Color Plate

Plate 2.2 Vitis rotundifolia: A, fruit; B, leaf. (A, photo courtesy of Chris Evans, The University of Georgia,; B, photo courtesy of Carl Hunter © USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database/USDA SCS. 1991. Southern wetland flora: Field office guide to plant species. South National Technical Center, Fort Worth, TX, respectively).
Plate 3.13 Changes in xylem sap composition under drought. Drought causes the alkalinization of xylem sap pH in certain plant species. (A) Well-watered plant with apoplastic pH 6.0. (B) Plant under drought conditions with apoplastic pH 7.0. In plants in which xylem sap pH increases when the soil becomes dry, abscissic acid (ABA)-induced stomatal closure is enhanced. This is thought to be due to increased apoplastic concentrations of ABA. Further changes in xylem sap composition under drought are also responsible for reduced transpiration and inhibition of leaf growth. These changes include increases in malate and ACC (1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate) concentrations, decreases in flow rates, and reductions in the concentrations of cytokinins, zeatin and zeatin riboside. After guard cells perceive ABA, changes in potassium (K+) and anion (A) fluxes result in stomatal closure. (C) Stomatal closure under drought. The effects of ABA on guard cells under drought suggest the importance of a plasma-membrane-bound receptor, such as the recently identified GCR2 (G-protein coupled receptor 2), but the importance of intracellular receptors, such as CHLH (the H subunit of the magnesium protoporphyrin-IX chelatase that is localized in the chloroplast), cannot be ruled out. Other unknown and yet-to-be-identified plasma membrane receptors could also be important in transducing the increased ABA concentrations in the apoplast that cause stomatal closure. After guard cells perceive ABA, the efflux of potassium (K+) and anions (A) leads to stomatal closure. SLAC, slow anion channel; RAC, rapid anion channel. (Reprinted from Schachtman and Goodger, 2008, with permission from Elsevier.)