Career Advice,



Lots of folks are looking for work these days, and judging by the number of people I see dancing on the side of the road holding Blimpie signs, I can only assume the pickin’s are mighty slim.

So in the interest of bettering my fellow man (and woman), allow me to offer some time-tested,* expert-approved** advice when it comes to submitting your résumé:

Put it on a cake.

You know, like this guy:

Note how he resisted the temptation to write “Hire Me or Eat Me” and instead went with a far safer (yet barely legible) “Happy St. Patrick’s Day.” Oh, and that other bit? Well, the name of the company was “Safari Drive,” so submitter Sara guesses he was going for “Safari Driven,” which makes about as much sense as “Ga Fari Driver.” Still, petty things like “meaning” pale drastically in comparison with that one phrase that makes every potential employer sit up and take notice: “Cake in the break room!”

* Well, it worked for this guy; he got the job. That’s one!

** I’m an expert on seeking approval, and I do approve. Unless you don’t, that is, in which case it totally sucks.