Chapter Twenty


She did not like the feeling that the man who had danced with her was about to become a major annoyance in her ass. But the prickly sensation had guided her far too long in her life to be ignored. She made it quietly back to the small loft apartment. At least the one she was using for the moment. Finding people out of town was always so easy.

Lydia Jones quickly stripped out of the glitzy gown, leaving everything nice and tidy as she packed her backpack with the haul for the night. By the time she made the jewelry trade for what she needed, it was after midnight when she returned to the dormitory style school and research facility on the outskirts of the small area near Montreal.

Sneaking past their security had long ago become nothing more than a mild test in her own abilities to stealth. The guards were far sub-level because she was the one keeping the residents in line. She had them all trained and had been working hard at it the last few weeks. Slender fingers raked back the feathery champagne colored hair, the bangs falling haphazardly over her forehead. It was a good haircut and Lydia liked quality. Most of her quality was borrowed, but she did enjoy it.

She’d discovered that quite young, as well as the path that kept her in the fine things she indulged herself with now and again. She also made friends easily, good trusted friends because she always paid her debts, always gave generous favors and was always available when someone needed her.

Even when there was retribution now and again. Usually only when she let herself get too tired to focus.

She checked the expensive watch on her slim wrist and quietly went from room to room, gathering the residents and moving them into place. She handed each one a carefully labeled packet and stuffed backpack, the hint of heated moisture in her eyes making her have to dig for a smile.

Not allowed, she told herself firmly. No involvement. No entanglements. No pain.

“You take this and you run. You find places to blend and you work and keep your heads down and don’t attract attention. I’ve taught you everything I can,” she looked out the small window on the main entrance doors. “I’ll distract the guards and you all go. Disappear. Do you understand? This place isn’t going to be here in a few minutes,” she assured them, accepting each nod from the males and females, each under twenty. She was the oldest there, almost thirty, and deliberately difficult. This was the third batch she’d liberated. And the last for this ‘school’.

Lydia straightened her shoulders, opened the heavy coat she wore and checked her watch one more time.

“Do not look back. No matter what you hear, do not stop,” Lydia kept her voice hard. Ten seconds later, the first explosion struck. “Go. Now.” She ordered gruffly, shoving the door with both hands and running to the left where she knew the guard would be on his rounds.

Just as she planned, all hell began to break loose. She didn’t care about the guards or the few nurses and ‘teachers’ inside the building. She had the residents out and free.

No more shots. No more training and testing. Not here, she thought grimly, leaving the unconscious guard on the ground and striding into the night, following her own orders and never looking back once.



The cold look of disinterest was one he had cultivated and honed to an art form. Especially when his employer paced and ranted at the deceptive human doctor. Jude found her flat and disgusting. Her scent reeked with the hint of insanity and a sadistic quality that made his jaw clench.

They’d evidently lost an entire research facility, complete with all thirty of the residents. Young males and females they’d been testing their drugs on.

Jude had never gotten the location. It had been one of his assignments but the information was guarded and kept outside his eyes. Until now.

“Every single one of them? Are your people that stupid and careless that those simple shifters could walk away and vanish on you?” Gaudarville railed at her, glaring furiously. “They’re animals and you allowed them all to escape! Not only escape, but destroy a multimillion dollar facility!”

“You’re supposed to meet with Nelson,” Dr. Elle Morgan informed him, disdain and annoyance in each word as she turned away and strode to the door. “I’m simply delivering a message. He’s not happy that your daughter went missing and now this.”

“You can’t possibly believe Luna had a thing to do with this,” the older man sneered derisively. “She’s a brainless piece of fluff that looks very nice at events.”

“Do I believe it? No. But I’m being asked why didn’t I see this coming. I had that girl sedated and controlled.” She cast a slanted sneer toward the guards. “I thought you had decent people watching her. I’ve warned you often enough.”

“She fought your drugs,” he threw back angrily. “Why hasn’t Nelson brought her back? He has the people trained for that.”

“They have her too well guarded for the moment. But in time, she’ll be returned. She’s one of our longest running test subjects. I won’t lose her that easily,” Morgan told him flatly. “Take up your complaints with Nelson, not me. I monitored that girl her entire life.”

“You should have sedated her better.” He accused again.

