Abolitionist movements

Abortion debate

Abrahamic religions


Aesthetics; amoral; Daoist ethics and

Afghanistan; Karzai on

African Americans: civil rights movements; see also Slavery


Allegory: “old man at the fort” (Daoist); “shepherd boys” (Zhuangzi)


American Civil War

American moral heroism; see also War

American president

Amoral innocence, of babies

Amoral perspective; aesthetics from; death penalty from; legal system’s; Nietzsche’s; Zen perspective as

Analects (Confucius)

Anger: carnivalistic outrage; justice connected to; morality of; righteous; see also Emotions

Animal: innocence; virtues

Anthropocentric awareness

Antigone (Sophocles)

Antihumanist perspective

Antiwar movements

Arguing About War (Walzer)

Aristotle; Berns’ reference to; moral psychology as rhetorical tool; Rhetoric; Zen Buddhism v.

Autonomy, legal system’s

Ax analogy

Babe Ruth (Ruth, George Herman, Jr.)

Baby; crying infant example; as Daoist ideal

Bacteria analogy

“Bad”; see Good/bad distinction

Bakhtin, Mikhail


Banner, Stuart

Battle of Algiers

Behavior: criminal actions; “right, customary, appropriate,”; will (intention) motivating; wu wei

Bentham, Jeremy; Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation; Luhmann on; measuring happiness; on slavery; utilitarianism of

Bernardo, Paul

Berns, Walter; Aristotle referenced by; on morality of anger; Zen perspective on anger v.


Bin Laden, Osama

Blair, Tony

Blofeld, John

Buddhists: Western philosophers and Daoists v.; see also Zen Buddhism

Bush, George H.

Bush, George W.



Capital punishment; see Death penalty

Carnivalistic outrage

Categorical imperative

Categories of opposites

Catholic Church; see also Christian morality

CBS News

Cervantes, Miguel de

Character judgment


Cheating spouse

Children: Kant on “illegitimate”; kibbutz for; moral communication improving with age; parental love for; Summerhill school; see also Kohlberg, Lawrence

China; see also Mao Zedong

Chinese Communist Party

Christian morality; Catholic Church; Confucian morality v., on evil, moral values in; televangelists, unconditional love, Zen Buddhist model v.

(parental love)

Civilian casualties; in Iraq

Civil rights movements

Classical age

Clinton, Bill

Common sense

Communication, moral; as human rights ally, improving with age; measuring of, rhetoric as, Walzer’s “just” war theory as; see also Mass media

Conflict, mass media’s attention on

Confucian morality; Analects; Christian model v.; Daoist view of; humanism in; law and; legal system based on; Roetz’s application of; rooted in xiao; “true person” of; Zeng Zi as exemplar of; Zhuangzi’s negative ethics v.

Conscience maintenance

Context, moral perspective within

Contingency formula, Luhmann’s

Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity (Rorty)

Control and power

Cornell, Drucilla, on ethics v. morality

Corporal punishment; see also Punishment


Courtroom trials

Crazy Horse


Crime and Punishment (Dostoevsky)

Criminal actions: according to age; Bernardo; Berns; Latimer

Critique of Practical Reason (Kant)


Crying infant, see also Baby

Cultural invariance

Dahmer, Jeffrey



Daoism; baby as ideal person; Confucian model v., “doing nothing so that nothing remains undone”; Kohlberg’s model v., “moral fool” of, morality of anger v., negative ethics of; nonhumanism of; “old man at the fort”; preserving moral foolishness; war v. social order in; Western philosophers v., on Wisdom Vision; Wohlfart on; Zhuangzi

De (power)

Dean, James

Death penalty; Berns on; clemency v. retribution; courtroom trials and, European Convention on Human Rights; history of; Kant on; as retribution; in United States; Zimring on; see also Revenge

Dewey, John

Dew, Thomas Roderick

Dickens, Charles

Divorce law

Don Quixote

Dostoevsky, Fyodor

Dukakis, Michael

Dunwu rudao yaomen lun (Huihai)

Duty: moral, regarding abortion; as substitute for love;

Eastern philosophers, Western philosophers v.

East of Eden (Steinbeck)

Eastwood, Clint

Education; see also Children; Mass media


Elders; in Kohlberg’s model

Elshtain, Jean Bethke

Emotions: anger; hatred; Hegel’s “frenzy of self-conceit”; moral conviction inflaming; pleasure-pain dialectic; punishment as emotional necessity; virtuous conduct based on love; Zen perspective on

Empirical evidence; Bentham’s moral system and; Kant’s transcendent reason v.; Kohlberg’s model and; pseudomeasurement; see also Science

The Enlightenment; secularization of “justice” during

Enlightenment, state of: amoral perspective based on; rhetorical exercise v.

