The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

Abercrombie, Catherine

Abercrombie, Lascelles

RF’s letters to

Abrams, M. H.



“Acquainted with the Night”


Adams, Frederick B.

Adams, J. Donald

Adams, Sherman

“After Apple-Picking”


“After the End of a Poem” (lecture)


Aiken, Conrad

“Aim Was Song, The”

Akhmatova, Anna

“Alastor” (Shelley)

Aldington, Richard

Alexeyev, Mikhail

Alfred, William

Allen, Hervey

“All Revelation”

American Mercury

Amherst Graduates’ Quarterly

Amherst Monthly

“Among School Children” (Yeats)

Anderson, Margaret B.

Anderson, Marion

Anthology of Magazine Verse (Braithwaite)

“Apple Peeler” (Francis)

Aquinas, Thomas


Arms and the Man (Shaw)

Arnold, Matthew

Arnold, Thurman

Arvin, Newton

“As I went down through the common…”


Atlantic Monthly

At the Back of the North Wind (MacDonald)

“At Woodward’s Gardens”

Auden, W. H.


Autobiography (Gibbon)


and “extravagance”

“Ax-Helve, The”

and nature of poetry


Babbitt, Frank Cole

Babbitt, Irving

Back to Methuselah (Shaw)

Bacon, Leonard

Bagby, George F.

Bailey, Loren E.

Baird, Theodore

Ballantine, Joseph W.

Balsa, Seth

Bartlett, John

meets RF

and Prescott Frost

RF’s letters to

Bartlett, Margaret

Elinor’s letter to

Bates, Katherine Lee

Baxter, Sylvester

Beach, Joseph Warren

“Bear, The”

Beauchamp, Lord


“Before the Beginning of a Poem” (lecture)

Benét, Stephen Vincent

Ben-Zvi, Itzhak


Bergson, Henri

Berlin, Isaiah

Bernheimer, Earle J.

Beveridge, Lord and Lady

Billings, Josh

Bingham, Rev. George Washington

Binyon, Laurence

Biographia Literaria (Coleridge)


published in Atlantic

RF first swings on birches

vs. “To Earthward”


Bishop, Elizabeth

“Black Cottage, The”

Blackmur, R. P.

Blake, William

“Blue Ribbon at Amesbury, A”

Blunden, Edmund

Bode, Carl

Bogan, Louise

Bond, Harold


Booth, Philip

Boston Evening Transcript

Boston Herald

Boston Post

Bowra, Sir Maurice

Boy’s Will, A

accepted for publication by Nutt

glosses, in original edition

option to publish more books

organized and completed in England

poems written

Pound reviews

reviews of

royalty offer


Yeats sees

Brace, Donald

Bradford, Gamaliel

Braithwaite, William Stanley

Branch, Anna Hempstead

Bricault, Dr. Charlemagne C.

Bridges, Robert

Briggs, Dean LeBaron R.

Briggs, Ellis O.

“Bright Star” (Keats)

Bristol, Herbert G.

“Broken Drought, The”

Bromwich, David

“Brook, The” (Tennyson)

Brooke, Rupert

Brower, Reuben A.

Brown, Harold, RF’s letters to

Browne, George H.

RF’s letters to

Brownell, Herbert G.

Browning, Robert

“Brown’s Descent”

Bryant, William Cullen

Buck, Pearl

Buckley, Christopher “Boss”

“Build Soil”

politics attacked


Bunyan, John

Burell, Carl

Burke, Edmund

Burnet, Dana

Burns, Robert

Burnshaw, Stanley

Bursley, Dean and Mrs. Joseph A.

Burton, Dr. Marion L.

Bynner, Witter

“Cabin in the Clearing, A”

Campbell, Gladys

Carlyle, Thomas

Carman, William Bliss

“Carpe Diem”

Case, Lorenzo

Catherwood, Mary Hartwell

Cathleen ni Houlihan (Yeats)


Cavafy, Constantine P.

Century Magazine

Chaliapin, Boris

Challenge (Untermeyer)

Chandler, Mr. (farmer)

Charles Eliot Norton Lectures

Chase, John

Chaucer, Geoffrey

Chesterton, G. K.

Chicago Evening Post

Chicago Poems (Sandburg)

Childs, Francis

“Choose Something Like a Star”

Chukovsky, Kornei

Churchill, George Bosworth

Ciardi, John


“Circus Animals’ Desertion, The” (Yeats)

Clapp, Richard

Clare, John

Cleghorn, Sarah

Cleveland, Grover

Coffin, R. P. T., RF’s letters to

Cohn, Louis

Cohn, Marguerite

Colcord, Elihu (great-uncle)

Cole, Charles W.

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor

Collected Poems

preface to version published in 1939

published in 1930



Collins, William

Colony, Horatio

Colum, Padraic

Complete Poems of Robert Frost 1949

Comus (Milton)

Conant, James Bryant

Cone, Harold (grandson)

Cone, Irma. See Frost, Irma

Cone, John “Jacky” (grandson)

Cone, John Paine

Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, A (Twain)

Connolley, Mrs.

“Considerable Speck, A”

“Conversation as a Force in Life” (Elinor’s valedictory speech)

Cook, Reginald L.

Cooper, James Fenimore

Cournos, John

Cowden, Roy

“Cow in Apple Time, The”

Cowley, Malcolm

Cox, Hyde

Cox, James M.

Cox, Sidney

meets RF

portrait of RF

RF’s letters to

RF’s warning on mixing life and art

Craig, G. Amour

Cramer, Jeffrey

Creative Evolution (Bergson)

Critical Fable, A (Amy Lowell)

Cross, Wilber L.

RF’s letter to

Curran, Constantine P.

Current History

Curtiss, Harold

Cushing, Richard Cardinal

Daily Bread (Gibson)

Daily News (London)

Dakin, Arthur Hazard

Dana, Mrs. William Starr


Darwin, Charles

Davidson, Donald

Davies, W. H.

Davison, Edward

Davison, Natalie, Elinor’s letters to

Davison, Peter

Davison, Wilfred E.

Day-Lewis, C.

“Death of the Hired Man, The”



W. H. Hudson reads



Deerslayer, The (Cooper)

de la Mare, Walter

“Demiurge’s Laugh, The”




Derry News

“Desert Places”




early version, and argument from design

Meyers’s reading


de Valera, Eamon

DeVoto, Bernard

RF’s letters to

tensions over Kay

Dewey, John

Dickey, John Sloan

Dickinson, Emily

Dillon, Douglas




“Discipline of the Classics and the Writing of English, The” (lecture)

Doctor Faustus (Marlowe)

“Does Wisdom Signify?” (lecture)

Dole, Nathan Haskell

Doneghy, Dagmar, “kidnapping of”

Doughty, Rev. John

Dowson, Ernest

“Draft Horse, The”

Drinkwater, John

“Drumlin Woodchuck, A”



Dulles, John Foster

“Dust of Snow”



Dymock poets

Dynasts, The (Hardy)

Eastern Poultry Man

Eberhart, Richard

“Echo, The” (Van Dore)

“Education and the Classics” (Eliot)

“Education by Poetry” (lecture)

Edwards, Alfred C.

Edwards, Jonathan


Eisenhower, Dwight D.

Eisenhower, John

Eisenhower, Milton

Eliot, Mrs. T. S.

Eliot, T. S.

meets RF in second trip to England

surprise visit of 1946

Elliott, Alma

Elliott, George Roy

Emblems of Love (Abercrombie)

Emerson, Ralph Waldo

influence of

and “Mowing”

Émile (Rousseau)

English Review

“Evening in a Sugar Orchard”

Fable for Critics, A (James Russell Lowell)

Faggen, Robert

Fanny’s First Play (Shaw)

Farjeon, Eleanor


Farrar, John

“Fate” (Emerson)

Faulkner, William

“Fear, The”

“Fear of God, The”

“Fiat Nox” (“Let There Be Darkness”)

“Figure a Poem Makes, The” (preface)

“Figure in the Doorway, The”



Finley, John

“Fire and Ice”



Fire and Ice (Thompson)

“First Eclogue” (Virgil)

Fisher, Dorothy Canfield

Fitts, Dudley

Fitzgerald, Michael

Fitzgerald, Raymond Tracy

Flecker, James Elroy

Fletcher, John Gould

Flint, Frank (F. S.)

meets RF and introduces Pound

on French poetry

and North of Boston

reviews Boy’s Will

RF letters to

Flood, James Clair


Fobes, Edith

Elinor’s letters to

Fobes, Rev. Joseph Warner

Foerster, Norman

Ford, Ford Madox

“For Once, Then, Something”



Forster, E. M.

Foster, Charles

Francis, Dwight

Francis, Kay

Francis, Lesley Lee (granddaughter)

birth of


Francis, Robert

Frankfurter, Felix

Fraser, Marjorie Robin (granddaughter)

Fraser, Willard E.


Freud, Sigmund

Frost, Carol (son)

birth of

in California


depression and suicide


financial and health problems

given Stone Cottage


Long Trail hike

lung problems

marriage to Lillian

mental problems

move to Florida

RF’s letters to

suicide obsession begins

travels to England

travels to Key West with family

Frost, Elinor Bettina (daughter)

Frost, Elinor White (wife)

as agent for readings and lectures

Amherst years

birth and death of Elinor Bettina

birth of Carol

birth of Elliott

birth of Irma

birth of Lesley

and Boy’s Will

burial of

children and family problems

death of

death of Elliott

death of Marjorie

on Derry farm

early marriage

in England

on England

farming at Derry after Elliott’s death

fights with RF

finances in Derry

and Franconia farm

friendship with Edith

heart problems and illness

homeschools children

housekeeping in England

as inspiration for poems

and Marjorie’s illness

and Michigan


moves to Derry farm bought by her father

nervous condition

and Plymouth household

return to America from England

RF’s dedication to and affection for

and RF’s Harvard studies

and RF’s illness

on RF’s reading

and RF’s writing in England

and “Silken Tent”

and South Shaftsbury house

and “Subverted Flower”

travels to California

travels to Europe

travels to Gainesville

travels to Key West

travels to New York

Twilight written and printed for

See also White, Elinor Miriam

Frost, Elliott (son)

birth of


illness and death of

Frost, Irma (daughter)

birth of




marriage troubles

mental problems and hospitalization

Frost, Isabelle “Belle” Moodie (mother)

and birth of Jeanie

death of

and death of Elliott

and death of Will and move to Massachusetts

illness and move to sanatorium

influence of

and Jeanie

marriage problems

meets and marries Will

moves family to Maine

private school plan with RF and Elinor

publishes Land of Crystal

reads to children


RF leaves Dartmouth to teach for

and RF’s education

and RF’s fighting

and RF’s marriage

rumors of illegitimacy of


San Francisco outings with children

Frost, Jeanie Florence (sister)

birth of


drops out of high school

early jobs


mental problems

RF’s visit upon return from England

tension over mother

Frost, Lesley (daughter)

attends Wellesley College

birth of


and Elinor’s death

marital problems of

Meyers on

RF’s letters to

on swinging on birches

travels to England as child

travels to South America with father

Frost, Lillian LaBatt (Carol’s wife)

illness of

marries Carol

Frost, Marjorie (daughter)

birth of

childhood of

death of

in high school


and Long Trail hike

marriage of

mental problems of

RF’s letters to

studies nursing

Frost, Prescott (grandson)

in Navy and illness

RF on

RF’s letters to

Frost, Robert



desire for audience, despite loner image

desire for recognition, and return to U.S.

desire to unite avocation and vocation

eagerness for audience and recognition, in England


learns price of failure from father

and self-myth created after return from England

Amherst College

attempt to renew connection in 1940s

early teaching, under Meiklejohn

80th birthday celebration

first reading and invitation to teach

honorary degrees from

lectures, in 1930s

lectures and readings in old age

literature course in

residencies and work patterns in 1930s

resigns after death of Elinor

resigns after dispute with Meiklejohn

returns after dismissal of Meiklejohn

returns after Olds counters Michigan offer

returns in as 1948 Simpson Lecturer

Robert Frost Library announced

awards and honors

Academy of American Poets prize

American Academy of Arts and Letters, elected to

Bollingen Prize

Congressional Gold Medal

at Harvard as student

honorary degrees

honorary degrees from Oxford and Cambridge

Hood Prize in high school

Library of Congress exhibition and talk

Library of Congress poetry consultant

National Institute of Arts and Letters Gold Medal

National Poetry Festival address

Nobel Prize eludes

poet laureate of Vermont

Poetry Magazine prize


U.S. Embassy in London exhibition

U.S. Senate toast

“barding around” (lectures and readings)

Agnes Scott College readings

on art of poetry at Amherst

becomes comfortable as speaker

after death of Elinor

epigrams in talks between poems

final as Ticknor fellow

final lecture at Dartmouth on “extravagance”

final reading at Ford Hall Forum

first reading in public by Merriam

first readings and interviews in Boston area

at Hebrew University

New School for Social Research lectures

of 1915–16

of 1920s

of 1930s

of 1940s

Norton lectures at Harvard

performance as embodiment of poems for

performance style attracts growing audience

personal charm of

at Rocky Mountain Writers’ Conference

at State Department

and style

Trilling on

as writer-in-residence in Indiana

biographies and critical studies of

first critical study by Thompson (Fire and Ice)

first wave, as classical humanist

memoir by granddaughter Lesley Lee Francis

by Meyers, as throwback to Thompson

Munson monograph on

Newdick chosen over Davison as biographer

publications and essays on, in 1915

Recognition of Robert Frost essays

second wave, and Thompson’s portrayal as monster

third wave, as correction of Thompson

Thompson named official biographer

Thompson turns against

birthday celebrations for

50th, at Hotel Brevoort in New York





birth of

books prepared and published

A Boy’s Will

Collected Poems

Collected Poems of 1939, with new preface

Complete Poems

A Further Range

In the Clearing

Masque of Mercy

Masque of Reason

Mountain Interval

New Hampshire

North of Boston

Selected Poems

Selected Poems, reissue

Steeple Bush


West-Running Brook

A Witness Tree


fills poetic universe

interest sparked by Burell

with Thomas, and “Road Not Taken”

See also nature

Bread Loaf and Middlebury College

after death of Elinor

first hired to teach

and Homer Noble farm

and honorary degree

sports at

suggests Writers Conference and attracts participants

teaching in

and tensions over Kay

childhood and family background

impact of

landscapes of San Francisco

Leavenworth Street home


parents’ background

Scottish heritage

children and family life

as “bad” father

camping at Lake Willoughby

Carol born

Carol’s death by suicide

Carol’s farming

Carol’s marriage to Lillian

Carol’s psychological problems

children’s deaths, and masques

children’s dependency in adulthood

children’s illnesses

in Derry and farming

Elliott born

Elliott’s death

in England

in Francis memoir

grandmother’s death

and grandson Prescott

homeschools children

Irma’s mental problems

Marjorie born

Marjorie’s death

Marjorie’s marriage plans

Marjorie’s psychological problems

as monster, and gun scene with Elinor

relationships with children and grandchildren

reunion in San Antonio, Texas

in Sugar Hill

walks and talks with children

colleagues, poets and writers

aids writers in later years

Akhmatova meeting

Amy Lowell

Dymock group


makes literary connections in Boston


rivalries with contemporaries

rivalry with Sandburg

Robert Lowell

Stevens meeting in Key West

Yeats meetings

See also friendships; and specific individuals


character of, in England and later

Haines on

late-night monologuing habit begun

style formed at Derry as bedrock of poetics

walks and talks with students at Pinkerton

with Yeats and A.E. in Ireland

critics and reviews

attacks on A Further Range

and A Boy’s Will

dark side seen by

and English publication

and North of Boston

tiff with Burton Rascoe

See also specific works


attends college at

Baker Library collection

final lecture on “extravagance”

final Ticknor lecture

first lectures at

flight from, as student

honorary degree, 2nd

leaves teaching post, for Amherst in 1948

Ticknor Fellowship

death of


and creativity, “Draft Horse” on

after critical attacks

as dark side

after Elinor’s death

expressed in poem for Untermeyer

influence of, on poetry and life

in late 1920s

leaves Harvard during

and mental illness in family

and “momentary stays against confusion”

and mother’s unhappiness

in 1930s

public career keeps him from withdrawing

vs. public persona

and sister Jeanie’s confinement

Derry farm


and children

after death of Elinor

inspires poems


life on


early jobs

in Arlington Woolen Mill

in high school

as journalist

and poetry writing after Dartmouth

as schoolteacher

shoemaking in Salem

early teaching

at Methuen school to help mother

at Pinkerton

in Plymouth

quits to be poet


at Dartmouth


grandparents object to Harvard

Greek studies

at Harvard after hitting bottom as dropout

Latin studies

Lawrence High School

leaves Dartmouth

at mother’s school in Salem

reading in Derry

reading in youth

valedictorian with Elinor

in England

attends Poetry Bookshop opening and meets Flint, Hulme, Pound, and Yeats

in Beaconsfield cottage

biographers on

decides to return to America

fight with gamekeeper

first book created and published

in The Gallows

in Little Iddens cottage

Scottish vacation at Kingsbarns

and walking


and chickens

Derry years, importance of

early interest in

and finances

and laziness

prescribed for depression on leaving Harvard

as source of imagery and metaphors

in Sugar Hill

as youth

See also Derry farm; New Hampshire


death of

difficult marriage

influence on

political ambitions of

and sports and illnesses of


and aid to grown children in 1930s

Amherst college salary

annuity from grandfather

Bernheimer helps

and childhood

and college

and early marriage

Holden and Untermeyer help

Holt stipend

and houses

and independence

in late 1928

poetry sales

and return from England

and teaching at Pinkerton

Florida residences and trips


Key West


in 1937–38

in 1939

in 1940s

in 1960s

and Pencil Pines

freedom, concept of

in “Build Soil”

education as

in form

and limits

and restriction, and “Mending Walls”


with Bartlett

with Carl Burell

at Dartmouth as undergrad

and Derry years

with DeVoto

with Edward Thomas

encourages young couples

with Gibson

with Hervey Allen

with Hyde Cox

with Kennedy

in late years

at Pinkerton

with Lawrance Thompson

with Ridgely Torrence

with Sidney Cox

with Untermeyer


Emerson Fellow post created

Fellow in American Civilization in 1941

leaves, for Dartmouth in 1943

Norton lectures and Phi Beta Kappa poet of 1936

as Phi Beta Kappa poet of 1916

seeks connection after Elinor’s death

studies at

takes entrance exams, as student

health problems

and Elinor’s loss of child

flu epidemic of 1918


minor, interferes with work


robustness in old age

imagery and metaphors

brook or stream

early San Francisco

flora and fauna in

forest or wilderness



and Lake Willoughby summer of 1909


and natural world

New England

Pacific coastline

and poems written in England

and reading of poem

RF on

rustic, found in farming

sexual, in “Birches”


Emerson’s concept of, clarified by James

independence of thought and finances

resolution and independence of

influences on




in England

Greek and Latin poetry

Hardy, on verse drama



William James


in “Stopping by Woods”

and pastoral mode, in “New Hampshire”

manuscripts and collections

and Bernheimer

and Cohns and Lathem

marriage and relationship with Elinor


death of Elinor

devotion to Elinor

early marriage and financial problems


and nervous collapse of 1925

rebuffed by Elinor, and trip to Dismal Swamp

reconciliation after Dismal Swamp trip

as rivals in high school

romance and pledge to marry

self-recrimination about

modernist literature

dislike of

and England stay

threat of, to reputation

and tiff with Rascoe

and Trilling speech at 85th birthday


death of

difficult marriage of

influence on

loses job at Methuen

religious beliefs and mysticism

teaches for, at Methuen


knowledge and curiosity about

in late poems

and Progress

as symbol of spirit

in “West-Running Brook”

See also botanizing; imagery and metaphors

New Hampshire

buys Franconia (Sugar Hill) farm

desires to live in after England

leaves Franconia, in 1920

Powder House Hill farm

Salem home, as youth

Salem teaching

sells Franconia farm to Holden

stays with Lynch family

summers in

New Hampshire State Normal School in Plymouth


teaches at


bad behavior after death of Elinor

cantankerousness, and resignation from Amherst


and DeVoto gossip

discomfort with organized education and college

dislike of homosexuality

fighting instinct continues after childhood

fight with boarder disgraces family

fight with gamekeeper at Gallows preserve

homesickness in England

“inflexible ambition” of


laziness, as necessary

monster image of

prejudices of

stubborn contrariness of, and philosophy

swings between self-confidence and doubt

“wicked” behavior, and Beach gossip

See also public persona; self

Pinkerton Academy

applies for job

Bingham replaced by Silver as principal

RF on

teaching style

withdraws from, in

poetry, aesthetics and theories

in “Ax-Helve”

and breaking down to remake vision

colloquial, regional, language, in New Hampshire

and common speech promoted by imagists

and conversation

correspondence about

definition of poetry as “work of knowing”

and Elinor’s influence

“Figure a Poem Makes” essay on

hears voices as source of

and imagists and Pound

and Latin verification

lecture on, in 1930

in “Never Again Would Birds’ Song Be the Same”

in “New Hampshire”

Norton lectures on

notebooks of 1950s on

and painting

on pet peeves in preface to King Jasper

on poetics of speech at Derry

on poetry and creativity

poet-speaker, in A Boy’s Will

realism in, in “New Hampshire”

regionalism, in “New Hampshire”

seeks “poetry that talked”

“To Earthward” as pivotal poem

and traditionalism

on tripping reader into boundless

See also imagery and metaphors; irony; poetry, rhythms in; poetry, style and technique; religion; social and political themes; “sound of sense”; themes and ideas; and specific ideas and themes

poetry, as career

attempt to rediscover his way as poet, in 1930s

autobiographical work, and contradictory levels

builds portfolio for collection in early 1909

declares intention to write

early reading

fame grows in

first poems written and published in high school

first publishes poetry in Independent

first read in public by Merriam

first writes poetry

hates writing on commission for Phi Beta Kappa poem

presses self on English literary society

publishes “A Late Walk,” in 1909

receives advice, after publishing “My Butterfly”

talent recognized by Maurice Thompson

See also awards and honors; “barding around”; books prepared and published; colleagues, poets and writers; writing and writing process; and specific colleges and teaching positions

poetry, rhythms in

abstract line vs. “breaking” of words across it


“sprung” or “sound of sense” and “Mowing”

in “Two Look at Two”

See also “sound of sense”

poetry, style and technique

and clarity vs. spirituality

dramatic, and “Two Look at Two”

and growth by accretion, in books

and hoarding poems habit

and idea that poem must “ride on its own melting”

as major poet

narrative poems, in New Hampshire

and poet’s control of reading of poem

power of sentiment held in check

RF on

satirical verse

and sense of self

storytelling skills honed

and studies at Dartmouth

voice emerges during Derry years

See also poetry, aesthetics and theories; writing process



attacked for conservatism in A Further Range

attack on utopianism

and common man in poems

conservatism of

on democracy

and disagreement with Conant at Harvard

dislike of liberals

dislike of progress

and friendships

and internationalism

and JFK

and Khrushchev meeting

of 1930s

and Pact of Paris

and World War I

and World War II

See also social and political themes

public persona

depicted in Gibson poem

influence of, on early biographers

interferes with inner poet

language, wit, and dress, at Plymouth

in later years

mode perfected

vs. private, gap widens, in late 1920s and 1930s

style of talking and teaching

Yankee voice, worn as mask

See also teaching and lecturing style

relationship with Kay Morrison

marriage proposal

meeting and early friendship

as secretary

tensions with DeVoto over

and death of Kay’s son

religion and spirituality

Bergson’s influence on

and Christianity vs. Darwin

and Christian socialism

and “Directive”

and Elinor’s death

high school editorials on

James’s influence, and revisions of “Design”

letter on

and malevolent or nonexistent God in poetry

mother’s influence on

mysticism, and childhood

Santayana’s influence on

and scientific interests

and scientific vs. religious or poetic truth

sermon before Sukkoth in synagogue

skepticism and mysticism of

and three forms of belief

and “West Running Brook”

