Chapter Thirteen


The house was in darkness, but he also knew she was enjoying being able to see in the dark. He stood in the hall and inhaled slowly, continuing down the hall to the open bedroom door.

He’d never bothered with a headboard, just worked a good solid wooden frame for the bed. And curled against the wall, her face aimed at the slight crack in the window, was Luna. Buried in blankets, only the pale silver-gold head out and the hint of fingers curled around the edges of the blankets and quilts she’d layered over the bed.

He sunk into the chair next to the closet and stared.

Was he treating her like a child? He definitely hadn’t thought that when he’d marked her. Her response to his kiss had been the catalyst that almost broke his control.

Then there was the wolf snarl inside him reminding him he wasn’t a cat person. With Lexi’s voice in the distance informing him, you are now.

He’d never considered himself mate material. Not that he was that complex to live with. But then he’d had several girlfriends who would claim otherwise. Some of the adjectives played through his mind, wondering how Luna would handle him. He frowned. Is that how he saw his friends and pack mates? Being handled?

His body tightened, his cock throbbing when she mewed and shifted on the bed, toes peeking out only long enough for him to recognize his socks. Sage found the flannel pants he wore to sleep in, carefully lifting her and laying her in the right direction on the bed before climbing beneath the blankets. He froze when her lashes began flickering.


She decided she really liked these new senses. She could smell him, fresh from the outside and pure male. That was the missing word she had in her mind for what his scent brought to her mind, to her body. She shifted closer, her face rubbing against the bare arm before tipping back and blinking, meeting the dark chocolate eyes watching her.

“Did you have a good run?” There was a hazy, husky sound to her voice that streaked through him like a tornado.

“It was successful,” he heard the rough depth of his own voice. What had been a flicker of desire was shifting, growing as he took in the sleep filled eyes, soft delicate features and a sweetly feminine scent just beneath the soap she’d used in his shower.

“I tried sleeping in that other room, Sage, but it didn’t have your smell,” she yawned and moved next to him, unaware of the low, vibrating purr that reached out to him.

“I didn’t mean to wake you, go back to sleep, Luna,” he kept the groan inside when one of her feet curled over his leg. He caught a glimpse of the neckline and realized she was wearing his shirt. And judging by the flesh pressed against his hip, nothing else.

“You’re angry.”

“I’m tired,” but he heard the growl in his own voice and felt her flinch. “Luna…you shouldn’t be here. I should have let you go with Lexi,” he rolled to his side, his palm up and stroking over the smooth, freshly washed hair. Traces of dampness still evident beneath the thick strands.

“You’re angry at me,” she didn’t move when he rose up on one elbow, his fingers brushing through her hair, just watching her. “For being here? I thought this was where a mate belonged.”

“You’ve spent most of your life being drugged into compliance, Luna,” he shook his head, uncomfortable with the fire burning in his blood. New and alive, he’d never felt this with any of the other women who had crossed his life.

“I am not drugged now, Sage. Jess said that part is barely there. I asked him because I had to know,” she said quietly, her palm rising to touch the unshaven face. It brought a darker, dusky look to him. More rugged, more handsome, she thought, one finger tracing around his lower lip. She smiled when he caught it between his teeth. “You’re very fast.”

“And you’re flirting with trouble.” He held his teeth together, swallowing the fire erupting inside him and making certain her body was not touching his.

“Trouble? Why do you consider yourself trouble? You made me your mate. Have you changed your mind?”

“And you understood why.” Changed his mind? Christ, his cock was practically bursting with need. A need she didn’t know or understand. A need he couldn’t hide.

“They told me you’d say that. That you’d convince yourself that you only stepped in to help me because of chivalry,” Luna heard the lowest of growls from him when she sidled closer. “You have a sexy growl. I’m drawn to you,” she whispered, bafflement in her voice. “Even before I woke in the clinic, I knew your scent. I knew I belonged with you.”

A sexy growl? Somewhere between picking her up on the road out of town and now, a full-fledged butterfly had burst free.

Chivalry, yeah, that was his intent. He lay on his back, abruptly aware that his palm was between them. That his fingers could feel the soft, smooth skin of her thigh. Then she shifted her body, wiggled, really and the big strong sheriff knew what it felt like to whimper.

Sage felt the soft rumble of her purr when her hips moved against the palm that lay unmoving. Afraid that once he moved, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself.