“Any more and she wouldn’t have been the competent little diplomat that you wanted as a hostess,” she ground out angrily. “That is your fault. You should have let me put her in a cage where she belonged.”

“Bring me her replacement,” he demanded arrogantly.

Jude’s attention ratcheted up a notch.

The laugh she offered was cold and derisive.

“She isn’t even close to being able to replace Luna. She’s crude and undisciplined. She has no social skills and even less diplomatic sense. We should have used her for breeding years ago,” the doctor told him angrily.

“She belongs to me. That was my arrangement. Bring her here. I’ll have her trained and in line.”

“You couldn’t even hold on to one of them,” she returned with a bitter laugh.

Gaudarville’s gaze narrowed. “Was she at the facility last night? The one that was compromised?”

“You know damn well she was.”

“Did she die in the explosions?”

“They’re unsure who some of the bodies are,” Morgan admitted with a grim shake of her head. “We lost almost thirty test subjects. They’re trying to figure out who caused the explosions. All they know right now is that they were planted from the outside.”

“Seth Anderson.”

Elle Morgan shrugged. “Most likely. Nelson has convinced the police it was a gas explosion. Bad pipes…he has enough pull with the locals that it will be accepted.”

“Escort her out,” he ordered, glaring at the guard who simply nodded and gestured to the door. “Get out of my sight. I’ll speak to Nelson. I will have my daughter returned to me.” He announced coldly. “I’ll have her brought here.”

“She’s gone, you imbecile. And when we find her, we’ll use her as we should have in the beginning.”

Jude walked with the doctor, barely containing his dislike of the scent of her deceit and hunger for power. He’d listened too much to the pair of them discuss Luna St. Germaine like she was nothing more than a lab rat to be poked and tested repeatedly over the years. And he’d only been exposed to them for a few weeks.

“You should have considered my offer, cat,” Elle Morgan told him tonelessly, her eyes raking over the broad shoulders and muscular stature of the male. “If you’d mated her, she would have given up the attempts to escape.”

“Not in my job description,” he snarled back, barely keeping in character and not ripping her throat out.

“Too bad. I bet you’d make a good stud for breeding new lab subjects,” she gave him one last look and pulled her coat around her, stepping into the late October winds.

“Bitch,” he spit, closing the door and locking it.

There was another one of those events this evenings and he checked his watch. This one was going to be held in an art gallery near the middle of town.

He shook his head in frustration. He’d spent every minute Gaudarville was out of the apartment going through his safe and desk, searching for any indication of the plans to try and find his daughter. Nothing. But a talk with Nelson, that might give him an edge.

But the edge annoyed him as he adjusted the bow tie for the evening. Gaudarville liked his guards close and for them to blend in. He’d been trained to blend. If Gaudarville and Nelson were busy trying to retrieve Luna St. Germaine, who was the mysterious woman thieving her way through the guests on the events list? And why weren’t they aware of her current location?

He knew how none of them had recognized her. Hell, every time he saw her, she was different. Even down to the types of perfume she chose to go along with the outfit. Some wild and fruity; others very expensive and subtle. Tonight was a high level costume party for the conservative purist groups. Free speech or choice couldn’t be outlawed, but some choices should be, he thought angrily. Only guards and security were out of costume tonight.

Costumes and masks. Jude kept strolling, constantly casting about for scents until he found the one he wanted.

Damn. He felt his cock lurch, his senses ratcheting up as he let his eyes take in the five inch heeled boots, the long, bare exposed legs and the jagged edge of what could loosely be called a pirate outfit.

A black laced bustier was cinched tightly around her middle, pushing her breasts high. She wore a black mask tonight but it didn’t hide those alert, ever watchful green eyes. She had a deep chestnut colored wig this time, long and straight with a fringe of bangs touching the edge of the mask

“You don’t have a fucking clue how to remain unnoticed,” he growled, his mouth near her ear. He only had to bend slightly, thanks to those ridiculous boots that made her legs look like they never ended.

“The surest way to be forgotten is for everyone to notice you,” she answered, proud that she didn’t even jump when he snuck up on her. “When asked later, no one will have the same description. Psychology, ain’t it grand?” She threw back flippantly.

“Why the hell are you here? Do you want to be caught by your father?” His hand went to her wrist, gripping it tightly when she started to stride off.