San Francisco

landscape of, as child

leaves, on death of father

poems reflecting

revisits, in 1931


fierce refusal to relinquish control of

in “Fire and Ice”

and isolation, in A Boy’s Will

on self-discipline

selfhood, James’s concept of




self-reliance as concept

on style and

sister Jeanie

birth of

confined with psychiatric problems

illness while in high school

tensions with, over mother

social and political themes

in “Build Soil”

common man and agricultural life in

“Drumlin Woodchuck” and “Departmental”

and patriotism, and “The Gift Outright”

on politics in poetry

Pravda on proletarian nature of work

in “Provide, Provide”

in “Two Tramps in Mud Time

See also politics

“sound of sense” idea

Amherst college teaching on

in “Birches”

chief formulation of, in letter to Bartlett

and colloquial language

interviews on

lecture on

and “Mowing”

and North of Boston

and Norton lectures

and Thomas





teaching and lecturing style

at Amherst in 1950s

at Dartmouth in later years

and discomfort with organized education

evolves at Pinkerton

freedom as goal of

at Plymouth

routine, in old age

as Ticknor fellow at Dartmouth

See also “barding around”; public persona

themes and ideas


argument from design

arrivals, departures and journeys

and atomic bomb

barriers, in language and nature

common man

concreteness, and Pound

conflict between college boy and old farmhand

contradiction, in “Road Not Taken”

and contradictions, of life and work

contraries, in “West-Running Brook”

creation, and breaking down and remaking

and “creative evolution,” of Bergson

and creativity and poetry

and deception and revelation in work and life

doubleness, in “Stopping by Woods”

dualism, between human mind and natural world

and environment

evolutionary theory

fierce refusal to relinquish control

heroic models, and James

heterocosmic analogue

husband-wife dialogues, of “West-Running Brook”

idealism, in early poetry

imagination, as theme of “After Apple-Picking”

indecision, expressed in poetry

isolation, in A Boy’s Will

and late poems on writing and depression

locality and universality of

and meaninglessness

parallelism between mental world and physical world

and rage

reflections on death in “Away”

resistance, in “West-Running Book”

universal and particular, in “New Hampshire”

universe as “extravagant”

walking in wilderness

wild nature

“wildness” notion


See also imagery and metaphors; nature; poetry, aesthetics and theory; religion; social and political themes


California and Colorado


Dismal Swamp




Israel, Greece, and England

Key West

Long Trail hike

Midwest after death of Elinor

New York

South America

Soviet Union

University of Michigan

leaves when Amherst counters offer

permanent fellowship

visiting fellowships

Vermont residences

Homer Noble farm in Ripton

in Lake Willoughby, summer of 1909

Shingle Cottage farm bought in 1928

South Shaftsbury (Peleg Cole) farm

South Shaftsbury house given to Carol and Lillian

South Shaftsbury house sold

writing process

alone at Canobie Lake in 1893

compared to farming, in “Build Soil”

in Derry years

after Elinor’s death

and hoarding poems habit

during illness and depression of 1933

in Michigan as poet-in-residence

on origin of poems

on poetry and rivalry

productive period, after acceptance of Boy’s Will

productive period, after leaving Amherst College

public role interferes with

rejects advice on poetry and voice

revises “Design,” influenced by religious concepts of James

revises “West-Running Brook” in 1927

and unfinished poems

worry over lack of productivity

writes final poem in 1963

writes “For Once, Then, Something”

writes “Kitty Hawk” in 1953

writes late poems in 1950s

writes Masque of Mercy

writes “New Hampshire” and “Stopping by Woods”

writes “On the Heart’s Beginning to Cloud the Mind”

writes poems for A Further Range

writes poems for Kay

writes poems for Mountain Interval

writes poems of lasting value into old age

writes poetry at Sugar Hill

writes preface to Robinson’s King Jasper

writes “The Most of It” in response to Van Dore on nature

writing dwindles in late 1940s and early 1950s

writing poems becomes difficult in old age

See also poetry, career; specific works

Frost, William Prescott, Jr. (father)

childhood and background of

death of

and drinking

financial problems of

illness of

influence of

meets and marries Belle

newspaper career

pioneer mentality, wildness and bravura

political aspirations

relationship with RF

and RF’s fighting

and San Francisco

Frost, William Prescott, Sr. (grandfather)

buys Derry farm for RF and Elinor

death of, and trust fund

offers help to RF to write full-time

pays for RF’s Harvard education

personality of

Frost, Mrs. William Prescott, Sr. (grandmother)

Frost Family’s Adventure in Poetry, The (Francis)

Further Range, A

conservative politics of

poems written

published and reviewed


Garcia Villa, José

Gardner, Ernest

Gardner, John Hayes

Gardner, Mary

Garfield, James A.

Garnett, Edward

Garrison, Theodosia

“Generations of Men, The”

Gentry, Anne Morrison

George, Henry

Georgian Poetry, 1911–1912 (Marsh)

“Ghost House”

Gibbon, Edward

Gibson, Wilfrid

friendship with

and gamekeeper at The Gallows

review of North of Boston

verse portrait of RF

“Gift Outright, The”


read at JFK inaugural


Gilbert, Edward, RF’s letters to

Gilder, Richard Watson

Ginsberg, Allen


“Going for Water”

Golden, Harry

“Golden Room, The” (Gibson)

Golden Treasury (Palgrave)

Goodwin, Nathaniel

Gosling, Glenn

Gould, Charles H.

Gould, Jean

Graves, Robert

Gray, Thomas

Greene, Graham

Greene, Robert

Gregory, Horace

“Grindstone, The”

Guay, Napoleon

Guiney, Louise Imogen

“Gum-Gatherer, The”

Hagstrom, Jack W. C.

Haines, John

English neighbor on RF

RF’s letters to

Hall, Donald

Hall, Gertrude

Hall, John

Hamlet (Shakespeare)

Hancock, Walker

Hancock, Winfield Scott

“Happiness Makes Up in Height for What It Lacks in Length”

Harcourt, Alfred

“Hardship of Accounting, The”

Hardy, Thomas


Hart-Davis, Rupert

Harvey, Leona White (Elinor’s sister)

Harvey, Nathaniel

Have Come, Am Here (Garcia Villa)

Hawthorne, Nathaniel

Hayes, John A.

H.D. (Hilda Doolittle)

Heaney, Seamus

Hemingway, Ernest

Hendricks, Walter

Henley, W. E.

