Dev waited, watching her go before speaking.
“You need to let up a bit or she’s going to bolt so far, you won’t find her again,” he said quietly.
“She’s my concern now.”
“Her cat might have known what it was doing, but she didn’t,” Dev continued as if his friend hadn’t spoken. “But I don’t think that will make her run as fast as the cage you’re trying to throw around her.”
“I told you – butt out.”
“If you don’t want her as a mate, walk the fuck away, Jude,” Dev leaned over the table. “A year or two away from her and you know damn well the mark will disappear. Like it or not, what she does in Montreal is her only outlet for revenge. She might not label it that, but it’s there and she needs it.”
“You don’t think I realize that? How the hell do I keep her alive? How the hell do I keep her out of the hands of Morgan and her ghouls? Not to mention Gaudarville,” Jude shoved his plate back and drained the tea. “The instant she goes back there, they start pumping drugs into her again, or worse, use her to breed. Force that on her when she’s too drugged to fight them. How the hell will she fight back from that?”
“She uses them to get into the facilities,” Dev didn’t move when the threatening growl came. “You can’t lock her up, Jude. Maybe just find a way to redirect her abilities. I’m not her mate and I still wouldn’t want her back inside one of those facilities,” he sighed, his head shaking. “But I don’t see how to stop her, either.”
“I’m working on that one,” Jude said flatly. “Don’t let her fool you.”
“It isn’t me walking around with a hard-on. For her as well as for her safety. She’s done what all predators do, she adapts. The facility people see what she wants them to see and she uses it to take control and Alpha those who don’t even know they need an Alpha,” Devereaux Myles watched the woman in question speak with the waitress, laughing and smiling. “I almost feel sorry for Montreal when she gets out with a purpose and the city is laid at her feet.”
“No shit,” Jude pulled his wallet out and glanced at the bill, tossing down his card and handing it to the waitress that had followed Lydia to the table. “Ready to go, Lydia?”
“Why is it so hard to work with her instead of fighting it?”
“When you see a fucking gun aimed at your mate’s head, you come ask me that same question, Dev,” Jude kept his voice low, watching the woman at his side studying them both.
“Are we finding a hotel here?” Lydia asked as they walked to the exit. She decided it might be best if she pretended neither of them spoke English. Yeah, that always worked for her in the past. Just stare and imagine them speaking in tongues. Unless they actually say something you want to hear or that makes even a teeny bit of sense. Which wasn’t likely, but what the heck, she believed in miracles.
“Because it’s too much work to keep an eye on you.”
“No one asked you to get involved,” she spun on him, poking him in the chest and making him take a step back.
“If I hadn’t been outside that building, one of those idiots you were tracking could have taken you without a sound.”
“If I hadn’t been so damn frustrated and angry at you messing with my life, you wouldn’t have been able to sneak up on me like that,” she growled back, giving him another shove in the chest before spinning away and striding to the SUV without looking back. “I should have shot your ass a long time back.”
“Now that’s a courtship,” Dev chuckled and kept walking.
“Shut up, Dev.”
“Dancing!” Lydia came to a halt, ignoring the men behind her struggling to keep from slamming into her. “I want to go in there. I need to dance.”
“No. Get in the SUV and let’s get on the road,” Jude opened the side door.
“No,” Lydia sat on the floor of the SUV and looked up at him. “I want to dance.”
“I said…”
“Take me dancing.”
“I’m going to offer you one warning and one bargain. I’ve got a ton of energy inside me that has to get free and if it doesn’t get free in a constructive way, it’ll break free on both your asses and it’ll take more of that tranq to end it. Now, I want to dance. I am accustomed to working out daily. I am accustomed to training, again, daily. Give me a couple hours in the club there and I will not make another escape attempt. Period. Until you have dropped me in the middle of town square in Devil Hills.”
Lydia raised a palm to her face, examining her nails.
“I could go for a cold beer,” Dev suggested. “Just think…her word. No escape attempts.”
“So?” Lydia repeated the single word.
“Two hours,” Jude pushed the words between his teeth. His palm rose and gripped her arm. “Let’s go. Quicker in, quicker out and on the road.”
