

It is with great pleasure to share with the readers of Eat Right 4 Your Type and followers of my work on the Blood Type Diet® and my continuing explorations in the area of personalized medicine the Eat Right 4 Your Type Personalized Cookbook series. There are many people I would like to thank, as this was a group effort.

My deep appreciation to Berkley Books, a division of Penguin Group (USA), as my longtime publisher; in particular, my editor, Denise Silvestro, whose personal belief in these cookbooks brought them from their original e-book format to where we are today; publisher, Leslie Gelbman; Allison Janice, who coordinated the production efforts; Pam Barricklow, the managing editor; and the entire Berkley team who worked on these books. I would also like to thank my dedicated agent, Janis Vallely, whose encouragement, guidance, and tenacity have made this book possible.

A very special thanks to Kristin O’Connor, whose culinary skills, combined with her depth of knowledge of and belief in the Blood Type Diet®, have allowed us to develop delicious, nutritious recipes that are right for each type.

A special nod of appreciation for our team at North American Pharmacal and Drum Hill, who worked on these books as they were being developed, especially Bob Messineo, Wendy Simmons-Taylor, Ann Quasarano, John Alvord, Emily D’Adamo, and Angela Bergamini.

As always, I am grateful to my wife and partner, Martha Mosko D’Adamo, for her unwavering support and for the role she played in shepherding these books into existence; and to my two daughters, Claudia and Emily, who share a deep passion for this work and for a well-cooked meal.

A final thanks to the hundreds of thousands of readers and followers who have shared this journey with me. I am encouraged and fortified by your continuing dedication to your personal health and well-being, and I am humbled by your trust and commitment to this work.


I am so fortunate to have such a huge arena of support; I truly could not have done it without any of you.

First, of course is Dr. Peter D’Adamo, the science behind this effective diet. I will always respect your brilliant mind and interest in making this world a healthier place. To my mother, Susan O’Connor, for being the reason I had so much faith in this diet, teaching me how to cook, supporting my every move, and being there by my side while I tested all six hundred recipes! To my father, Kevin O’Connor, who sees more potential in me than anyone I’ve ever met, guided me in the basics of photography, and taught me to have the courage to put myself out there over and over again. To my brother, Dr. Ryan O’Connor, for valuing my accomplishments and always sharing in the joy of my success as if it were his own…and being a very willing recipe-testing guinea pig! To my grandparents Mike and Ellie DeMaio, thank you for being my cheerleaders, and for providing encouragement and unconditional support.

A huge thank you to David Domedion for utilizing his expertise to meticulously edit every recipe. Thank you to Chris Bierlein for his incredible talent, kind spirit, and generosity with shooting and editing our gorgeous cover photos. We were privileged to work with both of you.

Heather Rahilly, whose friendship kept me sane and whose intellect kept me in the race, thank you for being the most thorough attorney I could ask for! To my friends, who are all like family to me, for selflessly offering help in any way they could: Annie Gaffron, Mandy Geisler, Latha Chirunomula (along with Padma and Pushpavathi, for teaching me the basics of South Indian cooking), Jennifer Eastes, Iwona Lacka, and the Metwallys.

Thank you to Tim Macklin for being my very patient mentor, a great source of knowledge, and encouragement. Thanks to Danielle Boccher, Scott Olnhausen, and the rest of my pals at Concentric! Special thanks to Dr. Peter Bongiorno and Dr. Pina LoGiudice for taking me under their wing when I was just a little fledgling cook wanting to make a difference.

Thank you to Kate Fitzpatrick and Ann Quasarano, whose dependability and efforts at getting our book out there in the public eye was very much appreciated. Thanks to Stephen Czick for his hours of editing and support, and Wendy Simmons-Taylor for all her patience with styling these books.

Thanks to Martha D’Adamo and the team at Drum Hill Publishing for giving me the opportunity to work on these cookbooks that I very much love and believe in.

And finally, a very special thank you to Craig Anderson for taking a chance on me at the very beginning and opening the doors to my dreams.