“When you stop talking in riddles, let me know,” she pulled on her wrist with a sharp dig of her nails into his palm. Satisfaction filled the narrowed green eyes when he swore softly and pulled his hand back. “I work hard not to be caught and I don’t have a father, only a donor. I don’t know what your deal is, but keep it the fuck out of my way.”

It was then he realized the soft cultured voice with the faintest hint of France wasn’t present in her tone. This was a street tone.

Jude dragged his tongue around his lips, watching her stride to the buffet and begin filling a plate. He also caught the very faintest trace of smoke. Chemicals, he thought, both brows rising slowly.


A destroyed facility.

An attitude problem.

All wrapped up in a five foot ten inch woman.

Was that why she left Devil Hills? But it didn’t explain the unmated status. And the cat in him knew he wasn’t likely to give the sheriff a second chance at her.

He had a feeling his employment with Gaudarville was on the fringes of ending as he followed her, filling a plate and sinking into the chair at the table she’d chosen near the exits. Always near the exits, he thought, the way she watched the room telling him she’d know immediately where all the exits were or places she could make into exits.

Had she been hiding this woman the whole few weeks he’d been in Gaudarville’s employ? How had he missed it? For that matter, how had her father or the vampire missed it. How had the drugs not affected her personality? Had he been that dense not to notice? Let alone slipping it past her father and that sadistic doctor.

“Why don’t you make it easy on me and tell me what language you speak so I can clearly tell you to go away,” she leaned over the table, aware of the cleavage she offered for his view. “Look all you want, touch and I’ll bite you. And I’m pretty sure I have rabies.”

“Yeah, I just bet you do,” he lifted one of the small sandwiches and took a bite, glaring at it the next instant.

“I think it’s called pate…goose liver.” She said with a laugh at the repulsed look on his face. “Not your kind of food?” She bit into the salad she’d spooned onto her plate coated with a light Caesar dressing and sharp cheese. “The food’s not so bad, you just have to learn what to choose,” she nodded to the buffet. “Try the stuff in the silver heated containers. Usually it’s various meats in decent sauces. The smaller ones have the side dishes. The potatoes with garlic are really good,” she shrugged as an afterthought. “At least to me, they are.”

Not one to starve with food nearby, Jude was up and found another plate, following her suggestions and breathing a sigh of relief. It surprised him a little that she was still there when he returned. They ate in silence for several minutes, a small piece of bread pulled apart as she nibbled and watched the people.

“Looking for your next mark?”

“Don’t you have work to do?” But her lips curled into a smile. He was nice to look at, the little wild voice inside her commented. Sexy and fascinating. Somewhere deep inside her, she swore she heard a long, soft purr of approval. Mine, purred the cat possessively, the green in her eyes darkening at the thought.

The innocence in her eyes continued to amaze him.

The total lack of guile in her scent. Then it hit him. She didn’t think there was anything wrong with whatever she was doing. Therefore, her body wouldn’t provide any scent of it.

“Why are you here? Why did you leave Devil Hills?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she returned, leaning just as he was over the center of the table, her voice low and dramatic.

“You don’t think your mate might notice you’re gone?” He took a bite of the beef in some wine sauce and watched her close one eye.

“My mate? Like…let’s get a pint at the pub, mate?”

Jude leaned back in the chair. There was no deception. No lie in her scent. There was clear and genuine confusion at his questions. She honestly had no idea what he was talking about. He remembered the brief chats with Seth Anderson. Memory loss again because of the drugs? He couldn’t get through to Seth or anyone in town. They were having issues with lines being tapped and wanted all calls stopped for now.

“You never told me your name.”

“That should have told you something,” she tossed back, draining the glass of wine and shaking her head. “You’re tenacious, I’ll give you that.” She rose and went to one of the waiters, lifting another glass and returning to the table. “What have I done to make you so curious? Won’t your boss be a tad upset with you not patrolling and doing your job?”

“I’m about to resign,” he said with a certainty that surprised even him. Not a clear plan, but he knew he had to get her away from Morgan and Gaudarville before they realized who she was and began drugging her again. He decided he much preferred this peppery woman than the sedate, polite miss he’d first met.

“I’m sure Gaudarville will be heart broken,” she offered absently, watching an older woman and then checking her watch. “Excuse me.”

She caught the looks from the women around the room, their focus on him forced that submerged part of her to snarl possessively and make her start.

