, 111, 388–9; independence movement, 114, 117–18, 149; see also Gold Coast
Gilmore, Georgia, 379
Gimes, Miklós, 350
Ginsberg, Allen, 204
Glubb, Sir John Bagot, 119, 214
Gold Coast: ANC perspective, 398; Asante, 116–17; British rule, 113–14; elections (1956), 117–18; independence, 109, 111, 118–19, 123, 393; independence movement, 114, 117–18, 149, 398; National Liberation Movement (NLM), 116–18
Gomułka, Władysław: background and career, 99–100, 273–5, 278, 280–1; calls for his return, 100, 177, 275, 278; imprisonment, 99–100, 274; influence in Hungary, 294; political views, 99–100, 274, 282; reinstatement, 280–2, 294; Soviet negotiations, 281–2, 285; Soviet relations, 278–82, 286–7; Warsaw speech (24 October), 271, 284–5
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 63, 382
Gordey, Michel, 347
Gordon, Louise, 247–8
Gordon family, 247–8
Goriunov, Dmitri, 52
Gramsci, Antonio, xii
Granma (yacht), 357–9
Grant, Leo, 244–5
Gray, Fred D., 16, 19, 85–7
Greece: Cyprus independence, 391; Cyprus union issues, 120–1, 390–1; Suez crisis, 258
Grellier, Gaston, 140
Grivas, Colonel George, 122–7, 390–1
Gruson, Sydney, 103, 273
Guevara, Ernesto ‘Che’, 357–8, 360, 385, 387
Guinn, Henry Nathaniel, 77
Gulag, 56–7, 93
Gurrey, Donald Boswell, 164, 165
Guzy, Piotr, 173
Haley, Bill, 197
El-Halia, massacre, 44
Hammarskjöld, Dag, 142, 263, 332
Harding, Sir John, 120, 123
Hay, Gyula, 294
Healy, Sarah, 78
Hegedüs, András, 292
Heikal, Mohamed, 215, 323
Hejmowski, Stanisław, 277–8
Ho Chi Minh, 33, 383–4
Hobsbawm, Eric, 381
Holland, Sidney, 325
Home, Earl of, 218
Horthy, Miklós, 312
Horton, Myles, 15
Horváth, Márton, 187–8, 296
‘Howl’ (Ginsberg), 204
Hudson, Edward, 76
Humphrey, George, 220
Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party (MSzMP), 314
Hungarian-Soviet Friendship Society, 300
Hungarian Workers’ Party (MDP): Central Committee, 178, 189, 303; dissolved, 314; Ger’s defence of, 300; Ger
’s role, 190, 292; Nagy readmitted, 294; Rákosi’s resignation. 181; status, 341
Hungarian Writers’ Association, 184
Hungary: anti-Soviet sentiment, 294–5, 300–1; armed forces, 346; arrival of Soviet troops, 301–2; ÁVH (State Protection Agency), 102, 178, 298, 301, 308, 310–12, 313, 341; ‘Bloody Thursday’, 307; call for withdrawal of Soviet troops, 296; Communist leadership, 94–5, 101–2, 178, 181–2, 187–90, 292; Communist vote, 107; debate on press freedom, 179; flag, 289, 308, 310; international responses to repression of uprising, 350–4; massacres, 307, 311; news of Soviet troop withdrawals, 339; Petfi Circle, 184–8, 189, 191; Polish newspapers banned, 97; political discontent, 57, 185–8, 191–2; press criticisms of Communist regime, 182–4; Radio Free Europe broadcasts, 177; reforms after uprising, 384–5; responses to Khrushchev’s ‘secret speech’, 95, 101, 182; responses to Polish disturbances, 97, 178; revolutionary councils, 309–10, 314; Sixteen Points, 295, 301, 313; Soviet invasion, 345–9, 351, 387; Soviet troop movements, 343–5; violent responses toward ÁVH, 308, 310, 312, 341; workers’ councils, 308–9, 340, 349–50; writers, 190–1, 203; Writers’ Revolt, 184; writing, 203; youth culture, 202–3
Hurley, Ruby, 75
Hussein, Ahmed, 209
Hussein, King of Jordan, 119, 214, 216
Hutchinson, Alfred, 81, 398
Hyam, Ronald, 393–4