“I didn’t always run away when I woke from the fog,” Luna murmured, pushing herself against his hand. “Sometimes I would lay in bed and wonder what it would feel like to be touched and enjoy the kiss from a man. Kissing you isn’t like the kisses others wanted from me. It was mechanical. Almost like a training exercise,” she hitched herself closer, her lips moving next to his ear. “You aren’t angry with me now. I can smell something different…what is it? It’s dark and spicy…but I smell me, too…”

“Luna…” while he tried for firm, even big brotherly, all he got was a low, husky voice hanging by some slim threads. “I think I should go in the other room. You need time to get used to all the new…”

“They said you’d tell me that, too,”

“Who the hell have you been talking to?” He made the demand at the same time she sat upright at his side, those long, dancer shaped legs bent down either side of her. Like Luna, his own eyesight was amazing in the dark. Amazing enough to see two round and crinkled areolas with a pert nipple poking at a tee shirt that never looked like that across his chest.

“Lexi and Scarlet…Lily is a little less understanding about male behavior but I really like her,” she confided with a chuckle. “Are you afraid of me? Of being a mate?”

Eyes that had been watching her intently, almost suspiciously, closed at the absolute innocence in her voice. A curious and amused innocence. Lashes darker than midnight slammed wide when he felt her lifting the blankets from him, staring down at the erection straining against his sleep pants. He grabbed the blankets and pulled them back defensively.

“Lily says you’re mine now. Just as I, am yours.”

“I think your new friends gave you too much information too fast,” he growled, shoving the blankets around him and shifting back a few inches. “Luna, it’s been a hell of a couple days. I think sleep would be best for both of us. A lot of sleep.”

“An erection means you are aroused. That you are attracted to me. That must be the scent I can’t identify,” she closed her eyes and inhaled slower, just as they’d shown her. Letting the subtle fragrances flow over her sensitive organs. She savored it, catalogued it for future reference. “It also means you want to have sex with me. Or is it for someone else?” Her head tilted, blinking at him curiously.

“I don’t see anyone else in this house, do you, Luna?” Sage felt the heat in his own face at her words. Innocent, curious words with not the least hint of embarrassment or trepidation.

“I’m glad,” she announced firmly. “I don’t think I’d want to share you with another.”

Sage ground his teeth together. “Luna…lay down and go back to sleep or I swear to god, woman, I’m going to wrap you in a quilt so tight you can’t do more than breathe until morning.”

“I need to know, Sage,” she said clearly. “Do you prefer another?”

“I prefer you, Luna.” He answered softly. “But tonight, you need sleep. We have time.” His palm caressed her cheek. “We have time.”

“I don’t want to stay with Lexi, Sage. I want to be here. With you.”

He watched her consider and yawn, unfolding her lithe body and sliding beneath the blankets, her face pressed against his throat. Sage counted the passing seconds until he knew she was asleep. Curled close, he rolled to his side and tucked her safely against him before slipping to sleep, thinking about the sexy little cat now in his bed.



A vague memory of a dream floated inside his head at the same time the wafting scent of hot coffee got a strangle hold on him. Sage lay on his stomach, his face turned toward the window and the direction that should have held Luna. Only it was empty. And it was still dark.

October, he reminded himself. No more late night, early morning light shows. His nose twitched again. Toast. He was positive there was something else and reluctantly rolled to his back. A nightstand that normally held only a clock radio now had a tray settled on it with a large, steaming mug and a covered plate. Silver set at the side, waiting.

Breakfast in bed? At…he groaned aloud. Already seven in the morning. He wasn’t sure what time he’d finally got her to sleep and he seriously hoped the hard-on he was sporting was because it was morning, not because the memory of her soft body pressed against him ignited every male nerve ending he owned.

Spread fingers on the mattress and he had pushed himself up. Reluctantly. He shoved his feet over the side and took the mug in one hand, drinking deeply and listening. He could hear music and the sounds of weights. She was in the gym he’d put together in the room next to the garage.

Sage carried the coffee with him into the bathroom, set the shower to hot and steamy and sighed gratefully once inside. By the time he entered his bedroom and was half dressed, he’d eaten the scrambled eggs and toast she’d left him and finished the coffee. He wore black jeans and a simple button shirt, carrying a pair of socks in one hand and the tray in the other, he went to the kitchen to find where he’d left his boots.

He poured another cup of coffee, noticed the large glass of ice water on the counter and quickly had his boots on and zipped into place. He opened the fridge and winced. When was the last time he went to the store and bought food? Other than a quick stop for coffee and eggs and bread, he wasn’t sure.

