The PAYMENT SCHEDULE field group

The PAYMENT SCHEDULE field represents the installment type that will be used after invoicing. In order to access the payment schedule form, navigate to Accounts payable | Payment setup | Payment schedules. This is shown in the following screenshot; our main aim is to identify the type of installment, that is, whether it is over a fixed number of months or has a fixed amount:

Assume that the purchase order invoice is posted on January 1, 2018, its amount is 5,000 USD, and it is assigned a payment schedule of five months, with the terms of payment set as net 30 days. Navigate to Accounts payable | Purchase orders | All purchase orders; then, on the purchase order form, navigate to Header view | Price and discount and assign a payment schedule.

In order to check payment installment dates, in the ribbon, navigate to INVOICE | BILL | Payment schedule. The payment schedule form will pop up. Then, go to the Payment lines tab; the following screenshot shows the payment schedules where the payment is divided into five installments for five months: