[singsong voice]

“My, someone took a little artistic license, didn’t they? Oh, I’m just kidding, sweetie; you look absolutely… er… fabulously… plumped out!

“Oh, now honey, don’t cry! I meant that in a good way! Here, I know what’ll cheer you up: How about a niiice slice of boobie, hmm?”

As I mentioned in “What’s a Wreck?,” not all Wrecks are poorly made. This one, for example, is gorgeous; I just find the concept of a torso cake Wrecky.

I’m pretty sure this was the first “nice” cake I chose to poke fun at on the blog, and it was also the first to have its creator find it on the blog. Fortunately, Kate (the baker) found her cake’s entry hilarious, and has been a fantastic sport about the whole thing. She even introduced me to the term “wachungas,” which I think we can all agree is a fantastic alternative to the usual term for female appendages: golden bozos.