Ihadjadjen, massacre, 46
India, Suez policy, 258, 326, 332
Indochina, French, 32–3, 42
Indonesia: independence, 149; responses to Suez, 325
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, 174
International Defence and Aid, 397
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 334
International Red Cross, 176–7
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (movie), 202
Israel: relations with Egypt, 213, 264–5; relations with Jordan, 265, 267, 268; Suez aftermath, 391; Suez campaign, 142, 321; Suez strategy, 257–8, 264–9
Israel Defence Forces (IDF), 267, 321, 391
Istiqlal Party, 35–6
Izdebny, Corporal Zygmunt, 169
Japan: Communist party, 49; Yahiko Shrine disaster, ix–x
Jasna Góra, pilgrims, 275–6
jazz, 98, 202–3
Jim Crow: defence of, 72–3, 75, 80, 234, 237, 238; Eisenhower’s policy, 248; King’s sermon, 146; laws, 11; nonviolent resistance, 156; system of white supremacy, 9–10, 70
Johannesburg: Army Drill Hall, 377–8, 396; the Fort prison, 374–7; Treason Trial, 377–9
Jordan: British relations, 119, 214, 267, 333, 393; dismissal of Glubb, 119, 214; Israeli relations, 265, 267, 268, 391; Nasser relations, 216, 324; Suez crisis, 324
Joseph, Helen, 225, 226–7, 232, 371, 374
Kaberry, George and Marjorie, 126
Kádár, János, 303, 307, 348, 349–50, 384–5
Kaganovich, Lazar, 59, 65, 280
Kasper, John, 242–4
Kathrada, Ahmed, 374
Katy massacre (1940), 278–9, 285
Kennedy, John F., 250, 387
Kenya, uprising, 42, 73, 127
Khodja, Ali, 131
Khrushchev, Nikita: background and career, 53–5; character, 52–3; coup, 58; denunciation of Stalin, 50–2, 56, 60, 94, 107, 381–2; liberalisation policy, 382; New Year celebrations, xii; ousted, 382; Poland policies, 278, 279–82, 284, 286–7; response to Hungarian uprising, 302, 305–6, 339, 340–1, 343; responses to his ‘secret speech’, 60–5, 94–7, 101, 106–7, 172–3, 182, 185, 203, 381–2, 384; ‘secret speech’ (1956), 56, 59–60; Tito relations, 58; Twentieth Party Congress, 47, 49–52, 59, 381; visit to Britain, 125; visit to Warsaw, 280–2
Kilmuir, Lord, 218
Kilpatrick, James J., 71
King, Coretta Scott, 5, 8, 19, 20
King, Martin Luther Jr: 1956 as year of international revolt, 398; arrest, 6; bombing of house, 5–9, 24, 83, 86, 151; bus boycott, x, 5, 8, 17–22, 88, 146–51, 380; bus segregation issue, 17–22, 146–8, 150–1, 380, 395; civil rights movement, x, 148; Gandhi’s influence, 152–7; global context, 149–51, 398; leadership, 148, 150, 395; MIA mass meeting, 21–2; MIA presidency, 6, 20; nonviolence strategy, 151–7, 395; oratory, 148; pictures, 3, 143; response to bus desegregation, 380; sermons and speeches, x, 5, 81, 86, 88, 20–1, 145–6, 148
King, Yolanda, 5
Király, Béla, 346
Kommunist, 52, 64
Konev, Ivan, 280, 282, 345
Kossuth, Lajos, 291
Kossuth Circle, 191
Kott, Jan, 98
Krasko, Wincenty, 165
Krogh, Peter, 329
Ku Klux Klan, 79, 244
Kukharchuk, Nina Petrovna, 53
Kun, Béla, 177
La Guma, Blanche, 373
Lacoste, Robert, 133, 137, 141
Lakhdari, Samia, 137–8
Lambert, Claudine, 140
Lambert, Les, 319
Lampley, R. L., 3
Landowski, Paul, 29
Langa, Pius, 228
Lejeune, Max, 140
Lenin, V. I., 51, 166
Lennox-Boyd, Alan, 111, 123–4
Lewis, Rufus, 20, 86
Liberation, 395
Liberty Leading the People (Delacroix), 277–8
Lipinski, Edward, 276
Little Rock, Arkansas, 250
Litván, György, 102
