Wild Honey

You gave me a jar of wild honey

I gave you my love

My love is so much

like honey collected from the forests

Several springs lie dissolved in it.

Each night the

weight of your body

wearies my arms.

But you lie against another

woman’s body in a town

far away from my home

How long is it

since you and I began

to run round the rim

of a circle seeking

out one another?

I cannot guess


I do not even know

if I am pursuing you

or if you are pursuing me.

The thought that

morning is leagues away

makes me lie

each night sleepless.

Was it in another

life perhaps remote that

I heard for the first time

your soft voice, your

gentle words?

Why do you stand

silent outside my door?

Your silence thumps against

the walls of my heart.

Who built a shrine

at my feet?

Prayer bells trill in my ears.

I am a river that flows

on, unaware of its

limitations. On an

evening after the sun had

set you visited me.

It was then that it flowed

as if in spate.

Who can now stem its flow?

At which fated hour

did my arid life

turn into a plaything

meant only for you?

You were a scholar.

You roamed around

scattering shreds of moonlight.

Today you are wise.

You burn like the Sun.

But I tremble fearing

that one day you might

discover the transience of

our love. Am I

to get scorched by the sun?

We had as

weapons only our religions.

We had to abandon

them on the floor

before we could embrace

each other.

Why do you

stand before me with

the troubled face of a

convict? Why do you

tremble in fear before

the one who loves you?

I admitted you into

the interiors of my

home only because you

were an innocent.

Are you forever

seeking in me the lost treasures

of youth? Oh pilgrim

late in arriving, your

only duty is to give

me my last drink of water.

Your finger tips

are blunted for you chew

your nails. With blunted

fingertips you strum my

heart strings, you liberate

strange melodies. This is to

be our honeymoon. We

joined the suicide squad

ready for self-sacrifice

And if love is not

a sacrifice what then

is its meaning?