Sage took the few steps into the lower portion of the house and stood in the door to the exercise area. Luna lay back on the bench, a towel over her eyes and feet firmly planted and bare on the floor. But for a pair of his over sized socks. She wore a pair of skin fitting leggings that stopped just below her knees and a tank top that disappeared into the waistband of the leggings.

He hadn’t asked what was in the pack she’d carried into town and was curious about what she felt important enough to run with when she left her father.

“You’re staring at me,” she said, aware of her chest rising and falling as her breathing returned to normal.

“I came to thank you for breakfast and let you know I’m leaving,” he ran a hand through the still damp hair, uncomfortable when she didn’t move or speak. “I left a key and the security code on the table in the kitchen.”

“Thank you.” Luna sighed. “Be careful, Sage.”

“I was going to tell you the same thing.”

“I’ll be fine. Lily is coming for me at nine. I have to speak with the bank about what my grandmother left in a safety deposit box and sign for her accounts.” She sat up slowly, letting the towel fall to her lap.

“Pick up a phone today, Luna. Do you need money?” He was reaching for his wallet when she shook her head. “How much did you take when you left Seattle?”

“My father always travels with cash. A very generous supply of cash,” she said with a feline grin. “Even though ATM’s are all over. I took everything he and the guard had. I have sufficient funds for quite a while. So I’ll open an account for myself today.”

“On that note, I’m off to keep the town secure,” he thought about kissing her. Wanted to kiss her. But turned and left while the brain on his shoulders was still in charge. Mostly.

“Sage!” He was almost to the side door when she called him, loud and clear. He turned to respond only to have that slender, curved form launched at him, like the cat she was, arms around his neck and lips unerringly finding his. Reflex had his arms closing around her, an action that only pressed the curves all the more firmly against him.


Luna shot her tongue between the surprised lips, tasting, stroking and tempting his to play. Her lips soothed his, caressed from one corner to the other in a slow, searing memory for him to carry with him through the day. It pleased her that he didn’t deny her kiss, his arms tight and possessive; his mouth warm and hungry.

“Have a wonderful day at work,” she whispered between kisses, pushing against his shoulders and realizing she was no longer on the floor. “You have to put me down, Sage. I’m going to shower and look around the kitchen,” she backed up when he did as she asked, though she was positive she heard that sexy growl deep in his throat again. “I’ll see you later…” Fingers were up in a little wave. “Bye.”

Luna had shopped before. It was far from a new experience. Her father had often sent her on errands for the cook. Always with a guard and rarely with time to wander and explore. Lexi was off working this morning but she had Scarlet and Lily with her, more than willing to talk and explain things that she didn’t understand.

Mostly with regards to males.

She had taken her pack with her to the bank. It held the folder she always kept with her at all times. She had her passport and birth certificate. Just in case the right situation presented itself.

She sat with her friends at the desk of the vice-president of the bank while she explained things. Once all the verification was complete, Luna sat numbly listening. She looked at the large safety deposit box on the woman’s desk, her gaze going to the papers telling her how much was in the bank and how they were changing everything into her name now.

She lifted a small journal from inside the box, the gems and boxes of jewelry left for another time. Inside she found information about her mother’s family. She tucked the journal into her pack and inhaled deeply. With Lily’s help, they completed the forms using Sage’s address as her own. She had no intentions of not being his mate, regardless of whether he was ready for her or not.

It was past noon when Lily backed into the carport next to Sage’s kitchen door.

“It’s a wonder he survived,” Scarlet peered into the fridge and cabinets, the freezer had ice inside and nothing else.

“Men live differently than we do,” Lily shrugged. “I think even Jess is a little spoiled because Connie looked after them. Kept the kitchen stocked and food in the house. You said you were going looking for a job, Luna?”

“I am. Tomorrow. I think a sampling of positions would be fun to explore,” she said, arranging the cabinets and aiming some things for the garbage. “I’m going to the Wild Raven at ten and apply for a waitress position. I think working with people in that type setting will be fun.”

She turned at the coughing from Scarlet who quickly cleared her throat and looked at the chuckle from Lily.

“It’s an interesting theme restaurant,” Scarlet commented, imagining Sage’s reaction to some of the costumes.

“Theme?” Luna asked instantly.

“They have four large rooms and each one is a different time, or…”

“For instance, there’s one that the waitresses and staff dress as pirates. Another where it’s like Arabian nights.”