Lloyd, Selwyn: Suez ceasefire, 334; Suez discussions with French, 255; Suez discussions with French and Israelis, 257–8; Suez strategy meetings, 218, 261, 267–8, 332–3; UN talks, 267–8
Loch Fada, HMS, 120
Lodge, Henry Cabot Jr, 329
Logan, Donald, 257, 268
London, Suez conferences, 258–9
The Long Walk (Rawicz), 93–4
Look Back in Anger (Osborne), 204–5
Losonczy, Géza, 185, 189
Low, David, 91
Lucas, Scott, 267
Lucy, Autherine, 75–9, 81, 82, 124, 399
Lukács, György, 186
Luthuli, Albert, 374, 375, 376
McGill, Ralph, 73
Macmillan, Harold: Suez campaign, 333, 334; Suez preparations, 220, 262; US relations, 220, 326, 393; view of Khrushchev, 52–3
Madagascar, 32, 36
Maghreb Liberation Army Co-ordinating Committee, 36
Makarios III, Archbishop: appearance, 122; background and career, 121–2; deportation, 120, 124, 125; enosis policy, 121, 122; presidency, 391; talks with Lennox-Boyd, 123
Malenkov, Georgy, 55
Maléter, Pál, 305, 345, 350
Malinin, Mikhail, 305
Manchester Guardian, 94, 173, 260
Mandela, Nelson, 371, 373–4, 376, 386
Mansfield High School, Texas, 237–40, 249
Mao Zedong, 107, 217, 325, 342, 383
Marshall, Thurgood, 250
Martin, Kingsley, 352
Martin, W. L., 69
‘Massive Resistance’, 71–3, 79, 86, 245
Massu, General Jacques, 131
Matthews, Ralph, 386
Matthews, Z. K., 395–6
Mau Mau, 73, 127
Mayo, Peter, 320
MDP, see Hungarian Workers’ Party
Meany, George, 124
Medvedev, Roy A., 49, 61–2
Melody Maker, 198
Mendès-France, Pierre, 33, 39, 141
Menzies, Robert, 259, 325
Méray, Tibor, 188
Mezentsev, Sergei, 52
Mez, Imre, 341
MI6, 214
MIA, see Montgomery Improvement Association
Mikoyan, Anastas: comments on Stalin, 50; Hungary missions, 181, 302, 305; report on Hungarian leadership, 181; views on Hungarian uprising, 302, 305, 340–1, 343; Warsaw visit, 280
Mill Irving, D. J., 29
Mills, C. Wright, 382
Mindszenty, Cardinal József, 294, 314
Mitterrand, François, 42
Mladá Frontá, 103, 105
Moguy, Salaheddin, 318, 320
Mohammed V (Mohammed Ben Yusuf), sultan of Morocco, 28, 35–6, 139
Mollet, Guy: Algeria policies, 27–8, 45–6, 141; Algiers visit, 25, 27, 29–31, 45; government, 40, 141, 220; kidnap of FLN leaders, 140, 141; opposition to, 133; Suez crisis, 220, 255, 257, 333, 392
Molotov, Vyacheslav, 52, 55, 59, 280
Moncada Army Barracks, Santiago, 364–6
Monckton, Sir Walter, 263
Monnerot, Guy and Jeanine, 41
Montgomery, Alabama: bombing of King’s home, 5–9; bus boycott, 17–18, 21–4, 83–4, 147, 150–1, 395; bus desegregation, 379–80; bus segregation, 11–14, 15–16, 146, 379–80; Citizens’ Council rally, 84–5; economy, 10; history, 10; King’s sermons, x; municipal parks, 395; racial segregation, 10–11, 394–5; violent intimidation, 85–6, 394–5
Montgomery Advertiser, 18, 21, 85
Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA): activists indicted, 86, 87–8; bus boycott, 22–4, 83, 146–7, 395; car pool, 83–4; King’s sermons, 145–6; leadership, 20, 23, 87, 147–8, 151; legal battle against bus segregation, 146–7; municipal parks desegregation policy, 395; nonviolent resistance, 153–4, 156; response to bus desegregation, 380
Moore, Scotty, 199
Moosa, Rahima, 225
Morgan, Edward P., 151
Moroccan Liberation Army, 36
Morocco: independence, 36; nationalist violence, xi, 35–6, 42; sultan, 28, 35–6
Morrison, John, 317
Mosonmagyaróvár, massacre, 310–11
