
“No man is an island,” said John Donne. The sentiment is equally true for authors. This book would not exist had I not received assistance and support from so many people.

To Kary, for her constant support, help at all stages from brainstorming to beta reading to revisions, and especially for being such a wonderful friend.

To the Shenandoah Valley Writers, and especially Tamara, Rebekah, Taryn, and Deb. Every writer needs a community, and I’m so blessed to have found this one.

To my cousin Joy, for being my very first beta reader and avid cheerleader. And for having told me all those years ago that I was a writer.

To Jeanine, Johanna, Heather, and Teresa for beta reading and providing invaluable feedback.

To Joy Lankshear of Lankshear Design, for designing the amazing cover, and formatting the contents. My book looks so much better because of your efforts.

Thank you to Emily June Street, for her ebook-formatting wizardry. You are magic to me.

To Tessa Shapcott, my editor, for helping to shape Cat’s story into the best it could be (or at least the best I could make it). Thank you for holding this nervous debut author’s hand.

To my kids, for putting up with mom’s need to escape to the Writing Cave to work.

And to Brett, without whom none of this would be possible. You’re my everything.