“I think one is sports oriented, the girls get to be cheerleaders and the other one is family…kind of Disney in a big room,” Scarlet looked at her and nodded. “I know the owner, Luna. I’ll give Adrian a call and let him know he’d be smart to train you. I think you’d really enjoy it.”

“Thank you so much,” Luna met her smile gratefully. “I think I will, too. I love being around people. There’s so much to see and learn.”

Lily and Scarlet kept their thoughts to themselves about how Sage would react.


Sage was positive he’d turned into the wrong driveway shortly before five. The scent of garlic reached him before he was halfway up the drive. His hand was on the zipper to his jacket, his foot kicking the door after releasing the alarm. Then he froze in place and stared.

A bright orange and white checked cloth covered the table. A table now set with plates and silver; salads and dressing. His nose twitched and three steps had him staring down into a pot of red spaghetti sauce, two plates with pasta on the side, waiting. All the remnants of past pots of coffee were gone, replaced with a shining almost new coffeemaker. Still frowning, he opened cabinets and then the fridge. He wasn’t sure his kitchen had ever seen this much food before. Not all at once.

His house had smells that were an indication that he worked out too much.

His house now smelled like lemons and orange and flowers and apples and cinnamon. All at once, depending on the room you were in.

He left his jacket on the kitchen door, removed his boots and dropped the socks into the basket near the washer. He started through the kitchen and backed up to the laundry room. That was new. Usually there was just a pile waiting for his attention. He peeked around the door, the scent of lemons reaching him as well as the clean floor.

He was a bachelor. He had certain standards. Alright, he had few standards and usually made excuses until he ran out of things. Something else was always more important. When his mother threatened to visit, he hired someone to clean things. He really was surprised the gossip lines hadn’t reached his family yet. Then he noticed the home phone, the unit blinking.

Sage stopped at the bottom of the stairs, trying to get a fix on Luna. He knew she was there. Above all the new scents running through his house, hers was still there. Still the one to strike strongest through his system. He crossed the floor into the living area and gazed down at the readout. Only six messages. He didn’t bother with playback. He knew it was his mother. Maybe his sister.

He climbed the stairs and went immediately to the end of the hall, the sight of Luna laying on her stomach, a pillow propped beneath her breasts and earphones on with the hints of music as she read through a magazine. He saw her nose twitch, her palm up and pulling the wire to her music as she popped to sit up, her smile bright.

“Hi…I made dinner.”

“I noticed. You’ve been busy,” he felt tongue tied suddenly, the woman watching him expectantly. “How did the visit to the bank go?” He walked into his closet, aimed and not looking until the colors hanging on the opposite side registered in his mind. Evidently she’d gone shopping.

“Lots of papers to sign. She had a journal in the box there with family on my mother’s side. That was fun to read through their past. I have no living relatives from her side, though,” Luna slid to the edge of the bed, taking her things with her and walking to the door. “I’ll get the dinner on the table.”

He leaned on the cabinet in the bathroom, staring into the mirror.

So what was it about the pixie that suddenly scared the hell out of him?

Being domesticated?

He’d laid claim to her. He still felt it was right. But in his mind he still heard the anger in Jess’s voice with his decision.

He reached into the drawer that usually held clean shirts and found them. All at once. Folded and neat. He quickly checked the other drawers, boxers, socks and sweats. All clean and neatly folded.

It had been a very long time since he had someone taking care of him.

Luna was on her toes, trying to reach the green container when she felt the firm hands on her waist.

“What are you after?” Sage followed her finger and bought the container of shredded cheese from the cabinet.

“Scarlet is a little taller than me and she helped put things away after shopping,” she turned with the container in her hand, her head tipping back when the large male body didn’t move.

“The house never looked this good, Luna. But you don’t have to…what I mean is, you should be relaxing,” he felt the little sigh shudder through her, the container set on the counter and her hands flat on his chest.

“I was relaxed,” she stared at his mouth, her tongue out and tracing her lip. “You don’t mind, do you? I thought it would be easier to find things and…I know you’re busy working.”

“I don’t mind. But I don’t want you spending the day…I’ll work on being a little neater,” he offered, his palm moving to the side of her face. He knew he was lost the instant her lashes closed and her face rubbed against his palm. He closed the distance between them, his mouth hot and hungry on hers, drinking the taste she willingly gave him with a thrust of her own tongue.


Her palms pressed over his chest and around his neck, holding onto him and sinking into him. She wanted his kiss and wouldn’t shy from it. There was a life, a thrilling excitement coursing through her that said she belonged in his arms. Suddenly she couldn’t get enough. Couldn’t get close enough and groaned into the kiss, mewling in protest when his mouth traveled over her jaw and onto her throat.