Environmental decline

Environmental movement

Ethical heroism, Wittgenstein’s

Ethical imperative, Kant’s

Ethical relativism


European Convention on Human Rights (1950)

Everyday life morality: cheating spouse; crying infant; sports

Evil; Bush, G. W., on; -doer; Huihai on; Kant’s theory of “inner wickedness”; Luhmann on; Wittgenstein on; see also Good/bad distinction

Extramarital sex

“Extra-moral” position, Nietzsche’s

Extreme humanism; see also Humanism

Fairness, in sports

Family: in East of Eden; ethics v. love within; see also Confucian morality


Feedback loop, morality

Feelings, role of, in virtuous conduct; see also Emotions

“Felicifc calculus”

FLN; see Front de Libération Nationale Foolishness, as wisdom; see also Moral fool

FOX News

France: Robespierre’s role; Terror of 1794

Free will

Front de Libération Nationale of Algeria (FLN)

Functional differentiation, Luhmann’s

Fundamentalism: human rights; moral; televangelists

Gaia hypothesis

Gay marriage


Geneva Convention

Genocide; ethics applied to; justification for; in twentieth century

Germany: divorce law in; Nazi

Globalized age, communication in

Global warming

God’s love, as antidote for sin

God’s will

Good/bad distinction: applied to ethics; harmful applications of; in “old man at the fort”; problems of; Walzer’s model; Wittgenstein’s; Zhuangzi on; see also Evil

Good deeds

Good faith (xin)

Good life, Daoism on

Goodwill (ren)

Grand Theft Auto

Gray, John; antihumanist perspective of; on Daoist perspective; Straw Dogs: Thoughts on Humans and Other Animals

Greek philosophers; Dao and Buddhist philosophers v.; on morality of anger; Socrates; Sophocles; see also Aristotle

Gretzky, Wayne

Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals (Kant)


Gun control

Habermas, Jürgen

Happiness; “felicifc calculus”

Haraway, Donna J.


Hayles, N. Katherine

Hegel, George Wilhelm Friedrich; on “frenzy of self-conceit”; on Kant; on laws for women v. men; Phenomenology of Spirit; Sittlichkeit of


Heroism: American moral; ethical antihero v.

Hierarchy, Kohlberg’s


Hitler, Adolf; Mein Kampf

Hobbes, Thomas

Hoffman, Joseph L.


Holmes, Robert L.

Homosexuality; mass media and


Huihai, Dazhu: on pairs of opposites; on virtue and evil

Human ambition

Human condition, Christian view of

Humanism: anti-; Confucian; extreme; non-, of Daoism

Hussein, Saddam


“Illegitimate” children, Kant on



Infant; see Baby

Innocence: animal; baby’s; in war

Intention (will)

Internet, morality proliferation via

Interpretation, imposition of

Intervention: refraining from/minimizing

Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation (Bentham)



Iraq war; Bush, G. W., on; death toll of Americans; death toll of Iraqis




Jerry Springer

Jie (villainous tyrant)

Johanns, Michael


Judge; mass media as; modern expectations of; TV courtrooms

Jus ad bellum

Jus in bello

Just and Unjust Wars (Walzer)

Justice; anger connected to; “just” war theory; legal v. divine; Luhmann on

“Just” war theory

Kafka, Franz

Kantian ethicists

Kantian moral philosophy; categorical imperative; Critique of Practical Reason; Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals; Hegel’s critique of; on “inner wickedness”; Kohlberg’s model and; Luhmann on; marriage laws; The Metaphysics of Morals; on moral judgments; Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics That Will Be Able to Present Itself as Science; on punishment; Robespierre’s moral philosophy v.; on servant as property; on sex

Kant, Immanuel; see Kantian moral philosophy

Karzai, Hamid

Kaufmann, Walter: on Antigone; on Hegel


Kierkegaard, Søren

Kleist, Heinrich Wilhelm von

Kohlberg, Lawrence; Daoism v. model of moral development; on elders; “Kantian” sixth stage of moral development; The Measurement of Moral Judgment; model of moral development; The Philosophy of Moral Development; pseudomeasurement by; Roetz’s application of;a stages of moral reasoning; universality of stages model


Korea, World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1998


Kuhn, Thomas

Language: advertising; ineptitude of; moral


Latimer, Robert

Law: as antidote to morality; in Antigone; Confucian view of; dialectic between love and; God’s will as; Kant on marriage; pragmatic basis of; progress effected through; sports

“Law and order” approach

“Lecture on Ethics” (Wittgenstein)

Lectures on Aesthetics (Hegel)

Legal system; amoral values of; autonomy of; based on Confucian morality; Berns’ model of; demoralization of; German divorce laws; history of; human rights as basis of; judge’s ideal role in; Luhmann on; “operationally closed”; Rasch on; for “stabilizing expectations”; traffic law example; see also Punishment


