Events Around the World

Dates and events in bold font are those occurring in or affecting Uzbekistan. Dates and events in italics are those elsewhere. I hope this gives an indication of what was happening in the world at the same time as that happening in Uzbekistan.

1127 — The construction of the Kalyan Minaret originally completed in Bukhara

1162 — Temujin (Genghis Khan) born

1170 — Thomas Becket murdered

1215 — King John signs the Magna Carta at Runnymeade

1219-1222 — Genghis Khan conquers Khwarezmid Empire which includes Bukhara and Samarkand

1221 — Venice signs trade treaty with Mongol Empire

1227 — Genghis Khan dies

1237-1240 — Mongols conquer Russia

1260-1295 — Travels of Marco Polo through Central Asia to China

1272-1307 — Reign of King Edward I of England

1305 — Sir William Wallace hanged, drawn and quartered after raising an army against the English King

1306 — Robert the Bruce crowned King of Scotland at Scone

1307-1327 — Reign of King Edward II of England

1314 — Robert the Bruce defeats English Army at the Battle of Bannockburn

1327-1377 — Reign of King Edward III of England

1336 — Temur (Tamerlane) born in Shakhrasabz

1337-1453 — Hundred Years War between England and France

1348 — Black Death reaches Britain

1377-1399 — Reign of King Richard II of England

1386-1388 — Three Year Campaign. Temur fighting in Persia and the Caucasus

1387 — Geoffrey Chaucer writes the Canterbury Tales

1391-1392 — Temur’s campaign against Tokhtamish of the Golden Horde

1394 — Ulug Beg, Temur’s grandson born

1398-1399 — Temur’s Indian Campaign

1399 — Construction begins on the Bibi-Khanum Mosque in Samarkand

1399-1413 — Reign of King Henry IV of England

1405 — Temur (Tamerlane) dies

1413-1422 — Reign of King Henry V of England

1420 — Construction on the Ulug Beg Madrassah originally completed in Registan Square, Samarkand

1424 — Construction of the Ulug Beg Observatory originally completed in Samarkand

1431 — Joan of Arc captured and burned at the stake

1455 — Wars of the Roses begin

1492 — Christopher Columbus discovers America

1526 — Babur wins the Battle of Panipat, just north of Delhi, India

1526-1530 — Babur crowned first Mughal Emperor in Delhi, India

1514 — The construction of the Kalyan Mosque originally completed in Bukhara

1600 — British East India Company established

1636 — The construction of the Shir-Dor Madrassah originally completed in Registan Square, Samarkand

1660 — The construction of the Tillya Kari Madrassah originally completed in Registan Square, Samarkand

1717 — Emperor Peter the Great sends armed expedition under leadership of Prince Alexander Bekovich to help Khan of Khiva

1757 — British are victorious at the Battle of Plessey in India

1773 — Warren Hastings appointed first Governor-General of India

1773 — Boston Tea Party heightens tensions in North American colonies

1775 — American War of Independence begins

1787 — First fleet of ships carrying convicts sets sail for Australia

1789 — French Revolution begins with the storming of the Bastille

1789 — The construction of the Djuma Mosque originally completed in Khiva

1789 — George Washington proclaimed first President of United States

1805 — Admiral Nelson defeats French fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar

1807 — Britain abolishes the slave trade

1809 — Tashkent annexed to Khanate of Kokand

1815 — Wellington defeats Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo

1825 — William Moorcroft (explorer) arrives in Bukhara

1831 — Alexander Burnes charts the River Indus and then reaches Khiva and Bukhara

1835-1854 — Great Trek by Voortrekkers in South Africa

1837-1905 — Reign of Queen Victoria

1837 — Colonel Charles Stoddart arrives in Bukhara in an attempt to build a political alliance between Britain and Bukhara

1839 — First Anglo-Afghan War

1839 — Russia fails in its attempt to establish a foothold in Central Asia with reverse at Khiva

1839 — Captain James Abbott sent by British from Kabul to meet with Khan of Khiva

1840 — First Opium War between Britain and China

1841 — Captain Arthur Connolly arrives in Bukhara to negotiate release of Colonel Stoddart

1842 — Stoddart and Connolly executed at Registan Square, Bukhara

1848 — Californian Gold Rush

1851 — The construction of the Muhammed Amin Khan Madrassah originally completed in Khiva

1853-1856 — Crimean War

1857 — Indian Mutiny

1861-1865 — American Civil War

1868 — Samarkand absorbed into the Russian Empire

1869 — Suez Canal opens

1873 — Gold discovered at Pilgrim’s Rest, South Africa

1876 — Battle of Little Big Horn

1878 — Second Anglo-Afghan War

1879 — British Army annihilated by Zulus at Isandlwana, South Africa

1879 — British Army in heroic defence at Rorkes Drift, South Africa

1899-1902 — Boer War in South Africa

1901 — Queen Victoria dies succeeded by Edward VII

1908 — Russian archaeologist discovers underground section of the Ulug Beg Observatory

1911 — The construction of the Sitorai Makhi Khosa originally completed by the Russians in Bukhara

1912 — Republic of China established

1912 — African National Congress founded

1912 — Sinking of the Titanic

1914-1918 — First World War

1917 — Russian Revolution ends Russian Empire

1920 — Russia takes control of Bukhara with the Emir fleeing to Afghanistan

1924 — Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic formed

1930 — Tashkent replaces Samarkand as capital of Uzbek SSR

1930 — Mohendas (Mahatma) Gandhi leads civil disobedience in British India

1931 — Mao Zedong proclaims Chinese Soviet Republic

1939-1945 — Second World War

1966 — Tashkent devastated by earthquake

1991 — Dissolution of the Soviet Union and Uzbekistan declares independence from the Soviet Union