Just before running away

that first day I found Kendra here part of me memorized this room I know where everything is I know how to turn on the music I walk across the mirrored space slow slow slow hearing only my stride in it pull out my phone to connect it turn up the volume it’s time to press play slide off my sweats my hoodie baring my body body body till it’s just me in my sports bra and shorts walk back across the floor and make sure the door is locked the beat builds builds builds I remember everything how Torion told me start with my body on the floor I close my eyes I feel myself myself myself breathing nothing but my own air begin to pulse I stretch as if to reach every corner of this floor see the wall touch the ceiling use my elbows my feet my knees my waist I’m a puppet I’m a doll I’m a robot I’m a breeze I’m a wave I’m a stopwatch imagining myself as all things I am all things possible possible possible as the music fades in and out my limbs stretch contort all about this room soon I’m animal unable to stop making something something someone out of all this nothing I am sweat and growing heat all over having no idea what I’m doing but I’m here