It’s like the story of the emperor with no clothes; who’s going to be the first to admit seeing something wrong with this cake?
What, no one? Here, what if we turn it around…
Those balloons remind you of, oh, I dunno …anything at all?
If you’re laughing right now, good news! You are gonna LOVE this chapter. If you’re not laughing, however, then may I recommend the excellent Run Home Wrecks on page 129?
You can chalk it up to too many Are You Being Served? reruns or pure juvenile gutter-minded humor if you must, but I don’t think I’m the only one to find the odd icing innuendo pretty darn funny.
Sure, most of these are completely unintentional and were probably made by sweet, innocent grandmothers who wouldn’t see the problem if you spelled it out for them with a laser pointer and a flow chart. Others could be more insidious, but it’s hard to say. After all, in order to ask you’d have to admit to seeing something other than a balloon. Which I don’t. Why, do you?