“Last of the great romantics,” Dev murmured, licking his lips and shaking his head.
“Deal. Give me a minute,” Lydia jumped to her feet and into the SUV, closing the door in both their faces.
“Lydia…what the…”
“I need my bag…just stay out there…give me a minute…” Lydia pulled boots and clothes off, stuffing things into her bag and pulling out the dress and shoes she wanted. She shimmied into the black nylon and lycra dress, letting the fabric fall to the caps of her shoulders and the skirt stopping just past her knees. The material clung to her curves, breaking into a soft flair at her hips. She adjusted the strap on one of the heels, the other in her hand as she pulled the handle on the door.
Lydia didn’t notice the two males whose mouths dropped open when a long leg slid from the car onto the five inch heel. Or when she bent to the side to slip the other one onto her foot, ignoring the deep well between her breasts that plumped for them both to ogle.
Jude stared and watched her straighten her shoulders and shimmy. Yes, the black dress shimmied. The top of the dress began at the caps of her shoulders and fell, clung to and caressed each and every curve she owned. Enviously. She flashed them both a smile and used those long, long legs to stride around the front of the SUV.
She stopped, glancing back as the door to the SUV was slammed shut, the alarm engaged. She looked at Jude.
“Can you dance?”
She seemed to consider this and looked at Dev. “You?”
“No can’t or no, won’t? Because of him?” She asked suspiciously.
“I’m not answering that one,” Dev said when he was sure his voice worked. He started forward with Jude, both of them issuing a growl when the men outside the club parted like the Red Sea as she came closer.
Her hips swayed just enough. A sexy teasing roll that caught his eyes – and those of any red blooded male in the area. The humans made the mistake of ignoring the warning and slowly trailed into the club behind her.
Lydia flashed her ID along with a smile that could melt a glacier and pulled money from the little purse she had at her waist. She didn’t bother looking over her shoulder, but went straight into the lounge and up to the bar. She placed a ten on the bar and made her request.
A hand came from the side and picked up the ten, handing it back to her.
“A dance for a drink?”
She plastered a smile in place and tipped her head, the platinum sparkling beneath the flickering lights around the large, open area. It was early, she knew that, by club standards, it was way early. But she’d take what she could get at the moment. A gym wasn’t available, so for her, dancing was the next best thing and this club seemed to be playing some good techno and dancing music.
“Patron on the rocks,” she said without hesitation, taking in the man offering to buy her drink. He was younger than she was, probably about twenty-five, nicely dressed and sporting the standard business type haircut.
“A lady with taste,” he complimented, placing the request and paying the bartender. He watched her accept the glass and toss the single shot back without hesitating.
“Dance?” She didn’t touch him. Didn’t offer him her palm, but turned to the dance floor and the moving, upbeat music. She didn’t have to look over her shoulder, she knew he was there.
A frown creased her lips, confusion in the wide green eyes when she faced him. She could smell him. Not just his cologne or his deodorant. Him. And she didn’t like it but worked to keep the frown inside.
“Something’s wrong,” Jude watched her features.
“What?” Dev looked to the dance floor, the cold ale in his hand and tipped up.
“Her scent’s changed. Can’t you tell?”
“In here? Are you fucking serious? You might be more attuned to her,” Dev shook his head. “Changed how?”
“She’s throwing off the drugs,” he reached into his pocket and pulled the earpiece out, slipped it over his ear and held Dev’s attention. “Watch her.”
Jude didn’t like leaving her there but went outside for some peace and to make his call.
“Seth, it’s Jude. I need some answers.”
“A problem?” Seth stopped working at the computer, he rarely made it home until close to midnight. There was always something more to do.
“Your doctors have any idea how soon she could throw off those drugs?”
“Not without her blood to test. What’s wrong?”
“I think she’s throwing them off a hell of a lot sooner than we thought. I’d hoped to get her back there before now. Hell, it’s barely been two weeks since she had the shot,” Jude paced furiously.
