Yes, you MAY read this, Mrs. Dunphrey.
Today I’m going to write about Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is just a week away. It’s wonderful because we get out of school for two days. Hurrah! (No offense, Mrs. Dunphrey. I’m sure we’ll all miss your class.) And everybody gets to eat like pigs. At my house, we’ll get up early and watch the parades on TV. I like the one from New York, the Macy’s parade, but my mom always likes to watch the one in Hawaii. She wants to go to Hawaii someday.
The whole time we’re watching the parades, the house fills up with really great smells, of turkey roasting and pumpkin pies baking, and sweet potatoes cooking … I’m making myself hungry just thinking about it. When it finally is time to eat, we all go around the table saying what we’re thankful for this year. Then we dig in and eat, and don’t get up until we are full to bursting.