
OVER OUR MORE THAN forty years as sex therapists and educators, we’ve come to realize that many assumptions about women and sex simply are not spot-on. And what’s worse, they do not work well for a lasting, mutually enjoyable sex life in marriage.

There are plenty of ways to end up with these beliefs and practices, which do more harm than good. Personal history, culture, experience, and confusion regarding Scripture—all of these influences can lead to false assumptions about women and sex. While many of these ideas do contain a germ of truth, we’ve learned that often they are applied incorrectly.

Throughout this book, we’ll share our observations and findings about women and sex. What we’ve learned and taught has made a positive difference in the sexual relationships between many husbands and wives. These findings have evolved over the years from the stories of thousands of individuals and couples who have come to us with disappointments or frustrations and have found relief and mutual fulfillment. It’s our hope that you, too, can find that fulfillment.

Just as our goal in writing The Married Guy’s Guide to Great Sex was to help men understand, accept, and fulfill their roles for sex in marriage, Enjoy! is meant to help women discover total acceptance and expression of their God-given sexuality as wives. We’ll share how you, as a woman, can learn to embrace your sexual role in marriage and find more enjoyment with your husband.

In The Married Guy’s Guide to Great Sex, we dispelled myths about men and sex, and shared how the husband is to love his wife as Christ loves us—unconditionally.

In Enjoy!, we’ll clear up false assumptions about women and sex and empower you to embrace your unique sexuality and share all of who you are with your husband.

After you read this book, we encourage you and your husband to read it out loud together. As you read, stop to explain what describes you and what does not fit for you.

We trust there will be many deeply rewarding moments as you discover who you are as a sexual person and as you pursue full acceptance and expression of your God-given sexuality in your marriage.