“And she’s has some serious adrenaline ups since then. They think the drug doesn’t so much suppress the hormones as it does the chemicals in the body that shoot wildly in teenagers. Adrenaline being the top problem. Only because of the extra-curricular activities Lydia plays at, hers have never stayed stable, that much we found in the files we hacked into,” Seth hooked the earpiece over his ear and tossed his suit coat to the sofa, the tie pulled free and cuffs rolled to his elbows as he paced his office. “Where are you?”
Jude knew Dev was listening, it was standard protocol.
“She wanted to dance. Said she had far too much energy to get back into the SUV and I either let her dance for a while or…it was either that or tranq her again,” he said between his teeth.
“No more tranqs, Jude. Not until we get some blood work and figure out how much of the stuff is still in her. The file I have says she used to work out and train for over three hours a day,” Seth exhaled slowly. “We got the file you sent and people are working on pulling it apart. But the docs recommend as few drugs added to the soup as possible at this point.”
“Her senses are changing, Seth. And her scent has changed. It’s not juvenile anymore, but it’s not full adult, either,” Jude looked toward the club. “She doesn’t want the doctors touching her. And I don’t know how you’ll force the issue on her.”
“Reason, I hope,” Seth replied with a lengthy, tired sigh.
“I won’t let you threaten her,” Jude wasn’t sure where the words came from but he knew he meant them. “She’s spent her life being terrorized, Seth. We’re supposed to be the good guys.”
Silence filled the line for a long minute.
“What’d you do, Jude?” His tone was flat, commanding.
“She marked me,” he answered simply. “Maybe it was her cat, but she did it, unconscious fangs and all. I’ll get her there, she’s given me her word she won’t give me any problem if I let her dance.”
“I marked her,” he admitted after a quiet pause. “And I’m not walking away from her.”
“You just had to complicate my life a little more, Jude,” Seth shook his head, his palm up and rubbing his neck. He needed a vacation. Someplace with nothing but sand and water.
“Trust me, new definitions of the word insane keep popping into my head,” Jude ground out tonelessly. “Two days, Seth. I’ve got to keep her level somehow. Thanks, I’ll call you tomorrow.”
Jude went back into the club, his eyes immediately finding Lydia on the dance floor. His hand went out to the drink in front of Dev, the glass lifted and drained.
“I haven’t been in a club in a few years,” Dev said, reaching for his ale and taking a drink.
Jude let his gaze sweep over her hips and long legs, those insane heels making them all the longer, all the more sexy. He vaguely recognized the female vocalist, the song a mix of reggae, salsa and a little belly dancing thrown in just to make men insane. And it worked to perfection when Lydia executed the dance moves with the guy on the floor. They barely touched, rarely touched, yet it appeared the most erotic, seductive thing he’d ever seen.
“Christ,” Jude whispered reverently, watching those hips shimmy and twist. Her arms were above her head. The long, slender form gyrating seductively. When she faced him, he watched her stomach tighten and weave before her hips gave a series of sharp, brain mincing shakes before the guy with her gripped her palms and salsa-ed with her over the floor.
“No kidding,” Dev signaled for another beer. “If she’s not tired after this, I want a transfusion of her blood.”
“Go book us a couple rooms, Dev,” Jude kept his eyes on her. “Two.”
Dev straightened slowly. “Are you sure?”
“Her time’s almost up here,” he looked at his wrist. “I want to be on the road early. I don’t want her going through a shift without doctors around to help her. And I don’t have a fucking clue what to do for her if that happens.”
“I’ll get us rooms in the back,” he finished the ale and left the club.
Jude watched her, spotting the DJ and going to have a talk with him. It cost him a twenty but was well worth it. He listened for the current song to fade out, his body reacting to the sparkle in her eyes when she saw he was moving toward her.
Lydia shook her head at the man she’d been dancing with, not even sure what he said and not really caring. She wanted Jude to hold her. She wanted to see the spark of gold in his eyes when his emotions ran high. Like when he’d kissed her. She looked down at the palm he took, his other going to her waist and pulling her close, guiding them to the slow, romantic song he’d bought.
“Time to leave, Lydia,” he said softly, hungrily gathering up the space she surrendered, her body against his, moving seductively in that wisp of a nothing dress. “You look beautiful.”
