
It’s impossible to properly thank all of the people who are there with support and encouragement, both personally and professionally, but that list must begin with my fantastic agent, Howard Morhaim, and my manager, Pete Donaldson. Sincere thanks to the whole team at St. Martin’s Press, especially Michael Homler for his friendship and passion, and Cassidy Graham for keeping the trains running on time. Much gratitude to Megan Gelement, Caspian Dennis, and Heather Baror, to Cat and Michael Scully, and to Maria Carlini for once again answering stupid questions.

Writing is a solitary profession, but no work is done nor life lived in a vacuum. It would be impossible to remember everyone who has taken the time to make my days a little brighter over the course of writing Red Hands and the list would be absurdly long. I’m deeply grateful to have some wonderful friends. That said, there are some I can’t go without thanking for their friendship, support, and advice, including Tim Lebbon, Tom Sniegoski, Jim Moore, Amber Benson, John McIlveen, Bracken MacLeod, Jaime Levine, Hillary Monahan, Brian Keene, Mary SanGiovanni, Rachel Deering, and my sister, Erin Golden.

Finally, my love and eternal gratitude to Connie, Nicholas, Daniel, and Lily.