He’s not mine, she shouted at the voice telling her to stake her claim in public.

He is yours! Smell him! He’s in your blood! Make him yours!’

“I don’t think so,” Jude gripped her wrist snuggly. One wrong move on her part and it would snap. “I think we should go for a walk and talk.”

“I’m not in a walking or talking mood. I’ve got other things to do,” she moved quickly, turning her body and leaning her chest against his back. Before he could react, one finger pulled his collar to the side and a sharp set of fangs buried themselves in his shoulder. To anyone watching, it looked like she was whispering in his ear. She took in a very slow breath, the smell of him intoxicating her even as her tongue licked the small traces of blood from his shoulder. “Now let go of my wrist…thank you. It was such an interesting evening, thank you for that. Good bye, Mr. St. John. Good luck with your next employer.” Lydia moved quickly, ignoring the voice inside her, the voice that let loose with a roar at the claim she’d made.


Jude was up and spinning almost the instant she released him but she already managed to weave and mix into the crowds headed to the buffet tables. She’d chosen that table on purpose, the influx of people a perfect shield for whatever she was doing.

He didn’t know what the hell was going on with her, but he knew the best thing would be to get her back to the doctor in Devil Hills. Jude moved through the people, taking the earpiece he had that hooked him to Gaudarville and his other guards and slipping it into place. He’d find out where she was living first, gather his belongings and get his SUV in place.

So he did what he did best. He went outside the hotel and watched. Waiting carefully in the dark. Changed into dark jeans and shirt, his jacket equally dark and warm, he was cautious and remained downwind.


Now that he had her scent and her teeth marks on his neck, he thought, one palm up and rubbing over the sharp indentation. He briefly questioned his sanity that her behavior brought an odd smile to his lips and a throbbing in his cock. What was it about a woman with attitude that made a man hard as a rock?

His body jerked up suddenly, her gaze sweeping the area, excellent night vision finding her immediately. Her walk was light, casual. Not a care in the world, he thought, slipping to the concrete and taking off at a light jog. He stayed far enough behind, keeping her in sight as she went into a quiet little brownstone building. He waited, watching until the lights on the top level came on. He went to get his SUV, putting it in place before checking to make certain she was still there.

Jude checked the ring he wore, adjusted it and climbed the stairs. He knew she was alone, no other scents were even in the building. He didn’t bother knocking, picking the lock instead and slipping inside quietly. The outer room was dark, only a faint light from the back. He had heard the shower going and went into the bedroom. Dark eyes took in the large packed case she had waiting on the bed.

He knew immediately it not only wasn’t her apartment, but the clothes she had been wearing weren’t hers, either. He saw the wig on a stand on the vanity, his hands patting down the inside of the suitcase, one eye and ears on the shower. He found several velvet cases filled with jewelry, two very nicely balanced 9mil guns, several different shapes of knives in sheathes and a packet of papers he didn’t have time to look through.

The shower turned off and he moved to the side, keeping in the shadows and watching. And breathing deeply as the woman stepped into the room, a towel rubbing over her head and nothing else covering her. Her body was lean, muscled and air drying. She used the towel to take a lot of the moisture from her before going to the stack of clothing she’d left out on the bed.

Jude watched and stared. Her hair was its natural shade of platinum and gold, feathered and falling in uneven layers around the heart shaped face, the fringe of bangs brushed absently out of the way. By the time she bent and wiggled that panty covered ass into her jeans, he swore his cock would never go down again. She had just finished the shoes when he stepped from the darkened closet. She made a wild dive for her bag but bounced against him instead.

Jude gripped her tightly around the waist, holding her against him, his mouth on her shoulder this time. He bit down until she stopped moving, including the boot covered feet that had connected with his shins a few times. She hadn’t been marked but she was now, his canines breaking free and ripping into her shoulder. He held her firmly against him, offering a slight shake and a low, menacing growl that made her go still. For all of three seconds.


Lydia worked to stifle the scream and the decidedly erotic surge of pleasure that rushed through her. He had her arms pinned to her sides, his teeth were in her shoulder and she was getting turned on? What the hell was wrong with her? The little voice roared loudly inside her head.

“You bastard! Let me go! I swear to god I’m going to…”

“Go to sleep, beauty…we’ll talk later,” he promised her.