Abernathy, John
Abrams, Meyer H.
abstract principles
Adams, John
agency; of individual in social structure; relation to duty
Age of Reason (Paine)
Alliance of Church and State (Warburton)
alliance theory
American revolutionaries
anachronistic vocabulary
ancient constitution; defense of, in The Plot; independence of executive and legislative branches; labor regulation and; orders of citizens. See also constitution
Andrewes, Lancelot
Anglican Church
Answer to the Nineteen Propositions (Charles I)
apostasy thesis
Appeal from the Old to the New Whigs (Burke)
Arnold, Matthew
Bacon, Francis
Bailyn, Bernard
Battle of the Books (Swift)
Beaumont, George
behaviorist psychologies
Bentham, Jeremy
Berkeley, George
Berlin, Isaiah
Bill of Rights (1689)
biological metaphors. See also medico-philosophical approach
Blackstone, William
body politic
Bolingbroke, Henry St. John; property, view of
Brinkley, Roberta F.
Brinton, Crane
British Jacobins; Jacobin-baiting campaign. See also Whigs
Broad Church
Browning, Reed
Burgh, James
Burke, Edmund; as supporter of American liberty
Burleigh, Lord
Butler, Marilyn
Canning, George
Cannon, John
Cato, emulators of
censorship; of books; commerce and; corruption and; of public opinion
Charles I
checks and balances
choice; duty and; vs. coercion; will and
Christie, Ian
church; English Reformation; secular authority of; structure and function of; as third estate
church–state relations: alliance theory; Erastian view; High Churchmen; historical context; interdependency; Low Churchmen; permanence and progression; reform of; scientific approach to; theological disputes; traditional models. See also clerisy; national church
Cicero, emulators of
citizens: as antique Romans; censorship of; Crown as representative of; duties and rights; equality of; majesty of; orders of; poverty of; progression and; represented by House of Commons; treason against; voice of; will and
civic humanist tradition
civic moralism
civil liberty
civil rights, Idea of
Clark, Jonathan
classical republicanism
clergy; Tory theory of
clerisy; educational role of
Coburn, Kathleen
Coke, Edward
Coleman, Deirdre
Coleridge, George
Coleridge, Luke
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor: accord with aristocratic writers; apostasy theory; audience and; charges of weakness; as classical scholar; complexity of; conservatism of; constitutionalism of; continuity of thought; as critic of religious orthodoxy; on democrats; early political writings; as “evil genius,”; glacier theory; Godwin, view of; as idealist; as independent; influence of; influences on; lectures; as liberal; Mill’s observations on; mime theory; moderation of; as neo-Harringtonian; as oppositional; organicism of; originality of; as outsider; plagiarism accusations against; political development; as political philosopher; pragmatism; radicalism attributed to; rejection of Jacobinism; rejection of natural-rights theory; rejection of party; rejection of political economists; religious and ethical principles; taxonomy of; theological language of; theory of ideas; as timocrat; Toryism attributed to; transforms philosophical ideas of others; as true philosopher; unconscious man theory; as “watchman,”; Whig tradition in; Letters: to Edward Coleridge; to Frere; to Gooden; to Green; to Robinson; to Southey; to Wedgwood; Works: Aids to Reflection; Bristol Lectures; Conciones ad Populum; “Elements of Religious Philosophy,”; Essays on His Own Times; The Fall of Robespierre (with Southey); The Friend; Hints Toward the Formation of a More Comprehensive Theory of Life; “Introductory Address,”; The Lay Sermons; “Lectures on Jurisprudence,”; “Lectures on Philosophy,”; Logic; “Modern Patriotism,”; A Moral and Political Lecture; “On Politics and Revealed Religion,”; On the Present War; The Statesman’s Manual; Two Addresses on Sir Robert Peel’s Bill; The Watchman. See also On the Constitution of the Church and State According to the Idea of Each; The Plot Discovered or an Attack Against Ministerial Treason
Colmer, John
commerce; censorship and; cities, role of; civility and; historical regulation of; Italian example; liberty and; moral development and; new man and; as progressive; property and; war as
Common Law; custom; judiciary and; labor regulation and; liberty and; property and; reason and; sovereignty of; statutes and. See also law
common sense
commonwealth thesis
Conception; experience as
conscience; freedom of; law of
conservative, as term
constitution; balanced; contingencies; corruption of; events of; Idea of; legislation for particular events; people represented in; permanence and; progression and; property-based; public opinion as essential to; reform; role of nobility; short- vs. long-term goals; tripartite system; unreformed. See also ancient constitution
Convention Bill
Convocation Controversy
Corn Laws
corruption; censorship and; of constitution; of judicial process; of landowners; progression and
Cottle, Joseph
Country Party; city, view of; property, view of, See also Tories
County Associations
Crawfurd, Thomas
Crimmins, James E.
