Chapter 14


A Little Later

He was being followed. By the Embankment, Ned was convinced of it. A tiny woman in a camel coat sliding out of a doorway to trip-trap behind him, but as Ned slowed his pace, considering his options of escape, she lunged past him, almost running, into the open arms of a beaming overweight man in a pin-striped suit.

He’d relaxed then. Stopping to watch the fat man lift his companion, swinging her round, the coat flying out behind her, one heel falling to the ground. The camel-coat woman picked up the shoe, leaning on the fat man to slip it on to her foot before tucking her hand into the crook of his arm. Together they walked to the river’s edge. Whistling, Ned climbed the concrete steps. As his reward, he would find a Domino’s and order a hot chilli beef pizza with mushrooms and smuggle it through hotel reception to eat while he watched the news. He’d ask them to leave it uncut, because he preferred to cut it himself.

Nine identical slices. Otherwise he couldn’t eat it. Yes – the trip down had been hard, but he’d done what he set out to do. Asked Honor Jones MP for help. Told her what was going on. Given her the memory key. She didn’t believe him at first, but that was all right. He didn’t expect her to. He got upset, but he calmed himself the way he’d been taught. When he told her about Peggy, she left straight away to take action. He made the right decision talking to her. After he had eaten the ninth and final slice of pizza, he’d ring Jess. Tell her all about it.

He was still thinking about Jess when the man barged into him knocking him against the stone wall of Westminster Bridge. Still thinking of her smile as the world turned upside down and he was falling. Still thinking about her till he stopped thinking at all.