Leviathan (Hobbes)

Lewinsky, Monica

Linji (Zen master): on moralists; on philosophical moralists

Literature; philosophy and

Love; as antidote to morality; in Antigone; Christian unconditional; (parental love); in East of Eden; xiao (filial piety)

Loyalty (zhong)


Luhmann, Niklas; on Bentham and Kant; on evil; on justice in legal system; on mass media; on morality and pathology; “operationally closed” legal system; The Reality of the Mass Media; on society’s “functional differentiation”

Lynch mob

Machiavelli, Niccolò

McMurtry, Larry

Mandela, Nelson

Mao Zedong; see also China

Maraldo, John

Marriage: divorce law; gay; Kant on; polygamous

Mass media; Bush, G. W., using; carnivalistic outrage on; Jerry Springer; judgment of homosexuality via; Luhmann on; Mao

Zedong using; morality production/proliferation by; support for war via; televangelists; TV courtrooms; war rhetoric of; see also Communication, moral

Measurement: Bentham’s, of happiness; Kohlberg’s pseudo-

The Measurement of Moral Judgment (Kohlberg)

Meditation, Zen Buddhist concern with

Mein Kampf (Hitler)

Mercy killing

Metamorphosis (Kafka)

The Metaphysics of Morals (Kant)

Michael Kohlhaas (von Kleist)

Mill, John Stuart

Modest radical

Moral awe, ethical relativism and

Moral choice, dilemmas; abortion debate; Latimer case

Moral conviction, emotionality of

Moral crises, response to

Moral fool: agnostic position of; baby as; Daoist; ethical relativism v.; Kohlhaas as opposite of; negative ethics of; neopragmatist position of; in “old man at the fort”


Morality-free zones

Morality of anger; Daoist

objection to; Zen Buddhist

objection to

Moral judgment; context of; Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation; Jerry Springer; Kohlberg’s measuring of; sports rules v.; Zen on; see also Kantian moral philosophy

Moral mindset; as cause of problems; heroism; Kant’s categorical imperative; state of enlightenment v.; see also Mass media

Moral progress, theory of

Moral reasoning, Kohlberg on development of

Moral relativist

Moral smartness, Walzer’s

Movies; see also Mass media

Murder: extralegal; Kant on penalty for; legal distinctions regarding; mercy killing; of women

Myers, Larry

Nabokov, Vladamir

Narrative, morality and

Nascimento, Edson Arantes do (Pelé)

Native Americans

Natural resource exploitation

Nazi Germany

Negative ethics: Saner’s four types of; Zen’s; Zhuangzi’s

Neill, A. S.

Neopragmatist position

Nietzsche, Friedrich; Twilight of the Idols

Nisan, Mordecai

Nobles, Richard

Noninterference lifestyle

Normative ethics

Novels; see Literature

Nussbaum, Martha

“Old man at the fort” (Daoist)

Oliver Twist (Dickens)

Opposites, categories of

Original sin

Orwell, George

Otey, Herbert Lamont

Pain-pleasure dialectic; Bentham’s application of

Pairs of opposites



Paradigms, ethical behavior

Parental love

Parsons, Talcott

Passionate love

Pathology, ethics v.

Pelé (Edson Arantes do Nascimento)

Penal law

Perkins, Franklin

Phenomenology of Spirit (Hegel)

The Philosophy of Moral Development (Kohlberg)

The Philosophy of the Limit (Cornell)


Pleasure-pain dialectic; see Pain-pleasure dialectic


Pol Pot

Polygamous marriage


Pontecorvo, Gillo


Power and control

Pragmatism: allegory about; ethical, project; ethics v.; law based on; moral fool’s; Rorty’s; Zen Buddhist

Premarital sex

Prisoners’ rights

Professional philosophers

Progress, theory of moral


Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics That Will Be Able to Present Itself as Science (Kant)

Property, rights regarding

Proust, Marcel


Public opinion

Punishment; Berns’ on; corporal; Crime and Punishment; fear of, in Kohlberg’s first stage; Kant on; moral and emotional necessity of; Zimring on death penalty as; see also Death penalty


Rasch, William

Raskolnikov, Rodion


Rawls, John; model of fairness

The Reality of the Mass Media (Luhmann)

Reason; Critique of Practical Reason; Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals; The Metaphysics of Morals; Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics That Will Be Able to Present Itself as Science; see also Science

Rector, Ricky

Relativism, ethical; moral awe and; Zhuangzi’s

Religion: Abrahamic; scriptures; separation of state and; see also specific religion

Ren (goodwill)

Responsibility, moral

Revenge; Aristotle on; pain-pleasure dialectic behind; retributional ethics; see also Death penalty

Rhetoric (Aristotle); Zen Buddhism v.