Herbert, George

Herder, J. G.

Heretics, The (Chesterton)

Herrick, Robert

Heywood, Thomas

Hicks, Granville

“Hillside Thaw, A”

“Hill Wife, The”

Hillyer, Robert

Hindle, Mrs.

History of the Conquest of Mexico (Prescott)

Hjort, Elmer

Hocking, William Ernest

Holden, Raymond

RF letters to

Holliday, Floyd

Holmes, John

Holmes, Oliver Wendell

Holt, Henry, publishers

Holt, Mrs. Henry

“Home Burial”

responses to



Hopkins, (Dartmouth)

Hopkins, Gerard Manley


Horne, Henry

“Housekeeper, The”

Housman, A. E.

Hovey, Richard

Howe, Mark De Wolfe

Howells, William Dean

How Gertrude Teaches Her Children (Pestalozzi)

“How Hard It Is to Keep from Being King When It’s in You and in the Situation”

Howland, Harold E.

How to Know the Wild Flowers (Dana)

Hudson, W. H.

Hughes, Thomas

Hulme, T. E.

Humphries, Rolfe

“Hundred Collars, A”

Huxley, Thomas H.

“Hyla Brook”



“I Could Give All to Time”

I’ll Take My Stand (Agrarian manifesto)


“In a Vale”


Inferno (Dante)

Ingebretsen, Ed

“Ingenuities of Debt, The”

“In Hardwood Groves”

In the Clearing

assembled and published

success of

In the Net of the Stars (Flint)

“In Time of Cloudburst”

“Into My Own”

Into My Own (Walsh)

“Iris by Night”

“It Is Almost the Year Two Thousand”



James, Henry, Jr.

James, Henry, Sr.

James, William

Jarrell, Randall

Jewell, Ernest

Johnson, Lyndon B.

Johnson, Robert Underwood

Jones, Howard Mumford

Joyce, Hewette

Joyce, James

“Justice Denied in Massachusetts” (Millay)

Kasper, John

Kearns, Katherine

Keats, John

Kellogg, Frank B.

Kennedy, John F.

inaugural poem

RF’s letters to

Kerr, Orpheus C.

Khrushchev, Nikita

King, Stanley

King Jasper (Robinson), RF’s preface written

Kingsley, Robert

Kinnell, Galway

Kipling, Rudyard

Kittredge, George Lyman

“Kitty Hawk”

expresses purpose in life

spirituality of


Kyd, Thomas

LaBatt, Lillian. See Frost, Lillian

Ladd, Henry A.

Laing, Alexander

Land of Crystal (Belle Frost)

Land of Heart’s Desire, The (Yeats)

Laney, Emma May

Lanier, Sidney

Lankes, J. J.

“La Noche Triste” (first poem)

Larcom, Lucy

Last of the Mohicans, The (Cooper)

“Late Walk, A”

Lathem, Edward Connery

Lawrence Daily American

Lawrence Eagle-Tribune

Lawrence High School Bulletin

Lawrence Sentinel

Lawrence Weekly Journal

Lee, Robert E.

Lehmann, John

“Lesson for Today, The”

Lindsay, Vachel

“Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey” (Wordsworth)

“Line-Storm Song, A”


Lins do Rêgo, José

Lippmann, Walter

Literary Essays of Ezra Pound, The

Little, Clarence Cool

Littleton Courier


“Lockless Door, The”

Longfellow, Henry W.

Lord, George D.

Lord Weary’s Castle (Robert Lowell)

“Lost Faith, The”

“Lotos-Eaters, The” (Tennyson)

“Love and a Question”

Lowell, Amy

A Critical Fable

death of

RF meets

RF’s letters to

Lowell, James Russell

Lowell, Robert


“Lycidas” (Milton)

Lyly, John

Lynch, John

Lynch, Margaret

Elinor’s letter to

Lynen, John F.

Lyons, Clifford

Macbeth (Shakespeare)

McCord, David

MacDonald, George

MacKaye, Percy

MacLeish, Ada

MacLeish, Archibald

MacVeagh, Lincoln

Manthey-Zorn, Ethel

Manthey-Zorn, Otto

RF’s letters to


Margoshes, Adam

Marlowe, Christopher

Marquis, Don

Marriage of Heaven and Hell, The (Blake)

Marsh, Edward

Masefield, John

Masque of Mercy, A (play)



Masque of Reason, A (play)



Masses (magazine)

Masters, Edgar Lee

“Master Speed, The”

Mather, Maurice W.

“Meeting and Passing”

Meiklejohn, Alexander

Melcher, Frederic G.

Melville, Herman

Mencken, H. L.

“Mending Wall”

responses to


Meredith, William

Merriam, Charles

Mertins, Louis

RF’s letters to

Messer, Ben (uncle)

Messer, Sarah Frost (aunt)

Meyers, Jeffrey

“Middleness of the Road”

Midsummer Night’s Dream, A (Shakespeare)

Millay, Edna St. Vincent

Milton, John

Mirrielies, Edith

Mitchell, Miss Mary

Monro, Harold

Monroe, Charles

Monroe, Harriet

Monteiro, George

Montgomery, Marion

“Monument to After-Thought Unveiled A” (valedictory speech)

Moodie, Isabelle. See Frost, Isabelle

Moodie, Mary (grandmother)

Moodie, Thomas (grandfather)

Moody, Harriet

Moody, Mrs. William Vaughn

Moore, Marianne

Moore, Merrill

Moore, Thomas

More, Paul Elmer

Morrison, Bobby

Morrison, Henry

Morrison, Kathleen Johnston “Kay”

attends RF during final illness

becomes secretary

book dedicated to

and DeVoto

RF expresses gratitude to

RF’s letters to

RF’s relationship with

and “Silken Tent”

son dies

and Thompson

Morrison, Theodore “Ted”

on RF

RF’s letters to

Morse, Stearns

Morton, David

Mosher, Thomas Bird, RF’s letters to

Moss, Howard

“Most of It, The”



“Mountain, The”

Mountain Interval


poems written for




abstract vs. vernacular rhythm of


Munson, Gorham B.

“My Butterfly”


“My Lost Youth” (Longfellow)

“My November Guest”

“My Olympic Record Stride”

Nasby, Petroleum V.

