Many books written on money, wealth, and power are timeless. This is not one of them.
There are limited spots in the New Rich Boat, and if you don’t grab your seat now, you’ll miss out. When you look at history, the wealthiest people took advantage of big-time knowledge before “the broke masses” caught up.
Henry Kravis of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR) created the leveraged buyout (LBO) industry in 1976, using a company’s own cash flow strengths to saddle it with debt, and take it over. In 1980, everyone started doing LBOs, making rich deals harder to find.
Billions of dollars of wealth were created when Bitcoin spiked to $19,205.11 in late spring of 2017. Those who had knowledge of the power of Bitcoin a year prior bought at under $3,000. Early mover’s advantage.
Usually when the masses catch on to any idea, the strategies don’t work anymore.
The top 1 percent are smart. When they climb the ladder of success, they want to hoard, which means they must destroy the ladder so others can’t climb.
They invent “rules” and work very hard to sell these rules to you so that you get stuck working for them.
Focus on one thing!
Copying is bad!
Make sure you set goals!
Ask customers what they want and give it to them!
Over the past 200+ pages, I’ve showed you how I challenged these rules mentally, and then broke them spectacularly to create immediate wealth for myself.
At the beginning of this book I told you that you’d learn:
How to unlock your hidden money by decreasing expenses
The easy way to live like a king without owning a thing
How to invest in real estate without any time, money, or knowledge
Clever ways to buy entire companies without spending your own money
How to turn $1 into $3 with unconventional investing ideas
How to get rich copying your competitors
Three levers you can pull to multiply your business
How to sell a business whenever you want
I then showed you (screenshots and all!):
How I got a $300K white Rolls-Royce Ghost for free
The words I used to get my first real estate deal, which makes me $1,700/month in passive income
How I used a liability to my advantage to take over a company (and have them pay me $15K to do it!)
How I wrote a $6K check to a food truck owner and got back my money fast, plus a royalty stream for life
Weird places online I look to find ways to copy competitors, steal their market share
How I get current customers to pay me more, without extra work hunting down new customers
Five words I used to sell my business: “Is that your best offer?”
Congratulations on investing in yourself and making the time to read this book. You’re now part of a very unique group. The next step is to execute before everyone else catches on. I gave you the keys to the New Rich vault. Now you open the door.
I did.
Google search right now: “Nathan Latka Raises $1 Billion for More Software Buyouts” and you’ll see what I mean.