Welcome to Time-Out

Yep. It’s me. Roscoe Riley.

Stuck in time-out again.

And speaking of stuck, have I got a story for you!

A very sticky story.

See, my class went on a field trip to an apple farm.

A field trip is when you go somewhere more fun than even recess and lunch put together.

We went to an apple farm so we could learn about where our food comes from.

Besides the pizza delivery guy.

All the kids went. And our teacher.

And some moms and dads to make sure we didn’t get rowdy or do troublemaking.

I didn’t get rowdy.

Well, maybe just once or twice.

But I did get into a teeny, tiny, practically invisible bit of trouble.

Who knew there was a rule about not jumping into a giant tub of applesauce?

I’ll bet you’ve done some applesauce swimming, haven’t you?


Well, trust me on this. You should stick to swimming in real, live swimming pools.

Applesauce is very…well, appley.

But maybe I should start at the beginning.

The part before I got apple-slimed.