Customer price or discount groups

Customer price and discount groups consist of four pricing groups, as shown in the following diagram:

In order to create the customer price or discount groups, the user navigates to Inventory management | Setup | Price/discount | Customer price/discount groups. The Customer price/discount groups form shows the Price/discount options, and we should be able to create groups for each Price/discount options. The following screenshot shows the definition of the price/discount group options:

The price or discount must be activated by navigating to Sales and marketing | Setup | Price/discount | Activate price/discount.

Customer price/discount groups contains the following options:

In the created Major accounts value for Price group, navigate to TRADE AGREEMENTS | Create trade agreements, as shown in the following screenshot:

The Trade agreement journals screen will pop up. Create a new journal by pressing Alt + N, selecting a journal name, and then clicking on Lines. As shown in the following screenshot, we will create a journal line (or lines) by selecting, under Relation, the Price (sales) value. Then we select the Account code field as Table. To make this price related to a particular customer, in Item relation, select Table to make this price correspond to a particular item when sold to a specific customer from a specific warehouse:

The trade agreement should be posted to the customer price list. 

As shown in the next screenshot, the purpose of this setup is to recall the sales price on the sales line automatically from the posted trade agreements journal. To access the sales order form, navigate to Accounts receivable | Orders | All sales orders: