Be a Guerrilla Marketer


Guerrilla marketing is a catchall term used to describe unconventional marketing tactics. Guerrilla marketing is a cost-effective way to be different and get the word out, which is why a lot of entrepreneurs are guerrillas at heart. Advertising is expensive. To put it in perspective, a one-page ad in most mainstream magazines can cost over $60,000. Even if you could afford this, it’s probably not the best way to invest your marketing budget. Instead, get creative and be different.

Guerrilla marketing tactics are great for any size company. To help determine feasibility, you might rent a mall kiosk over a weekend or set up a trade show booth to see if there’s enough demand for your idea. Contests with fun, whacky prizes can be a great way to get people engaged. Even bigger companies can get in on the action. Red Bull’s marketing strategy has a distinctly guerrilla feel to it. They create and promote insane stunts and events, and get worldwide media coverage for it.

The best part of being a guerrilla is how much fun you’ll have. How can you not have fun throwing wild parties, putting on insane stunts, or pulling pranks that get national media attention? Just make sure you don’t get too crazy—you probably haven’t allocated any of your marketing budget to post bail.


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