Critiques (Kant)
Crown; as first magistrate; Parliament’s usurpation of authority; as representative of citizens; royal veto
Cudworth, Richard
Damaged Archangel (Fruman)
Davy, Humphry
Declaration of Rights (1689)
“Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen,”
DeLolme, J. L.
DeQuincey, Thomas
Dickens, Charles
Dickinson, H. T.
double vision
dualities; individualism/property vs. communitarianism/equality
Dunning, John
Durkheim, Émile
Dutch Republic
duty; choice and; of conscience; liberty and; as pleasurable; rights and; self-duties and other-duties; will and
East India Company
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
empiricism; combination with idealism
English Reformation
English Society (Clark)
Erdman, David
Essay on the Principle of Population (Malthus): first version; revised version
faction. See also party
Factory Bill of 1818
faculties, psychology of
fallen man imagery
feudal society
fixed principles; church and
Fletcher, Andrew
Foord, Archibald
Fox, Charles James
France; calendar; institutions; pseudoscientific theory. See also French Revolution
Free Associations
freedom of association
freedom of speech
free market arguments
French Revolution. See also France
Fruman, Norman
George I
George II
George III
German idealism
Gibson, Edmund
glacier theory
Godwin, William; benevolence, doctrine of
Gooden, James
good will, Kantian
Goodwin, Albert
Gordon Riots
government; coercive; free market and; harmony of; historical regulation of property; noninterference; reason as ethical foundation for; science of; statutes regulating labor. See also state
Greene, Donald
Grenville, Richard Temple
Gunn, J. A. W.
Habeas Corpus Act of 1678
Hale, Mathew
happiness, duty and
Hardy, Thomas
Hare, Julius
harmony of government
Harrington, James
Hartley, David
Hazlitt, William
Henrician Reformation
Henry VIII
High Churchmen
historical process
historiography; debunkers; pantheon-building; reconstructors. See also apostasy thesis
history; cunning of; Idea of; interdependency with natural science; science of; virtue as conditioned by
History (Herodotus)
History of the Indian Archipelago (Crawfurd)
Hoadly, Benjamin
Hobbes, Thomas
Hooker, Richard
Horne, George
Horsley, Samuel
House of Commons; principle of progression in; as representative of people; subversion of
House of Lords
Hume, David
Hunt, John
Hunter, John
Hyde/Falkland doctrine
Idea; Aristotelian view; causality and; of civil rights; Conception of; of constitution; fixed principles; of history; of justice; Kantian view; of liberty; material world and; of natural law; of state; as structure for being; teleologically defined; transcendental; understanding vs. reason; of vice and virtue
idealism; combined with empiricism; Kantian
individual; agency; civic moralism and; community claims and; liberty and; role in state; social relationships and; sphere of action. See also citizens
institutions; France; radical view; of state. See also church–state relations; national church
Italian peninsula
Jacobins: British; British baiting campaign; French
James II
Jebb, John
Jewell, John
Johnson, Samuel
Jurieu, Pierre
Kant, Immanuel; Coleridge accused of plagiarizing; Idea, view of; will, view of
Kantian categories
Keble, John
Kramnick, Isaac
Lake Poets
Laud, William
Lauderdale, Earl of
law; arbitrary; corruption of; moral; Mosaic; natural; permanence of; reason and; sovereignty of; unwritten. See also Common Law
Lawrence, William
Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm
Lex Majestatis
liberal, as term
liberalism, second school of
liberty: civil; civilizing effect of; commerce linked with; Common Law and; as community-equality; constraints on; duty and; Idea of; individual and; language of; morality and; negative; pantheon of; party at odds with; positive; of press; as principle of action; property and; of public opinion; pursuit of happiness; short- vs. long-term goals; skeptical defenders of; will and
Lieberman, David
Lipking, Lawrence
Liverpool, Lord
Locke, John
Lockean tradition
London Corresponding Society (LCS)
Lonsdale, Lord
Lottes, Gunther
Louis XIV
Louis XVI
Low Churchmen
Mackintosh, James
Macpherson, C. B.