Nash, Ray


National Institute of Arts and Letters

National Poetry Festival

“Nature and Evolution” (lecture)

Nature (Emerson)

“Need of Being Versed in Country Things The”

“Neighborliness of Robert Frost, The” (Elliott)

“Neither Out Far nor In Deep”

“Never Again Would Birds’ Song Be the Same”

and gratitude to Kay


New Deal

Newdick, Robert S.

Newdick’s Season of Frost (Sutton)

Newell, Miss

New England Association of Teachers of English

New England Poetry Society

New England Quarterly

New Hampshire

poems written




“New Hampshire”

Munson on


New Masses

New Republic

Newton, Sarah

New Yorker

New York Herald Tribune

New York Times

New York Times Book Review

New York Tribune

“Night Light, The”

Noble, Mrs. Homer

“No Holy Wars for Them”

North of Boston

Amy Lowell reviews


Boston literary circles and

Derry years in

negative reviews in U.S.

and parents’ marriage

poems written

Pound reviews

publication and reviews

published in U.S.

RF on

Untermeyer reviews

“Nothing Gold Can Stay”




“Now Close the Windows”

Noyes, Alfred

Nutt, Albert Trubner

Nutt, Mrs. M. L., publisher

“Objection to Being Stepped On, The”


“Old Man’s Winter Night, An”

Olds, George Daniel

“Old Way to Be New, The” (lecture)

O’Leary, Dan

“Once by the Pacific”


“One Step Backward Taken”

“On Poesy or Art” (Coleridge)

“Onset, The”

“On the Heart’s Beginning to Cloud the Mind”



Oster, Judith

Our Place Among Infinities (Proctor)

“‘Out, Out—’”



“Ovenbird, The”


Owen, Wilfred

Oxford Book of American Verse

Palgrave, Francis Turner

“Pan with Us”

Paradise Lost (Milton)

Parker, Herbert

Parsons, Miss

Partisan Review

Pascal, Blaise

“Patch of Old Snow, A”

“Paul’s Wife”

“Pauper Witch of Grafton, The”

Paustovsky, Konstantin

Peabody, Charlie

Peabody, Josephine

“Peck of Gold, A”

Peele, George

Percy, Thomas

“Permanence of Robert Frost, The” (Van Doren)

Perry, Bliss

Pestalozzi, Johann

Philadelphia Public Ledger

Phoenix, John

Pinkerton Critic

Pisan Cantos (Pound)

“Planners, The”



Playboy of the Western World (Synge)


Poe, Edgar Allan

Poetics (Aristotle)


Poetry and Drama

“Poetry as Prowess (Feat of Words)” (lecture)

Poetry Review

Poetry Society of America

Poirier, Richard

Pope, Alexander

Porcupine, The (Robinson)

Porter, Jane

Pound, Ezra

arrest of

Bollingen Prize

and imagism

release from hospital engineered by RF

review of A Boy’s Will

review of North of Boston

RF meets

RF on

Powell, Arthur

Pragmatism (James)


“Prayer in Spring, A”

Prelude, The (Wordsworth)

Prescott, William H.

Principles of Psychology (James)

Pritchard, William H.

biography of RF

Proctor, Richard A.

Progress and Poverty (George)

“Prophets Really Prophesy as Mystics/The Commentators Merely by Statistics, The”

“Provide, Provide”

Psychology: The Briefer Course (James)

Pursuit of Spring, The (Thomas)

“Putting in the Seed”

“Questioning Faces”

“Quest of the Orchis, The”

“Quest of the Purple-Fringed, The”

published under new title

Rachewiltz, Princess Mary de

Rankin, Blanche

Ransom, John Crowe

Rascoe, Burton

Recognition of Robert Frost (Thornton)

“Record Stride, A”

Reeve, F. D.

“(Re)Figuring Love: Robert Frost in Crisis” (Sheehy)

Reichert, Louise

Reichert, Victor

Reid, Alastair

Reliques (Percy)


“Renewal of Words, The” (lecture)

Representative Men (Emerson)

Republic (Plato)


Reynolds, Art

Reynolds, Conger

Rich, Adrienne

Richards, Edward A.

Richards, I. A.

Richardson, C. F.

Richardson, Mark


Rigg, Edward

Ripostes (Pound)

“Rise of the Doctrine of Evolution, The” (lecture)

Rittenhouse, Jessie B.

Rivals, The (Sheridan)

“Road Not Taken, The”

first published

published in Mountain Interval


“Roadside Stand, A”

Robert Frost (Meyers)

Robert Frost: A Literary Life Reconsidered (Pritchard)

Robert Frost: A Study in Sensibility and Good Sense (Munson)

Robert Frost Himself (Burnshaw)

Robert Frost: The Aim Was Song (Gould)

Robert Frost: The Trial by Existence (Sergeant)

Robinson, Edward Arlington

Collected Poems

RF’s preface on

Roethke, Theodore

Rogers, William P.

“Role of a Poet in a Democracy, The” (lecture)

Rolfe, William James

Romance of Dollard, The (Catherwood)

“Romantic Chasm, A” (essay)


Roosevelt, Franklin D.

Root, E. Merrill

“Rose Pogonias”

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques

Rowell, Wilbur

Royce, Josiah

Russell, George William (A.E.)

Russell, Lester

Sacco and Vanzetti case

Sandburg, Carl

San Francisco Daily Evening Bulletin

San Francisco Daily Evening Post

San Francisco Daily Report

Santayana, George

Saturday Review of Literature

Schelling, F. W. J. von

Schmitt, Howard G.

Science of English Verse, The (Lanier)

Scott, Walter

Scott, W. T.

Scottish Chiefs, The (Porter)

Scribner’s Magazine

“Seaward” (Hovey)

“Secret Sits, The”

Sedgwick, Ellery

Selected Letters, Jarrell reviews

Selected Poems



“Self-Reliance” (Emerson)

Sergeant, Elizabeth Shepley

“Servant to Servants, A”




Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate

Shapiro, Karl

Shaw, George Bernard

RF on

Sheehy, Donald G.