She felt the heat of his tongue on the mark he’d made on her throat, hot and promising. Her body pressed closer, the scent of her searing moisture tempting him and pulling a low groan from her.

Sage gave his hands free reign, both traveling over hips that thrust against him and to her back, sliding down and cupping her behind. He held her closer, their bodies rotating and twisting, each finding the right place, the perfect pressure to ignite that spark of pleasure. He wasn’t sure how much more his body could handle. Each time she thrust, each time her body lifted and stroked he felt himself harden more until he was positive he’d burst from the confines of his jeans.

Lights flickered across the room. The hard pounding on the side door several minutes later making his hand tighten possessively.

“Just ignore it,” he whispered before covering her mouth again, savagely parting her lips and drinking deeply, sweeping his tongue over and around hers. His groan was thick when she challenged with thrusts of her own, small teeth nibbling his lips and along his jaw.

“Sage? I know you’re in there!”

“Who is it?” Luna dragged in a ragged breath, the female voice firm and familiar. “Oh, god, your mother! She called and said she would come see you this evening!” She pushed on his shoulders, glaring up at him. “You kiss me and I forget everything!”

“And this is my fault?” Sage growled, wincing at the painful cock stretched beneath his jeans. “Tell her I’ll be down in a minute,” he told her, long strides taking him from the room and up the stairs.


“Me?” Luna looked after him and then at the door, the shadow outside making her breathe deeply. “Very well.”

“Well, it’s about…” Elaine Terrence stopped at the appearance of the unfamiliar woman standing in the doorway.

“Please, come inside. It is very cold tonight,” Luna stepped back and smiled. “I’m Luna St. Germaine.”

“Elaine Terrence. I was looking for my son,” she took in the room, the table cloth, the dinner laid out and then back to the woman, small and slight.

“He said he’d be down in a minute,” Luna told her. “Are you hungry? I made extra.” She wanted to chatter. She wanted to run when she saw the woman’s nostril flare and realized this was Sage’s mother. And she could smell them. Heat filled her cheeks.

“I left messages for him, but I know he never returns those,” she pulled her gloves free and stuffed them into the pocket of her short jacket. “I would love to have dinner with you, Luna. I’m most glad to meet you. I’ve heard so many stories since yesterday.”

“Oh, stories,” Luna went to the cabinets and prepared another place, putting pasta on all the plates and ladling sauce over top before carrying them to the table. She fixed another salad and added it with the silver by the time Sage came down the hall.

“Ignoring my calls, son?” Elaine went to her toes and hugged her son before taking a seat at the table.

“As always, mom,” Sage kissed her cheek and sighed. “I’m guessing curiosity and gossip got the best of you. How’s dad?”

“Busy telling me to mind my own business,” she shrugged and began eating. One bite and then another. “Delicious, Luna. I love the garlic and seasoning blend you have in this.”

“Thank you. I love cooking and I found the most interesting little spice market this morning when I was out,” she relaxed and began eating.

“I must have missed the call from dad warning me,” Sage murmured, digging into his food hungrily. One appetite at time.

“He said he’d be in touch this weekend. He’s curious about your activities, but pretends not to be,” Elaine poured dressing over her salad.

“You’d think at my age, my activities wouldn’t interest anyone but me,” Sage teased with a laugh at the face his mother made.

“I’ve heard the most frightening stories about you, Luna. Not to mention the lout of a father and his henchmen that arrived in town yesterday,” she watched the younger woman flush and study her plate. “I don’t mean to upset you,” her palm covered the slender hand on the table top. “I’m sorry. Don’t mind me. Sometimes I tend to run off at the mouth when I should think first.”

“I knew my being here would bring trouble, but no one would listen to me.”

“You aren’t trouble,” Sage said firmly, standing up and moving to open the fridge. “Something to drink, mom? Luna?”

“I’m fine, thank you,” Luna ate some pasta. “My father believes I belong to him.”

“It’s a little more complex than that,” Sage corrected, fixing a couple glasses of iced water and delivering them before resuming his meal.

“I didn’t know you were considering a mate,” Elaine asked casually, knowing she’d be told the story in time. When it didn’t hurt the woman her son was protecting. She could see his possession in his eyes, the way he watched her, gently touched her hand or her hair. She met the arched brow and sighed. “Fine. You’re too old to talk to your mother about such things.”