Magna Carta
Making of the English Working Class, The (Thompson)
Malthus, Thomas; revised theory
Mansfield, Lord
Marxist ideology
materialism; carnal definitions of change; virtue and; will, view of. See also mechano-corpuscular philosophy
material world; Idea and
mathematical certainty
McFarland, Thomas
mechano-corpuscular philosophy. See also materialism
medico-philosophical approach. See also biological metaphors
Mendalow, John
merchant classes
Mill, John Stuart
Miller, J. T.
Milton, John
mime theory
moral agency
moral autonomy
moral certainty
moral education
morality; commerce and; political economists and; property and; subversion of
moral law
moral necessity
moral world; liberty and; will and
More, Hannah
Morrow, John
Mosaic law
Muirhead, John
Myth and Reality (Christie)
Namier, Lewis
national church; clerisy’s role; constitutional model of; as doctrinally vague; educational role; goal of civilization and liberty; landed property as foundation of; progression and. See also church–state relations
national interest
nationality; English Reformation and
natural philosophy
natural rights; Coleridge’s rejection of; Idea of; as independent of laws and realms; law as morality; property and. See also rights
natural science
nature, plastic
North, Lord
Novum Organum (Bacon)
Nozick, Robert
objective corollary
O’Gorman, Frank
“On Coleridge” (Mill)
On the Constitution of the Church and State According to the Idea of Each (Coleridge); a-doxy of; alliance theory in; civic humanism in; clerisy in; conservatism of; constitutional theory; education in; liberty in; permanence and progression in; property in
oppositional loyalism
oppositional rhetorics
Orsini, G. N. G.
Paine, Thomas
Paley, William
pantheon building
pantheon of liberty
Parliament; corruption of; emergency powers; property ownership as qualification for; sovereignty of; usurpation of Crown’s authority
Parr, Samuel
party. See also faction
Party of Liberty
Patton, Lewis
Peace of Amiens
Peace Party
Peel, Robert, factory bill of
permanence; constitution and; of law; pastoral tyranny; progression as opposite of. See also progression
permeative fluid of society
Phillipson, Nicholas
Philp, Mark
Pitt, William; as apostate; compared to Caligula; compared to Robespierre; emergency powers; plot imagery and; support of liberty; true goals of
Pitt, William (elder)
Platonism; British
Plot Discovered or an Attack Against Ministerial Treason, The (Coleridge); based on lecture; conservatism of; defense of ancient constitution in; four pillars of despotism; harmony of government in; ministerial treason in; mystical imagery; pantheon of liberty in; Pitt’s true intentions; plot imagery in; property ownership in; on separation of powers; sovereignty of Parliament in; Whig ideology in
Plotinists. See Platonism
Pocock, J. G. A.