Right(s); civil rights movements; derivation of; European Convention on Human Rights; fundamentalism and; human, as legal basis; moral communication as basis for; of prisoners; property; voting; women’s

Righteous anger; see also Anger

Robespierre, Maximilien; Kantian morality v.; Reign of Terror

Roetz, Heiner


Rorty, Richard; pragmatism of


Ruth, George Herman, Jr. (Babe Ruth)

Sage, moral; Xu You; Zhuangzi’s

Saner, Hans


Schiff, David

Science; Bentham’s application of; empirical evidence; Kant’s application of; Kohlberg’s application of; Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics That Will Be Able to Present Itself as Science

Secularization, of Christian moral values

Self-descriptions, repertoire of


Self-producing social process

Self-referral consciousness, Zen Buddhist concern with



Servants, Kant on

Sex: homosexuality; Kant on

Sex and the City

“Shepherd boys” (Zhuangzi)


Shi Yu (moral exemplar)

Shun (ancient ruler)

“Sin”; antidote for


Skepticist position

Slavery: abolitionist movement; Bentham on; Dew on; Kant on servants; moral progress theory on

Smart bombs

Smartness, moral

Smoking analogy

Social crises; in Michael Kohlhaas

Social esteem

Society: complex and productive; Confucian view of; Daoism on ideal; “functional differentiation” of; law as antidote of morality in; law v. morality within; moral mindset of; paradigms accepted in; philosophy as discourse within; production of morality by; The Reality of the Mass Media on; Zhuangzi view of



Sports; rules of; separation of law and morality in

“Stabilization of expectations”

Stages of moral reasoning

Stalin, Joseph

Star Wars


Steinbeck, John

Sterne, Laurence


Straw Dogs: Thoughts on Humans and Other Animals (Gray)

Suffering, Zen Buddhist concern with

Summerhill school


“Symbolic Transformation of American Capital Punishment” (Zimring)


Taylor, Charles


Television; Sex and the City

Ten Commandments

Terrorism; Reign of Terror; Walzer on


Theory of moral progress

Thinking: anthropocentric awareness; conscience maintenance; Huihai on; moralists on; see also Mass media

Tomb Raider

Tool: Aristotle’s rhetorical; “just” war theory as; morality as; weight-lifting as


Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (Wittgenstein)

Traffic law

Tragic hero, Wittgenstein’s

Tristram Shandy (Sterne)

True person

Truth, neopragmatist concept of


Twentieth century: genocide in; slavery abolished in

Twilight of the Idols (Nietzsche)

Unconditional love

United States; abolitionist movement in; abortion debate in; African Americans; antiwar movements; civil rights movements; Civil War; death penalty in; Guantanamo; Iraqi and Afghan civilians killed; Iraq war; Native Americans; president; “Symbolic Transformation of American Capital Punishment”; see also Slavery Universality

Utilitarianism: Bentham’s; in Kohlberg’s stages model; utilitarian ethicists

Values, legal rights v.

Vietnam; World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1998


Virtual ethics

Virtual morality

Virtuous conduct: animals’; Greek philosophers on; Huihai on; potential conflict requiring; role of emotion in

Volonté genérale (public opinion)

Voting rights

Walzer, Michael; Arguing About War; identifying “innocent” in war; Just and Unjust Wars; “just” war theory; on terrorism

War; antiwar movements; Arguing About War; civilian v. military deaths; critique of Walzer’s theory on; Daoist perspective on; heroism; “just” war theory; legitimate, in Eastern philosophies; Native American tradition of; smart bombs; Western philosophical perspective on

Weight-lifting analogy

Weight loss, moral talk v. actual

Weizman, Eyal

Western philosophical tradition

Will (intention): free will; God’s; goodwill (ren); volonté genérale

Wisdom: moral sage; Vision

Witch hunts

Wittgenstein, Ludwig: on ethical heroism; good/evil distinction; on ineffability of ethics; “Lecture on Ethics”

Wohlfart, Günter; on pre-Socratic v. Daoist positions

Women; Bentham on; Hegel on; Nussbaum on rights of; rights of

World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1998

World War I

World War II; World Almanac on

Wrestling, professional

Wu wei (doing nothing so that nothing remains undone)

Xiao (filial piety)

Xin (good faith)

Xu You (legendary sage)

Yao (ancient ruler)


Yi Erzi (man who has visited Yao)

Zen Buddhism; amoral perspective of; on anger; Aristotle v.; Christian model v.; Daoism v.; morality of anger v.; on philosophical moralists; pragmatism in; Rhetoric v.; on right thinking

Zeng zi (disciple of Confucius)


Zhi (a robber); moral values of

Zhong (loyalty)

Zhou (villainous tyrant)


Zimring, Franklin E.