Mountbatten, Earl, 218
Mphahlele, Ezekiel, 229
Mullin, Tony, 315
Münnich, Ferenc, 292, 348
Murphy, Robert, 220
Muslim Brotherhood, 211
Myers, Pollie Anne, 75–6
NAACP, see National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Nagy, Imre: administration, 341, 348; appeal to UN, 344; appearance, 298; background and career, 299; ‘Bloody Thursday’, 307; execution, 350; ‘New Course’ policies, 101, 185, 313–14; premiership, 303–4, 341; radio broadcasts, 313–14, 344, 345–6; Rajk ceremony, 292; readmission to government, 302–3; readmission to MDP, 294; reports of Soviet troop movements, 343–4; response to Soviet invasion, 345, 346; Soviet attitudes to, 341–2, 344; speech outside parliament, 339–40; speech to demonstrators, 298–300; supporters, 189, 295, 297, 303, 312
Nasser, Gamal Abdel: ANC support, 398; appearance, 211–12, 259; Australian mission to, 259; background, 211; blamed for Glubb’s departure, 119, 214; British relations, 210, 213, 214, 217–21; Chinese relations, 214, 217; FLN relations, 142, 219–20; High Dam project, 210, 215; international reputation, 216–17; plan to overthrow, 258; presidency, 212; quoted, 209; rise to power, 211–12; Soviet relations, 213–14, 217; status after Suez Crisis, 392; Suez campaign, 322–3, 324–5; Suez Canal nationalisation, 207, 215–19; Suez negotiations, 264; Tito’s visit, xi; US relations, 210, 213, 220–1
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP): education issues, 75–6, 79–80, 237–40; King’s speech, 154; leadership, 24, 73, 394; legal battles, 71–2, 75–6, 86, 147, 237; letter to president, 249–50; members, 13, 15, 75; violent opposition to, 83, 244
National Liberation Movement (NLM), Gold Coast, 116–18
National Party, South Africa, 227–8, 231, 233
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 210, 326
Neo-Destour Party, 36–7
Netherlands, Suez policy, 258
New Statesman, 205, 352
New Year celebrations (1956), ix–xii
New York Times, ix–x, xii, 61, 84, 87, 94, 103, 140, 174, 273, 307, 354, 363
New Yorker, 381
New Zealand, Suez policy, 325, 330
Ngoyi, Lilian, 225, 226, 374
Nigeria: response to Suez, 398; selfgovernment, 388–9
Nixon, E. D.: bombing of house, 24, 83; bus segregation issue, 14, 16–18, 380; career, 14, 15, 20; relationship with Rosa Parks, 15, 16; view of nonviolence, 157
Nixon, Richard M., 382
Nkrumah, Kwame: appearance, 114; background and career, 114–15; CPP, 114, 115, 118; Ghana independence, 119, 388; imprisonment, 115; military coup against, 388; NLM opposition, 116–18; picture, 109; prime minister, 116, 118–19, 388
Nok Lapja, 182
nonviolent resistance, 154–7
North Africa: Communist view of liberation struggles, 398; rebellion against French, xi, 35–6
Novotný, Antonín, 105, 106–7
Nowa Kultura, 276
Nuri es-Said, 217
Nutting, Anthony, 214–15, 267
Nyerere, Julius, 388
L’Observateur, 133
Observer, London, 61, 133, 205, 331
Ocean, HMS, 318–19
Ochab, Edward, 96, 100, 169, 279–81
Olympic Games (Melbourne), 352–3
Operation Musketeer, 262, 322, 328, 392
Operation Whirlwind, 345–6
Orlov, Yuri, 63
Ortodoxo Party, 364, 369
Osborne, John, 204–5
Overton, Richard, 200–1
País, Frank, 359
Pakistan, Suez policy, 326
Palestro massacre, 131–3, 136–7
Palomar Gardens, Fats Domino concert, 195–6
Parker, ‘Colonel’ Tom, 200
Parks, Frank, 83
Parks, Raymond, 15, 16
