


“DARLING, HAVE YOU SEEN my car keys?” Clara called to Frank. “I want to take a trip down to the market for some fresh fish for dinner,” she said. A soft beeping came from the table by the front door.

“Thank you, Frank. I keep forgetting you put that locator fob on them.”

“For a woman who can find a missing child with only their picture, you sure do have trouble with your keys,” Frank said, walking up behind her and burying his nose in her hair at the nape of her neck.

Sighing, she turned her head to expose more of her neck, and he nuzzled hungrily. “Are you sure you need to go anywhere?” he asked provocatively.

“Frank, I swear, since I’ve been healed, you are insatiable,” she laughed. “I’ll be back in half an hour, and there’ll be time for that before dinner.” Then she froze, going rigid.

“What is it?” Frank blurted, concern painting a portrait of fear across his ruggedly-handsome features.

“Yes, I can hear you, Priscilla,” she said to thin air.

Frank moved around in front of Clara, looking deeply into her eyes. He was thinking; stroke, Transient Ischemic Aneurism, possession? But Clara’s eyes were clear, and she patted his arm reassuringly.

“Yes dear, I’ll make sure he knows. Thank you,” she said. It sounded like listening to one end of a telephone conversation. Clara relaxed, and Frank moved her to the sofa a few feet away.

“What was that?” he asked, near panic on his face.

“That was a parting gift from Raquel,” she replied. “Apparently, I can now have telepathic conversations with certain people who have been vessels for angels.”

“So, that was actually Priscilla?” Frank said, amazed.

“Yes, and she wanted me to let you know, she’s on a hunt in western Pennsylvania with Marston and Kristine. They’re closing in on two demons who apparently came through the portal and succeeded in finding hosts,” Clara explained. “They caught a third, and Kristine used a power phrase to command it to reveal all it knew.”

Looking frightened, she rose, turning to stare into her husband’s eyes. “It told them there were over a hundred who achieved permanent status here, and they’re spreading out. They haven’t forgotten their mission, and they’re trying to start movements with any groups willing to participate. A neo-Nazi group in Pittsburg is suspected of having several members who have demonic riders. Hamilton tracks them from his side of the veil, and when he comes to visit,” she stopped, blushing.

“What?” Frank asked, exasperated.

“They’re so young, Frank,” she said, smiling. “We’re you ever desperately in love at fourteen?”

“Yeah, I remember my first crush at fourteen, but it was nothing like what I saw in those two. But why was she contacting you?” Frank asked warily. “Was she just reaching out to let us know she was doing well?”

“Oh, no dear, nothing as simple as that,” Clara shook her head. “She reached out because, my love, I have to help her find the ones that are heading for Oklahoma.”

FINI (?)