Sheffield, Alfred

Shelley, Percy Bysshe

Shepard, Odell

Sheridan, Richard

Shirley, Preston

Shorer, Mark

Sidney, Sir Philip

“Silken Tent, The”

Meyers on



Sill, Edward Rowland

Silver, Charles L.

Silver, Clinton Leroy

Silver, Ernest L.

RF’s letters to

and RF’s trip to England


“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” (Edwards)

Sipprell, Clara E.

Skinner, B. F., letter to

Sloane, William

Smith, J. C.

Smollet, Tobias

Smythe, Daniel

Snow, Wilbert

Solomon, Effie

“Something for Hope”

“Song of the Wave”

“Song of Wandering Aengus, The” (Yeats)

“Sound of the Trees, The”

first published

published in Mountain Interval

Southern Agrarians

Spencer, Herbert

Spender, Stephen

Spenser, Edmund

Spoon River Anthology (Masters)

“Spring Pools”



Squire, J. C.

Stanlis, Peter J.

“Star in a Stoneboat, A”


“Star-Splitter, The”

Stauffer, Donald A.

Steeple Bush




Stegner, Wallace

Steinbeck, John

Sterling, George

Stevens, Wallace

meeting in Key West

RF’s letters to

Stevenson, Adlai

Stevenson, Robert Louis

Stonefolds (Gibson)

“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”

JFK quotes


RF on


“Storm Fear”


“Strong Are Saying Nothing, The”

“Subverted Flower, The”



“Sunday Morning” (Stevens)

Sutton, William A.

Swedenborg, Emanuel

Sweeney, Jack

Swift, Jonathan

Swinburne, Algernon C.

Swinger of Birches, A (Cox)

Synge, John M.


Taggard, Genevieve

Tales of a Grandfather (Scott)

Talks to Teachers on Psychology (James)

Tate, Allen

Taylor, Welford Dunaway

Tendencies in Modern American Poetry (Amy Lowell)

“Ten Mills”

Tennyson, Alfred, Lord

Tennyson, Sir Charles

Testament of Beauty, The (Bridges)


Thomas, Dylan

Thomas, Edward

botanizing walks with RF, and “Road Not Taken”

death of

Eastaway pseudonym

Little Iddens period

meets RF

Thomas, Helen

on RF

RF’s letters to

Thomas, Dr. John Henry

Thomas, Mervyn

Thompson, James Maurice

Thompson, Lawrance

biography of RF

break with

friendship with

and Kay

named biographer

RF’s letters to

travels to Israel and Greece with RF

writes Fire and Ice

Thoreau, Henry D.

Thornton, Marianne

Thornton, Richard H.

Elinor’s letters to

Tilden, Samuel

Tilley, Morris P.


Time’s Laughingstocks (Hardy)

Times Literary Supplement

“Time to Talk, A”

Tittmann, Harold

“To a Waterfowl” (Bryant)

“To a Young Wretch”

“To Earthward”

as pivotal poem


“To E.T.”

Tolstoy, Leo

Tom Brown’s School Days (Hughes)

Torrence, Ridgely

RF’s letters to

“To the Thawing Wind”


Tragic Sense of Life, The (Unamuno)

“Tree at My Window”


“Trial by Existence, The”


publication of

Trilling, Lionel

“Tuft of Flowers, The”

first read in public

included in Boy’s Will


Twain, Mark

Twilight (private volume)

written and printed for Elinor

“rented” by Bernheimer

sold by Bernheimer

“Two Look at Two”

“Two Tramps in Mud Time”



“Two Witches”

Typee (Melville)

Udall, Stewart L.

travels to Soviet Union with RF

Ulysses (Joyce)

Unamuno, Miguel de

Untermeyer, Jean

Untermeyer, Louis

and Bread Loaf

disagreements over WW II

final meeting before death of RF

as friend in old age

loan from

poem sent to

politics of, and friendship

and Pulitzers for RF

and Rascoe tiff

reviews North of Boston

RF meets

on RF’s early readings

on RF’s lecturing style

RF’s letters to

RF’s verse letter to

Vance, Thomas

Van Dore, Wade

Van Doren, Carl

Van Doren, Mark

“Vanishing Red, The”

“Vantage Point, The”

Vendler, Helen

Vidal, Gore

Vinokurov, Yevgeny


Virginia Quarterly

“Vocal Imagination—the Merger of Form and Content” (lecture)

“Voice Ways”


Voyage of the Beagle, The (Darwin)

Voznesensky, Andrei


Walden (Thoreau)

Waller, Edmund

Walsh, John Evangelist

Ward, Artemus

Ward, Susan Hayes

correspondence with

Ward, William Hayes

Warren, Earl

Warren, Robert Penn

on RF

Washington, George

Washington Post

Waste Land, The (Eliot)

Watts, Harold H.

“Well-way and be it so”

Wessex Poems (Hardy)

“West-Running Brook”

central metaphor of


and religion


West-Running Brook



written and assembled

Weygandt, Cornelius

Wheelwright, John Brooks

Whicher, George

Whimsies (magazine)

White, Ada (Elinor’s sister)

White, Elinor Miriam

argument and reconciliation with RF

attends St. Lawrence college during courtship

early courtship with RF

early illness

marries RF

meets RF in high school

RF’s letters to

shares valedictorian honors with RF

See also Frost, Elinor White

White, Mr. (Elinor’s father)

White, Mrs. (Elinor’s mother)

“White-Tailed Hornet, The”

Whittier, John Greenleaf

Wilbur, Richard

Wilder, Thornton

“Wild Grapes”


Will to Believe, The (James)

Wilson, Daniel

Wilson, T. J.

Wilson, Woodrow

“Wind and the Rain, The”

Winnick, R. H.

“Winter Eden, A”

“Witch of Coös, The”

Poetry Magazine prize


Witness Tree, A




reveals lyric Frost


Wolcott, Rev. William E.

Wood, George

“Wood-Pile, The”

Wordsworth, William

World War I

and Amherst years

and decision to leave England

and Thomas enlistment and death

World War II

Worthen, Thomas W. D.

Wyeth, Andrew

Yale Review

Yeats, W. B.

and A Boy’s Will

influence of

meetings with

Yevtushenko, Yevgeny

Yost, “Hurry-Up”

Young, Edward

Young, Stark

Youth’s Companion

Zitska, Madame