Parks, Rosa, 14–16, 19, 22, 380, 395
Parr, John, 315
Partelet, 183
People’s Daily, 217
Peres, Shimon, 257
Pérez, Faustino, 360
Pérez, Louis, 362
Péter, Gábor, 102
Petfi, Sándor, 184, 291, 297
Petfi Circle, 179, 184–8, 189, 191
Phillips, Sam, 197, 199
pieds noirs, 27–8, 30, 43, 45, 134, 136, 389
Piłsudski, Józef, 273
Pineau, Christian, 219–20, 255, 257, 259, 269
Piros, László, 296
Pisareva, Yefrosinia, 53
Pius XII, Pope, 350
Po prostu, 97–8, 99
‘A Poem for Adults’ (Wayk), 203
Poland: anti-Soviet sentiment, 283–5; Communist regime, 94–5; flag, 168; Gomułka’s return to power, 280–2, 294; history, 273; international response to repression of protests, 174–5, 176– 7, 189; political and economic discontent, 57, 97–9, 105, 171–2, 275; Pozna protests, see Pozna
; Pozna
trials, 276–8; press, 276; religion, 99, 282, 285–6; religious nationalism, 275–6; response to Khrushchev’s ‘secret speech’, 95–8, 172–3; response to Makarios deportation, 125; Sejm, 276, 282; Soviet relations, 279–82, 286–7; student unrest, 276; wave of dissent, 177– 8; workers’ councils, 283, 285; writing, 203; youth culture, 202
Polish Communist Party (KPP), 274
Polish United Workers’ Party (PZPR): Central Committee, 169; economic approach, 276, 279, 282; Eighth Plenum, 279, 280–1, 282, 284; headquarters, 164–6; leadership, 275, 279; response to Khrushchev’s ‘secret speech’, 96; Soviet relations, 97, 279
Pontecorvo, Gillo, 389
Port Said: battle for, 315, 317–22; British strategy, 218, 262; British withdrawal, 212; Suez Canal garrison, 211
Pound, Ezra, 242
Pozna: aftermath of protests, 175–8, 275; background to protests, 171–4; international parallels, 398; international responses to suppression of protests, 174–5, 176–7; protests, 161, 163–8; trials, 276–8; violent suppression of protests, 168–71, 174, 175
Pravda, 65, 217, 314
Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom, 395
Presley, Elvis, 199–200
PZPR, see Polish United Workers’ Party
quadrillage system, 134
Radio Free Europe, 177, 203, 353
Radio Free Kossuth, 345–6
Radio Free Miskolc, 344
Radio Kossuth, 296, 301, 307
Radio Moscow, 81
Rae, James, 315
Rajk, Júlia, 186–7, 292–3
Rajk, Laci, 186, 292
Rajk, László, 102, 186, 291–3, 299
Rákosi, Mátyás: ‘badge’, 297n, 311; cartoon, 91; Nagy relations, 299; opposition to, 184, 185, 186, 189, 313; personality cult, 101; policies, 183, 295, 313; rehabilitation of Rajk, 102; resignation, 181–2; response to Khrushchev’s ‘secret speech’, 101, 182; response to Pozna protests, 178; Soviet relations, 189; successor, 190, 293
Randolph, A. Philip, 156
Rawicz, Slavomir, 93–4
Ray, Johnnie, 196
Red Army: Hungarian presence, 285, 294, 305, 344–6, 348, 352, 384; Katy massacre, 278–9; Khrushchev’s career, 53, 55; liberation after WWII, 94, 163, 274, 298; Nagy’s career, 299; Polish presence, 283; Romanian presence, 342
Reesha, Maggie, 227
Rettie, John, 50
Révai, József, 188
Richmond News Leader, 71
Robinson, Jo Ann: bus boycott, 16–17, 19, 85, 147; harassment of, 87; on bombing of King’s home, 7, 9; on bus desegregation, 379; on bus segregation, 11–12, 13; on Colvin’s arrest, 14
rock ’n’ roll, 195–202
Rock Around the Clock, 193, 196–7, 199
Rokossovsky, Konstantin, 96–7, 169, 279–81, 283, 285
Romania, response to Hungarian uprising, 342–3
Ronsac, Charles, 175