Political Disquisitions (Burgh)
political economists; free-market arguments; as heartless; as immoral; line of descent; simplistic theories
political function
Political Ideas of the English Romanticists, The (Brinton)
political justice
Political Justice (Godwin)
political will
Poole, Thomas
Popular Opinions on Parliamentary Reform (Walsh)
population, choice and
Porter, Roy
positive liberty
Postema, Gerald
practical moralism
press, freedom of
Priestley, Joseph
Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy (Paley)
private societies
progression; civility and; corruption and; permanence as opposite of; spirit of people and. See also permanence
property; canal example; civil liberty and; commercial; Common Law and; commonweal and; community and individual claims; Country Party view; as goal of commerce; interdependency with commerce; labor as; landed, as public trust; landowners; liberty and; moral significance of; nationality; natural rights and; permanence of; as principle for moral improvement; as qualification for Parliament
protosociological tradition
psychology of faculties
public opinion; censorship of; as essential to constitutional health; as expression of need; influence of; liberty of; transformation of public service into; vulgar opinion vs.
radicalism; attributed to Coleridge; institutions, view of; rhetorical strategies; Whigs and. See also Jacobins
raison primitive
Rawls, John
reason; Common Law and; as ethical foundation for government; vs. understanding; will and
redistributive theories
reform; of church–state relations; constitutional; of Parliament
Reformation; English
reform societies
“Resolution” of 1780 (Dunning)
revolution principles
Ricardo, David
rights; duty and; personal. See also natural rights
river imagery
Robbins, Caroline
Robespierre, Maximilien
Robinson, Henry Crabb
Roe, Nicholas
Romantics, Rebels, and Reactionaries (Butler)
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Ryan, Alan
Schelling, Friedrich
Schofield, Philip
science: combination of idealism and empiricism; of ethics; false; of government; of history; of legislator; of statesmanship
Scottish philosophers. See also political economists
Scottish Thanes
Selden, John
“Sermon Against National Apostasy” (Keble)
seventeenth-century thinkers
Shaftesbury, Earl of
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
Skinner, Quentin
Smith, Adam; civic moralism
social relationships; individual’s role
Southey, Robert
sovereignty; of law; of Parliament
Spectator Clubs
Stanley, Edward Smith
state: as active idea; binary system; biological metaphor for; checks and balances; church’s secular authority; as greater than sum of parts; Idea of; individual’s role in; institutions of; interdependency of property and commerce; linked with history and natural science; lock and key metaphor; medico-philosophical approach; obstructionism and; permanence and progression; science of; science of ethics and; snake metaphor; structural framework. See also church–state relations; government; national church; permanence; progression
statesmanship, science of
State Treason Trials (1794)
Steuart, James
Stillingfleet, Bishop
Strauss, Leo
subject-object relationship
Swift, Jonathan
synthetic teleology
teleology; futuricity; Idea and
Terra Japonica
Test Act
Thelwall, John
Theory of Life (Hunter)
these nobiliare
Thompson, Edward P.
Thoughts Occasioned by the Perusal of Dr. Parr’s Spital Sermon (Godwin)
Tories; church, view of; constitution, view of; Old Tories
Toryism, attributed to Coleridge
treason: actions vs. words; censorship of books and publishers; against Crown and people; majesty and; seditious literature; State Treason Trials; stone-throwing incident. See also Two Acts
treason law, existing
treason law of 1336 (Edward III)
Tuck, Richard
Two Acts (treason bills); fear of Jacobins; freedom of thought and
understanding, vs. reason
utilitarianism; education and; as immoral
virtue; duty of conscience and; as historically conditioned; Idea of; materialism and; mechanism and; science of ethics and
vulgar opinion
Wade, John
Walpole, Horace
Walpole, Robert
Walsh, John
Warburton, William
Watson, Seth
Wealth of Nations (Smith)
Wellek, Rene
Whigs; constitution, view of; oppositional loyalism; radicals as; revolution principles; skeptical; True. See also British Jacobins
White, R. J.
will; autarchic; deist view; as diseased; duty and; freedom of; good and evil; as highest form of reason; Kantian; liberty and; majesty and; materialist view; models of; moral world and; natural-rights arguments; personal rights and; political; responsible; structuring principle of
Williams, Raymond
Winch, Donald
Windham, William