Luna giggled and bit her lip when color hit his cheeks.

“I know the whole town is talking about me,” she said quietly, looking from one to the other with a little shrug. “And they stare. Some of the women were a little surly. Lily said they are jealous, though, so I shouldn’t be concerned.”

“Since I know Lily, I also know she’s absolutely right and if anyone gives you a difficult time, you contact me,” Elaine told her firmly, pulling a small phone from the purse she had hooked on the chair. “I’ll write my number down for you. You do have a phone?”

“Oh, yes! I found a really nice one today while we were out shopping,” Luna was up and digging into the pocket of a sweater she had hanging in the laundry room.

“She’s adorable, Sage!” Elaine whispered honestly. “And she can cook.”

“Is that what the visit is for, mom? Approval?” He teased, taking a bite and watching Luna come down the hall, frowning down at the phone in her hands. “Did you have a phone before, Luna?”

“Oh, yes, of course. My father wanted to be able to reach me no matter where I was. Sometimes we went overseas with just an hours notice,” she answered absently. “I have three numbers now.”

Elaine lifted a note pad from the other end of the table and wrote her number on it. “Now you’ll have four, dear. We’ll have to have lunch so I can tell you all the things I’m sorry I wasn’t able to fix once he grew up,” she grinned at the giggle from Luna. “And she is nothing like some of the girls you’ve brought around, Sage Alexander.”

“Did you know some of his girlfriends?” Luna asked curiously.

“And this is not a conversation we are having,” Sage informed them both, taking up the pen and writing his number over the paper. “Now you’ll have five, Luna. Eat now, you can play with the phone later.” He laughed at the crinkled face she gave him.

“It’s been a long time since he’s had a girlfriend,” Elaine said with a thoughtful little frown, ignoring the glare from her son. “At least one he’s allowed anyone to see. I’m not sure if he had one when he was off with the Navy or not.”

“You were in the military?” Luna asked softly, eating absently. “I saw the tattoo on your shoulder. It’s very good art.”

“He was with a secret SEAL team overseas,” Elaine answered when Sage went silent. “He doesn’t talk about it much.”

“And he’s not deaf,” Sage drained the water he’d brought to the table and wished it had been a beer. “Don’t you have other kids to worry about? Younger ones,” he added.

“I worry about all three of my children,” she informed him, winking at Luna. “You’re just the most difficult one.”

“He is uncomfortable being teased,” Luna said easily. “But I can tell he loves you very much,” she rose and carried the half-eaten plate of food into the kitchen. She had containers out to fill and freeze, quickly emptying the sauce and beginning to clean up.

“You didn’t eat much,” Sage commented, catching the concerned look in his mother’s eyes.

“Sometimes I’m not very hungry,” she shrugged. “I put far too much on my plate.”

“It’s been nice meeting you, Luna,” Elaine looked at her son with a puzzled frown, carrying her plates into the kitchen and hugging the younger woman. “I’ll take you to lunch, Luna. Call me, alright?”

“I’d like that,” she said honestly, swallowing and rubbing her palms over her hips. “Thank you.”

“I’ll be back, Luna,” Sage stopped her when she finished setting the containers into the freezer. “Go back to your magazine. You cooked, I’ll clean up.”

She almost protested but just nodded and quickly left the room. He heard her footsteps on the stairs and frowned a little more.

“What happened, Sage?”

“I honestly don’t know. But I know she’ll answer if I ask.”

“I spoke with Connie…mostly…others have opinions,” Elaine shrugged into her jacket. “Most seem to want to protect her. The confrontation with her father is all the latest news around town. I take it he isn’t a pleasant man.”

“He isn’t a pleasant man,” was all Sage would trust himself to respond, his jaw tightened at the memory. “I don’t think he’s given up trying to get her back. Scarlet and Lily are doing some background checking on the doctor he brought with him.”

“Then the rumors are true,” Elaine looked worriedly at her son. “She was being used for experimental drugs?”

“Jess thinks so. A drug that completely submerged her cougar. Kept it completely from her conscious thought. But it could also have been the sedatives they were giving her under the guise of allergy shots,” Sage brought both hands up on the open door when she moved to the driveway. “At this point, without a lot more information, Jess is only making guesses from things she remembers.”

“Good thing you’re a law abiding sort,” she said softly, her palm up and on his face before she kissed his cheek. “If you need me, call, alright?”

“Thanks. I’ll give you a call when I find out more,” he promised, closing the door when she climbed into her little car.