Roque, Roberto, 359
Roosevelt, Franklin D., xiii, 35
Russell, Richard, 70
Rustin, Bayard, 152–3
Sachs, E. S. ‘Solly’, 374, 375
Sadok, Hadj, 41
Sadovy, John, 341
St Laurent, Laurent, 324–6
Salisbury, Lord, 218
Santamaría, Abel, 365
Santamaría, Haydée, 365
Sarell, Roderick, 135–6
Sárkány, László, 183
Saudi Arabia, 325
Savary, Alain, 141
Schlesinger, Arthur Jr, 387
Sellers, Clyde, 3, 8, 13, 19, 83, 84
Serov, Ivan, 302, 305, 345
Sèvres discussions, 257–8, 268
Shield, John Gilles, 352
Shivers, Allan, 240, 249
Sierra Maestra, 356, 360, 368–9, 381
Sight and Sound, 205
Silvia, Charles, 195
Sinatra, Frank, 198
Sisulu, Walter, 233, 371, 374
Sixteen Points (Hungarian), 295, 301, 313
Słonimski, Antoni, 98
Slovo, Joe, 374
Smiley, Glenn, 152, 153–4, 380
Smith, Lillian, 154
Soustelle, Jacques, 28, 29, 45
South Africa: anti-Communism, 80; apartheid, 227–8, 231; pass system, 228– 30, 231–2; protests against extension of pass laws, 223, 225–7, 232–4, 396; racial policies, xiv, 72, 80, 81, 227–8, 233–4; Sharpeville massacre, 397; Treason Trial, 371, 374–9, 396–7
South African Congress of Trade Unions, 230
South African Indian Congress (SAIC), 230, 374
Southern Christian Leadership Conference, 395
Southern Manifesto, 69–71, 74
Soviet Union (USSR): arms for Egypt, 213–14; Atlantic Charter, xiii; China relations, 57, 107; Committee for State Security (KGB), 58, 62, 302, 345; Eastern European empire, 385; economy, 57; foreign policy, 57–8; Geneva Summit (1955), 52; Gulag, 56–7, 93; international responses to repression of Hungarian uprising, 350–4; invasion of Hungary, 345–9, 351, 387; liberalisation policies, 382; Ministry for Internal Affairs (MVD), 57– 8; Nasser relations, 213–14, 217; New Year celebrations, xi–xii; Poland relations, 279–82; response to Hungarian uprising, 302–7, 313–14, 340–4; responses to Khrushchev’s ‘secret speech’, 61–5; Suez policy, 258, 325, 333–4; Yugoslavia relations, 57
Spectator, 331
Staff, Alan, 127
Stalin, Joseph: body, 62; death, 55, 56, 274, 299; Khrushchev’s denunciation, 50–2, 56, 60–1, 94, 107, 381–2; Khrushchev’s earlier view of, 54–5; Mao’s position, 107; monuments, 103; portraits, 49, 62; regime, 58–60; responses to denunciation of, 60–5, 93, 94–7, 101, 106–7, 172–3, 182, 185, 203, 381–2, 384; statue toppled, 300–1; writings, 50
Stannard, Rt Rev. Peter, 199
Stephen I, King of Hungary, 182
Stevenson, Adlai, 286
Strijdom, J. G., 226, 378
student protests: Algeria, 46; Austria, 351; Britain, 331; Cuba, 363–4; Czechoslovakia, 103–6; Greece, 125; Hungary, 293, 294–9, 308–9, 346, 350; Poland, 98, 164–5, 276; Romania, 342
Sudan, independence, xi, 119
Suez Base Agreement, 213
Suez Canal, 211, 215–16
Suez Canal Company, 215–16, 219, 263
Sukarno, President, 389
Sun Records, 199–200
Suslov, Mikhail, 302, 305, 341
Syria, 324–5
Szabad Nép, 187, 189, 191, 296
Szász, Béla, 293
Sztandar Młodych, 175
Tambo, Oliver, 371, 374
Tanganyika, 388–9
Tardos, Tibor, 182–3, 187–8, 189, 191
Templer, Sir Gerald, 218
Texas Rangers, 240, 249
Theseus, HMS, 318–19
Thurmond, Strom, 70
Time magazine, 189, 195, 198, 339, 350–1
The Times, London, x, 118, 261, 331, 367
Tito, Josip Broz: annual speech, xi; cartoon, 91; Chervenkov relations, 101; Ger relations, 293, 294; Gomułka relations, 100, 274; Khrushchev meeting, 58; Rákosi relations, 182
