I. Preparatory Remarks, 1:1-14
A. Paul's Calling as an Apostle, 1:1-2
B. Paul's Confidence in the Colossians, 1:3-8
C. Paul's Concern for Spiritual Development, 1:9-14
II. Paul's Christology, 1:15-29
A. The Apostle's Concept of Christ, 1:15-20
B. The Contingency of Saving Grace, 1:21-23
C. Paul's Commission and Involvement, 1:24-29
III. The Conflict, 2:1-23
A. Doctrine, 2:1-15
B. Duty, 2:16-23
IV. The Conclusion, 3:1—4:6
A A New Frame of Reference, 3:1-4
B. A Thorough Renunciation, 3:5-11
C. Moral Responsibility, 3:12—4:6
V. Farewell, 4:7-18
A. The Addressers, 4:7-14
B. The Addressees, 4:15-17
C. The Signature, 4:18