“Thank you. And thank you for letting me dance for a bit,” she swallowed the bubble of confusion at her body’s reaction to him. It felt good in his arms. She closed her eyes and let her cheek rest against his chin, inhaling deeply. “You smell good. Spicy and heated…like the woods in the middle of high summer.”
His hands tightened when her tongue came out, scraping along his throat. She nudged the collar of his button shirt out of the way and licked over the mark she’d placed on him.
“Mine,” the cat whispered to her possessively, the woman unaware that the voice speaking the words was hers.
Jude looked into her eyes, watched the colors changing from a soft pale green to a vibrant emerald with sparks of platinum shimmering inside. They wouldn’t make it to Devil Hills before she shifted the first time.
He brought the palm holding her fingers to his lips, his other hand pulling her even closer.
“All yours, kitten…all yours.”
Lydia knew she was panting, her eyes drifting to his mouth seconds before she reached to kiss him, taste him.
He knew they were no longer moving to the music.
He also knew every guy in the room now hated his guts.
Her palm slid over his shoulder and into his hair, fisting it and daring him to change his mind. She parted her lips, taking his tongue in and suckling, stroking along the sides and turning her head with a little frustrated growl. She wanted more. Her other hand released his, leaning up and resting her elbows on his shoulders, her mouth slanted over his and her kiss sweeping through him like a summer storm.
“We need to leave, Lydia,” Jude pushed the words between his lips, forcing his mouth to her jaw. She nodded and let him turn her, striding with her toward the exit. They made it to the SUV when Dev came up from the side with the keys and two card keys.
“I got us a couple in the far back, away from the highway.” He was immediately aware of the heightened scents, the hammering heart beats and shook his head. “Jude…”
“I’ll handle it, Dev,” he bit out sharply, opening the side door and lifting her into the SUV. He watched her sink to the wide cushioned seat, her face turned to stare out the window. Did she know what she was promising him? Was her cat taking over and dragging her along for the wild ride?
Devereaux Myles closed his mouth and started the SUV, waiting for Jude to close the passenger door before guiding them behind the large high end motel. He’d gotten them rooms on the second level, easier to defend. Just in case.
Jude carried their bags up the stairs, following behind the sexy sway of her behind, her fingers surrounding the key card. It slid into the reader, the green light coming on and the door opening.
Lydia never liked the smells of hotels. No matter how much they tried, they never smelled like she thought home should smell. Now it seemed a hundred times worse, stronger. So many scents at once. Males, females, children, food, chemicals and things she couldn’t identify yet and probably didn’t really want to know.
“Jude…” Her voice was low, strangled, her head shaking as she raised her hands and stared at them. “Something’s wrong…I can’t…I don’t know what’s going on. I’ve been freezing for days! I can’t get warm and I can’t…it’s rancid in here! And my hands feel like ice…”
Jude let the door close, dropping the cases and crossing to her. Dev stripped the bed and looked in the closet, pulling out extra blankets.
“Lydia, look at me!” Jude took her hands, ignoring the tiny hint of claws peeking out from her nails. His voice sharpened, hardened. “Look at me, Lydia!” He repeated loudly, pulling her attention to his face. “Focus on me. Find my scent. Close your eyes,” he put both her hands in one of his, the free palm sliding to her neck and pulling her close, pressing her face against his throat. “Smell me, Lydia. Only me, baby…ignore everything else. Good girl…slow…breathe slowly.”
“For a guy who doesn’t have a clue what to do…” Dev raised two brows, watching as Jude lifted her against him, keeping her face against his throat.
“Take the shoes off…fuck, Dev, I’m wingin’ it here…searching memories. I remember mine but it wasn’t…girls and guys are different. I remember my mother telling me that when my sister began to change,” Jude moved to the bed, pulling the blankets around her, his head shaking. “But…shit…I wasn’t involved in that! It was my sister! And I was two years older and aside from keeping her out of my room, I really didn’t care.”
“Time to wrack your brain, friend,” Dev dropped her shoes into the case. “From what I’ve heard, the alcohol makes it worse. And there’s no idea what the drug is doing to her.”
“Go to bed. No matter what, we leave here at seven. You take the first driving shift in the morning,” Jude leaned into the headboard, keeping her close, his arms tightening when she began shaking.