Tokuda, Kyuichi, 49
torture: Algeria, 135–6, 389–90; Cuba, 365, 369; Cyprus, 127; Poland, 98; Soviet Union, 51, 54–5, 60, 63, 93
Treason Trial, 371, 374–9
Tripartite Declaration (1950), 266–7, 327
Trybuna Ludu, 100, 125, 176, 279
TUC, 174
Tunis: protest against kidnapping, 141; summit meeting, 139, 141; ‘Victory Day’ celebrations, 39–40
Tunisia: Declaration of Carthage (1954), 39; independence, 40; nationalist movement, 36–8; uprising against French rule, 38, 42
Turner, Rev. Paul W., 246–7
Tuscaloosa, 74–9, 80
Tuscaloosa News, 79, 80
Tynan, Kenneth, 205
Ukraine, 53–5, 62, 302
Ulbricht, Walter, 100
United Gold Coast Convention (UGCC), 114, 115
United Kingdom (UK), see Britain
United Nations (UN): Algeria issues, 42, 142; Charter, 322, 330; Cuba issues, 386; Emergency Force (UNEF), 332–3; General Assembly, 32, 329–30, 332, 344–5, 386; headquarters, 329; Hungarian appeal to, 344–5; resolutions on Hungary, 345; Security Council, 259, 329, 344; Suez ceasefire resolution, 330; Suez issues, 259, 263–4, 268, 329–30, 332
United Press International, 367
United States of America (US): anti-Communism, 21, 57, 80, 112, 394; British relations, 26–8, 329–30, 334–5, 393; Brown v. Board of Education, 13, 69, 70, 71, 73, 82, 145, 247–8, 250, 397; bus segregation, 11–16, 18, 24, 87, 146–7, 379–80; civil rights movement, x, 71, 74–5, 148, 156–7, 395; Cuba relations, 361, 362, 387; Cyprus policy, 124–5; economy, 9; Egypt High Dam funding issue, 209–10; Egypt policies, 213, 220–1; Geneva Summit (1955), 52; ‘Massive Resistance’, 71–3, 79, 86, 245; National Security Council, 94; navy, 334; New Year celebrations, ix; opposition to desegregation, 67, 69–73; racial segregation, xiv, 9–11, 69–73, 394–5; response to Pozna repression, 174, 176–7; response to Suez Canal nationalisation, 220–1; responses to Hungarian uprising, 350, 351, 353–4; segregated schooling, 13, 69, 71–2, 74–5, 83, 145, 235, 237–51; Southern Manifesto, 69–71, 74; Suez conferences, 258–9; Suez policy, 326–8; Supreme Court, 11, 12–13, 69, 240, 243, 244, 247, 248, 379; Vietnam policy, 384; White Citizens’ Councils, 72, 83, 237, 238; writing, 204
Urban, Jerzy, 98
USSR, see Soviet Union
van Niekerk, J. C., 378
Varin de la Brunelière, Bishop Henri, 151
Vásárhelyi, Miklós, 185, 303–4
Verwoerd, H. F., 231
Vidali, Vittorio, 49–50
Viet Minh, 32–3, 42
Vietnam, 33; North, 383–4; South, 384
Vo Nguyen Giap, 33
Voice of America, 81
Voice of the Arabs, 215
Voice of Britain, 323
Warsaw: mass rally, 284–5; Soviet delegation, 279–82; University, 276; workers’ council, 283
Warsaw Pact, 279, 280, 281, 308, 343
Wayk, Adam, 203
West, R. L., 94
Wheatcroft, Kentucky, 247–8
White Citizens’ Councils, 72, 83, 237, 238–40
Wiles, Peter, 165–6
Wilkins, Roy, 24, 73–4, 79, 250–1, 394
Williams, Eric, 388
Williams, Sophie, 225
Wilson, Colin, 205
Wilson, Leonard, 77
Women’s Political Council (WPC), 12–13
World Bank, 209
Wright, Richard, 114
Wrocław: mass rally, 283; University, 276, 283; workers’ council, 283
Wyszyski, Cardinal Stefan, 125, 165, 275, 282, 285–6
Yacef, Saadi, 137
youth cultures, 198–9, 202
Yugoslavia, 57, 101, 182, 210, 293, 325
Zabane, Ahmed, 136–7
Zanzibar, 325
Zeno, Emperor, 121
Zhukov, Marshal, 302, 314, 340, 346
ZISPO workers, 163–4, 167, 172–3, 176