Praise for Imperial Passions – The Great Palace:
“For those who read Stephenson’s Imperial Passions – The Porta Aurea, and wanted more, the wait is over. Imperial Passions – The Great Palace, the story of Anna Dalassena, a most important and fascinating woman in Byzantine history, is delightfully instructive and engaging. Come ready to immerse yourself in a thrilling story both political and personal.”
~James Conroyd Martin, author of The Theodora Duology
Praise for Imperial Passions - The Porta Aurea
“One book does not suffice to tell the fascinating story of Anna Dalassena, one of the more intriguing medieval ladies around. Ms Stephenson ends her narrative while there is still a lot of life ahead of Anna. I hope she will be kind enough to furnish us with a sequel as well-written and researched as Imperial Passions is!” Historical Novel Society Indie Reviews
Shortlisted for Chanticleer Book Awards 2018 Chaucer Award for Pre-1750s Historical Fiction
Praise for Tales of Byzantium:
“Elegantly described details, sharply observed characters. . . three very intriguing windows into a part of history largely unknown too many readers.” Historical Novel Society Indie Reviews
Winners of Indie/B.R.A.G. Medallions:
Tales of Byzantium
Imperial Passions - The Porta Aurea
Byzantine History in the 11th Century - A Brief Introduction