“If you need anything, call me,” Dev ordered, stepping from the room and letting the door close firmly.
Jude felt his head thunk against the wall behind him.
If he needed anything.
He didn’t have the faintest idea what to do or how to do it.
“Is it like that for you? For Dev?”
Her voice shook. Something he’d never heard in her tone since he first began watching her.
“Is what like that?”
“All the scents. All the…it’s nauseating. I…” her head shook, her eyes squeezing closed. She tried tugging on her hands. “Why are my hands stuck?”
“You’ll get the hold on the scents, Lydia. And I know this isn’t your long suit, but you need to be patient. If…” he opened the hand that held both her wrists. The claws had receded.
She rubbed her palms over her face and leaned back into him, pressing her face against his shirt and breathing.
“If you hadn’t been drugged,” he said softly. “If you’d had some kind of normal life with a parent guiding you…the things you’re going through would have unfolded over a year or so. Not all at once. Parents would have taught you how to focus on one scent and shove the others to the back. You’d learn to isolate one and track it.”
“Is there…like a book…something…” she liked the laugh he let free, low and warm. She rubbed her face against his shirt, his palm stroking gently over her head.
“So far as I know, doctors are still trying to figure out how people make it past the early teens and not shift. Gaudarville has a daughter, Luna St. Germaine. She’s living in Devil Hills now, mated to the sheriff. Her father kept her sedated and we believe, on the same drugs you’ve been given,” he hoped talking was the answer. Talking and holding her close.
She was shivering, the slender form letting loose with an occasional shudder that made him think she’d shake apart if he wasn’t holding her together, wrapped in the blanket and close to him.
“She’s free now, right? She’s free of them and their poison.” Lydia worked to keep her teeth from clanking against one another. Her head was aching, a dull pain right behind her eyes.
“She’s free and Sage isn’t about to lose her,” he said, knowing exactly how the sheriff was feeling. “If you hang around you need to meet her.” He took a breath, hoping he knew what he was doing. “I think she’s your sister, Lydia. They can do the DNA testing, but I’d damn well bet my paycheck, you’re related.”
Jude swore he felt her stop breathing.
“A sister?” The words came out so low he almost missed them.
“Remember the crazy way I acted when I first ran into you? Remember the pictures I showed you on my laptop?” He winced at the memory. But she didn’t speak so he continued. “I went in undercover for the Institute as a bodyguard for her father. Someone met her a couple months ago and knew immediately something was wrong. I was working on a way to get her away from Montreal when she managed on her own during a trip to Seattle.”
“Why…why do you think she’s my sister?”
“I showed you her picture, Lydia. You look just like her,” he said gently.
“They made me in a dish.”
“Baby, it doesn’t matter how the hell you got here, I’m just glad you are,” he kissed her forehead, his arms tightening when another round of shivers took over. “Maybe we should try something…some way to help this…”
“Anything…I’m so cold, Jude,” she whispered desperately.
He prayed he knew what he was doing and lifted her hand. He laid it on the blanket and put his beside it. He called his claws free, his gaze shifting between the claws and her face. He watched her eyes widen, so big for her face and filled with a fear he’d never seen there.
“I want to show you some photos,” he wrapped the blankets around her and slipped from the bed, going to his case and bringing the laptop out. It took a few minutes to power up and load, then he opened the file on the secure server for Luna. He watched as he cycled through the slide show, pictures of her mother, her grandmother and her. Pictures of the uniquely colored cougar with champagne and gold colored fur, black tips on her ears and paws and muzzle. The end of her tail curled slightly and was tipped in black and gold.
Lydia lifted her hand from beneath the blankets, fingers shaking slightly as she touched the screen. She didn’t want to be afraid. It was a proud, powerful looking animal. With a pack of these, you could easily sneak into the facilities and free people.
“Why don’t they use this…we could sneak in and…”
“We have laws, too, Lydia,” he didn’t know why it surprised him that thoughts of herself were immediately shoved aside. Instead, she was thinking about how to use her animal to free others who’d been used as she was. “If we disobey them, we’re no better than they are.”
“Will you show me?” She swallowed hard, her chest rising and falling rapidly.