Your Network Is Your Net Worth


Networking should be one of your top business-building activities. The stronger your network, the more valuable you are to your business, and to other individuals. Over time, your network will enable you to orchestrate major business deals, refer business to associates, help a friend land her next job, or even introduce future couples. Use your network to make other people successful. The more you help now, the more you’ll benefit down the road. While the payoff is not immediate, your network is your net worth.

To be a mover and shaker you have to move and shake. Resolve to have at least one network development meeting every week. Make a list of your top 40 people and start reconnecting with them. When you meet new people, be sure to follow up and stay in touch. It sounds obvious, but few people actually do it.

Over the long haul, your network will be one of your most valuable assets. Creating value through your network is like any other asset—you have to invest well before you can cash out. Invest heavily. It takes only one call to change your life, so start networking as if your future depends on it.


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